#1249 Section 01 [units: 3] Gen Ed Social Science (GS) NOTE: This Web course will be taught on Desire2Learn. Shortly before the start of the class, information will be sent to your UWW email address. Required additional course fee is $150.00 06/15-07/03 Arranged Arranged WEB BASED Christine E Neddenriep PSYCH 202 PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN (GS) ...
list these courses as they appear in the “TO” order because it follows our department advising plan. Insert new Line #1 TO list: Add PSYCH 211. We have been advising our students to take this course for many years because it provides them with fundamental knowledge in psychology and it is a prerequisite for upper level courses in psychology.
Political Science 141 (GS) —3 units Economics 201 (GS) —3 units Intrauniversity 104 New Student Seminar—1 unit PEGeneral 192 Personal Health—1 unit Semester 1—14 units Semester 2—14 units Sophomore Year Economics 202 —3 units Psychology 211 – 3 units
At the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater you’ll find two campuses with plenty of room to learn, grow and thrive. Warhawks enjoy the bragging rights of paying less — our combined tuition, room/board and fees is the lowest of four-year campuses in the UW System. And that tremendous value comes with the full-on college experience: more than 11,000 students, a complete range …
T PSY 316 is the Honors College version of A PSY 316; only one version may be taken for credit.
Topics include biological bases of behavior, personality organization, intelligence, motivation, emotions, learning, and social relations.
This course is intended for students who have more than average interest in psychology and who are considering becoming psychology majors. Only one of A PSY 101 or 102 or T PSY 102 may be taken for credit. A PSY 102 must be completed with a C- or better for the major in Psychology. May not be offered in 2019-2020.
An overview of contemporary psychology which introduces the student to the following areas: human development, sensation perception, motivation, learning, emotion, psychological measurement, biological basis of behavior, experimental psychology, intelligence, abnormal behavior, and personality.
Advanced psychology students participate in the tutoring and proctoring of students who can benefit from special assistance in a particular area of psychology, especially in research methods. It is assumed that tutors and proctors have an especially good command of the subject matter. Fall and Spring.
Cultural Psychology studies how cultural systems and mind mutually and dynamically influence each other. Cultural influences on cognition, perception, emotion, motivation, moral reasoning, and the constitution of well-being/psychopathology will be discussed with a view towards understanding divergent mentalities.
General Psychology ( PSYC 101 ), Statistics for Psychology ( PSYC 202) and Scientific Principles of Psychology ( PSYC 206) are prerequisites for most upper division courses. These courses provide students with an initial understanding and appreciation of the scientific method in psychology. General Psychology, Statistics, ...
Courses listed below, separated by subject, are active as of the Fall 2021 term. Courses can be updated three times per year, to coincide with the priority enrollment time period for upcoming terms.
Honors Only Courses (H): a course reserved for students declared in an Honors program only, taught by a faculty member who is an expert in the subject-matter of the course. It is designed to challenge students to actively participate; hence, the course content is often shaped by student questions and interests.
Humanities: employing analytical, critical, and interpretive methods, “Arts & Humanities” courses teach a wide array of skills necessary to understand and analyze past, present, and future of the world around us.
Accelerated Honors courses receive honors credit automatically in recognition of the amount and rigor of material covered in the course, often designed to combine two semesters of material into one semester. The enrollment system will automatically assign honors.
The UMW Psychology and NECC Collaboration. UMW students may enroll in a semester long program in Boston at The New England Center for Children working with children with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities.
Students must have completed 12 hours in Psychology, and either PSYC 253 Fundamentals of Learning and Motivation or PSYC 320 Psychology of Exceptional Children and Youth, to be eligible for this program.
The study of psychology emphasizes critical thinking and the development of writing, oral communication, and research skills. Students are exposed to the variety of subject areas that define the field of psychology and are given the opportunity for hands-on, empirical work.
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree program provides students with a sound introduction to psychology as a scientific discipline, including both traditional areas and more recent trends and theoretical developments. Psychology majors receive extensive training in methodology and statistics. The study of psychology emphasizes critical thinking and the development of writing, oral communication, and research skills.
In addition to admission to the university, the School of Nursing has specific admission criteria and application processes that must be met. Please schedule an appointment today to start that process.
The Associate Degree in Nursing and Associate of Applied Science in Nursing are offered in Campbellsville and Harrodsburg.
The Associate Degree in Nursing and Associate of Applied Science in Nursing requires 72 credit hours.
Campbellsville University School of Nursing Associate Degree Nursing Program (Campbellsville Location) has been granted Approved Status by the Kentucky Board of Nursing.