where are you going, where have you been how does connie change during the course of the story?

by Miss Augustine Barton 7 min read

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been,” is about a teenager named Connie who is trying to come to terms with her transformation from childhood to adulthood. Through this process, Connie attempts to act older than she is an tries to gain the attention of boys.

Is Connie in where are you going,where have you been?

The protagonist of the story, Connie is a pretty fifteen-year-old girl who loves spending time with her friends and flirting with boys. Connie takes great pleasure in her appearance, so much so that her mother often scolds her for being vain. Nonetheless, Connie’s long blonde hair and general good looks make her supremely confident, and she enjoys the power she holds over boys her …

What does Connie first see in friend?

Summary. Analysis. Connie is a pretty fifteen-year-old girl with a “nervous, giggling habit of craning her neck to glance into mirrors,” as well as a tendency to “check other people’s faces to make sure her own was all right.”. Her mother, who “noticed everything and knew everything,” is irritated by Connie’s vanity and often ...

Why is Connie allowed to go out when her sister does?

In this essay, I argue that the main theme of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” is internal conflict. The main character, Connie, struggles with multiple internal conflicts throughout the short story. Some of these internal conflicts include a search for independence, internal judgment, and fantasy versus reality.

What is the theme of where are you going,where have you been?

Nov 15, 2016 · The Two Sides of Connie Short Story Review. The story ‘ Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?’ is about the fifteen year old Connie who is a girl struggling with her sexuality. The girl tries to be an adult and attractive, but at the same time, she hides her sexual side from her family.

How does Connie change in Where Are You Going Where have you been?

She behaves one way in her home and an entirely different way when she is elsewhere. Her personality is split, and when she is at home, her sexuality goes into hiding. However, Arnold Friend's arrival at her house forces her two sides to merge violently.

Was Connie dreaming in Where Are You Going Where have you been?

In Joyce Carol Oates's “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” the reader can conclude that this story is Connie's realistic dream. Connie's familiar reaction to Arnold Friend and her “home” are evidence that this encounter is a dream.

How does Connie define her identity?

How does Connie define her identity? The role of identity is prominent throughout this story as Connie, like most teenagers, tries to define herself by testing parental and societal boundaries.

Where Are You Going Where have you been Connie two sides?

This quotation appears near the beginning of the story and explains the two-sidedness of Connie. At home, Connie appears childish, but away from home, she strives to appear sexy, mature, and seductive. For the most part, her two sides seem to exist in harmony.

Why did Connie go with Arnold Friend?

Due to her insecurity and low self-esteem, Connie is just gullible enough to believe that it really is “all over for [her] here.” She is willing to go with Arnold Friend not because she actually wants to, but because she thinks he is right; Connie has nothing keeping her, not her friends, her family, or any of the ...

What happens to Connie at the end of the story?

Connie is compelled to leave with him and do what he demands of her. The story ends as Connie leaves her front porch; her eventual fate is left ambiguous.”Nov 25, 2013

What does Connie want in where are you going?

Connie. The fifteen-year-old protagonist of the story. Connie is in the midst of an adolescent rebellion. She argues with her mother and sister, June, and neglects family life in favor of scoping out boys at the local restaurant.

What is Connie like in Where are you going?

The protagonist of the story, Connie is a pretty fifteen-year-old girl who loves spending time with her friends and flirting with boys. Connie takes great pleasure in her appearance, so much so that her mother often scolds her for being vain.

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been where does Connie first see Arnold Friend?

Connie enjoys going out with friends to the mall and "a drive-in restaurant where the older kids hung out". It is there, while enjoying the company of a boy, that she first sees Arnold Friend, a stranger in a gold convertible covered with cryptic writing.

What do Connie and her friends do when they are dropped off at the shopping plaza?

One night she and her friend are dropped off at the local shopping plaza. They run across the highway to a drive-in where older teens hang out. At the drive-in, Connie is picked up by a boy named Eddie. On the way to his car, Connie exchanges glances with a strange guy, who makes a threatening comment.

What is Connie's habit?

Connie is obsessed with her own beauty, flirts with young men, and spends her time mulling over "trashy daydreams" in her head.

What is written on Arnold friends car?

When Connie asks him what the stuff painted on his car means, Arnold goes through the various sayings and eventually comes to the numbers 33,19, 17. He tells Connie, “Now, these numbers are a secret code, honey” (1007).Apr 20, 2017