when should you take defensive driving course

by Monserrate Gislason 5 min read

You can take the defensive driving course every 18 months; this will reduce up to 4 points on your driving record. You may also take a course once every 3 years (36 months) to maintain your lower insurance rate.

Full Answer

Should I take a defensive driving course?

No matter what type of course you take, defensive driving is a great way to brush up on your skills behind the wheel. For detailed state-specific information, visit our section on defensive driving and traffic school.

What are 10 key defensive driving techniques you need to know?

10 Key Defensive Driving Techniques You Need To Know. 1 1. Always Be Prepared. 2 2. Stay Focused on Your Driving and the Road. 3 3. Always Keep an Eye on Your Surroundings and Scan Far Ahead. 4 4. Always Try to Predict a Possible Risk. 5 5. Stay Safely Distant From the Vehicles Around You. More items

Does a defensive driving course remove points from your record?

It completely depends on your state and your court. Generally, the answer is no. A defensive driving course will TYPICALLY offset points from your public driving record, in the form of a reduction or a credit (again, this is highly state- and court-dependent), rather than remove the violation from your record completely.

Is defensive driving course good?

The short answer is yes, defensive driving courses are worth the money. Defensive driving courses give drivers a new perspective on viewing the road. They help drivers identify dangerous situations before they unfold. Defensive drivers can determine and mitigate risky behavior from other drivers.

How often can I take defensive driving in NY?

once every 36 monthsYou may take the course once every 36 months to keep your insurance reduction benefits.

Does defensive driving reduce ticket cost Texas?

Potentially Saves Money: Speeding tickets in Texas can cost a person around $150. If you take defensive driving for a speeding ticket, the court fees will cost you around $100 and defensive driving will cost around $25, saving you around $25.

How many points does a defensive driving course take off in NY?

four pointsUpon completion of our New York DMV-approved defensive driving course, the DMV will reduce your active driving record point total by up to four points. We submit your certificate of completion to the NYS DMV and they take care of reducing the points.

How long is a defensive driving course good for in NY?

3 yearsEvery 3 years you must complete this state-approved defensive driving course to keep your mandatory car insurance discount through New York's Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program. If you do not renew, your auto insurance rate will automatically increase.

How much is NY defensive driving course?

The best cheap defensive driving course is offered by New York Safety Program for $23.95. The cost of the listed providers below range from $23.95 to $49.95. There are eight providers that offer defensive driving courses for under $30....Best cheap defensive driving courses in New York.ProviderCostEmpire Safety Council$44.95I Drive Safely$48.9510 more rows•Nov 16, 2021

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record in Texas?

three yearsIn Texas, a traffic ticket stays on your driver's record for three years after your conviction. Along with a record of the violation, the points associated with the ticket also remain for three years.

Will I have to pay my speeding citation if I take defensive driving in Texas?

Yes - you must pay for the cost of the ticket as well as the defensive driving course. This can actually prevent your insurance rates from going up.

Can I just pay my ticket and not go to court Texas?

If you do not want to appear in court, you have the option of paying your fine by mail or by paying in person at the Justice Court as directed on your citation or summons.

Will 4 points affect my insurance NY?

Point reduction on your driving record does not affect points assigned by your insurance company for violations and accidents.

How much does 2 points affect insurance in NY?

roughly 20% to 100%Two points will increase a driver's insurance costs by roughly 20% to 100%, depending on the state, insurance company and type of violation. Two points are assigned for relatively minor traffic violations, like driving at night with no headlights or making an illegal U-turn.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record?

three to five yearsHow long does a speeding ticket affect your driving record? A speeding ticket usually stays on your record for three to five years. Most states have a penalty system that assigns demerits to drivers for traffic violations. Every state differs in the amount of points assigned for each violation.

Driving school basics

Defensive driving courses across the country contain similar information, with the fine details regulated by each state. In most states, these courses are provided by private schools that are then accredited by a state transportation agency.

What you pay and how it works

Courses vary in cost by state, with the maximum cost often capped by state agencies. In Georgia, for example, the cost of defensive driver education may be up to $75 at the discretion of the course provider.

Benefits upon completion

You'll expect to see several potential benefits to completing a defensive driving course. In New Jersey, for example, drivers may have two demerit points removed from their license if they successfully complete a state-approved course.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

Several states offer eligible drivers the opportunity to take an online defensive driving course to keep the ticket and/or points off your driving record.

Select Your State

DriveSafe Online offers a customized defensive driving course for each state and the District of Columbia. Learn about state-specific traffic laws and regulations, as well as helpful driving tips and techniques to keep you safe anywhere you drive. However, it’s important to take the appropriate course to satisfy court or DMV requirements.

How to take defensive driving classes?

Defensive driving courses can typically be taken either online or in a classroom. The acceptable format (s) varies by state. You can find defensive driving courses in two ways: Do an online search for approved courses in your state. Call your traffic court or driver licensing agency for requirements and approved courses.

What is defensive driving?

It is also a safe driving technique that all drivers should use. Driving defensively includes: Looking ahead and expecting the unexpected. Controlling your speed.

Can you start and stop a course?

You can usually start and stop the course at your leisure. You can typically pace the course to match your learning style. You can replay a section if you don't understand what was covered. You can adjust visual and audio settings to your needs.

Do you need a copy of your driving record?

Some states also require a copy of your driving record, so make sure you know all the steps and how to execute them .

So Will I Be Paying for the Ticket AND Defensive Driving?

You will be giving some money to the court, but it’s not technically for a ticket.

How Do I Get Permission to Take Defensive Driving?

The instructions for contacting your specific court will be printed on your ticket. The citation will also reflect a date by which you must contact the court. Be very sure not to miss that date! If you do, your choices about what to do about the ticket will be made for you, and there may be a warrant involved.

Which is Better: Defensive Driving or Paying the Ticket?

If you’ve received a ticket, you may be wondering the best way to deal with it. Let’s take a look at the decision you will most likely be faced with.

Can My Ticket be Dismissed with Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving is offered for the dismissal of most minor traffic offenses. These offenses include things like minor speeding, illegal lane changes, and following too closely. Tickets that cannot be dismissed with a trip to traffic school include:

Beating Your Defensive Driving Court Date

Once you have received permission to take defensive driving, it’s time to start looking for a course. Even if 90 days feels like a million years away, get on it now. There’s a couple of reasons for this.

How long is a defensive driving course?

You can generally expect to spend anywhere from 6-8 hours in your course, with some being shorter (3 or 4 hours) and some being much longer (10 or 12 hours).

Why do you need defensive driving?

In short, a defensive driving course refreshes your driving knowledge and teaches you to drive defensively, giving you a better foundation to make safe, quick decisions while behind the wheel.

How many sittings do you need to take court courses?

If you take it in person in a classroom-type setting, you may be required to complete the course in one sitting, depending on how long it runs. Online courses can typically be completed in installments at your own pace.

Can you offset points on your driving record?

It completely depends on your state and your court. Generally, the answer is no. A defensive driving course will TYPICALLY offset points from your public driving record, in the form of a reduction or a credit (again, this is highly state- and court-dependent), rather than remove the violation from your record completely.

Can you take defensive driving if you have a CDL?

For most states the answer is no. There are some states that will allow you to take a defensive driving course if you hold a CDL but you were not operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time of your violation. It is best to check with your licensing agency or the agency in which you received a violation.

How often can you take defensive driving classes?

For example, in the state of Texas you’re able to take a defensive driving course as long as you: -Haven’t taken a defensive driving class within the previous 12 months. -Do not have a CDL.

How often can you be dismissed for speeding in Texas?

In Texas there are additional requirements, such as not being cited for over 25 MPH over or infractions occurring in a school zone, but most normal speeding violations are able to be easily dismissed with a certified course such as our own once every 12 months.

How can I become a better driver?

If you want to know how to become a better driver, you’ll want to learn to not just focus on the car that is right in front of you. Instead, you should be aware of your general surroundings and look further ahead for potential hazards. You should also get in the habit of using your mirrors to keep an eye out for potentially dangerous situations occurring behind you.

What happens when you are driving?

When you are driving, you might notice a driver that seems upset at your driving. Perhaps they honked at you or are otherwise driving recklessly. It is important in situations like this that you don’t engage with a road-raging driver at all. This means you should even avoid making eye contact with them.

How far back should you stay from the car in front of you?

This means that, based on your current speed, there should be at least three seconds of driving time between your vehicle and the vehicle that is in front of yours.

How to avoid distraction while driving?

One of the most important defensive driving strategies is to stay focused and avoid becoming distracted. This means you should not use your cell phone or any other type of electronic device while you are driving. To avoid the temptation to do so, put them away.

How to keep a safe distance from vehicles beside you?

To keep a safe distance from vehicles beside you, be sure to drive in the center of your lane. It’s also important to understand where the blind spot of other vehicles might be and to avoid driving there.

When to switch lanes when tailgating?

If you notice that a vehicle is tailgating you, you’ll want to switch lanes when it is safe to get away from their vehicle. If you are in a situation where you are unable to switch lanes, you can lightly on your brake so that they can become aware that you are about to slow down so they can pass.

Can you drive in the blind spot of another vehicle?

You never want to drive in the blind spot of another vehicle. If other people are not practicing defensive driving skills, they might be distracted, forgetful, tired, or lazy and not check their blind spot before they make a lane change.

Casey Carter Doyle

Yes, you can take a defensive driver course before your court appearance. However, there is no guarantee that doing so will result in a reduction or dismissal, especially if you have prior offenses.

James Lawrence Yeargan Jr

Usually it helps if you have taken the course prior to your court date.

Robert Paul Phillips III

Best bet to get representation to fight it, and if you need to afterwards, then that would be the time

Christian K. Lassen II

You can take such a course whenever you want. However, if you're only thinking of doing that because you think it'll help you with your ticket, then you should wait until the dissipation of your citation. You don't want to pay for a course and then have the court order you to another one, resulting in...
