how long does the padi open water online course take

by Miss Elza Nader IV 7 min read

approximately 12-15 hours

How to get PADI certified?

What You’ll Have to do to Get Scuba Certified?

  • Coursework. You’ll also have to complete coursework, including reading, watching videos and taking tests. ...
  • Scuba Diver Skills. Next, you’ll complete the skills needed to get your PADI scuba diver certification in a closed environment like a pool.
  • Open Water Diving Skills. Next, you’ll complete four dives to get your PADI open water diver certification. ...

What are the Padi certification levels?


  • The PADI flowchart. This flow chart shows all of the available levels of PADI certification… there's sooooo many! ...
  • Recreational levels of PADI certification. Where to start? Aaaah yes… right at the beginning! ...
  • Pro levels of PADI certification. YAY, you're considering making your passion into your job. Let me tell you, you won't look back. ...

How much is PADI eLearning?

The below prices are only for the PADI eLearning cost. The on-site portion will, of course, be extra and dependant on the dive shop. Open Water is $190. Advanced Open Water is $178. Enriched Air is $180. IDC is $402. Dive Theory is $140. Digital Underwater Photographer is $183. Scuba Tune-up is $65. Rescue Diver is $184. Divemaster is $251.

What are the various Padi certifications?

What Are The Various PADI Certifications. Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) is the most comprehensive dive curriculum in the world. It’s based on progressive training that introduces local environmental knowledge and safety-related information. PADI courses incorporate modern teaching guidelines and multi-media enhanced ...

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How long does the PADI Open Water eLearning course take?

approximately 12 to 15 hoursThe PADI Open Water Diver eLearning should take approximately 12 to 15 hours to complete.

How long does it take to complete PADI Open Water?

4 daysThe PADI Open Water Diver course takes 4 days to complete, it consists of 2 half days and 2 full days of classroom and diving (theory and practical).

How long does it take to get PADI?

What to Expect in a PADI Course. There are a few things to expect in getting PADI Open Water Diver Certified: It Takes Time: While you can't get certified in a day, it's entirely possible to complete the course in three to four days.

How long is PADI certification?

Your PADI certification never expires; but if you haven't been diving in a while, it's better to be over-prepared than risk a problem because you forget something important. Dive shops also appreciate seeing a recent ReActivated date on your certification card.

How long does an open water course take?

PADI Open Water You can typically gain your Open Water qualification in three to four days. This course involves elements of theoretical study, practice dives in a pool or pool-like environment, and four dives in open water.

How fast can you get scuba certified?

It's possible to complete your confined and open water dives in three or four days by completing the knowledge development portion via PADI eLearning, or other home study options offered by your local dive shop or resort.

What are the 4 open water dives?

There are four components to the PADI Open Water Diver course: theory, confined water work, waterskills asessement, and open water dives.

Can I scuba dive without certification?

It is not illegal to dive without certification, but no reputable dive center or club would allow someone to dive with them without first being certified to scuba dive. Can I be Scuba diving without certification? It's not that diving is difficult, it just requires a specific set of skills.

Is it worth it to get scuba certified?

While you can go out and scuba dive without certification, it can be a death sentence. Most people who are certified will tell you not to go out without at least some knowledge of how to dive properly, how to resurface, how to communicate, etc.

Can I dive without my PADI card?

Do I Need My PADI Card To Dive? Technically, you do not need your physical card to scuba dive. Dive centers will need to verify and check that you are a certified diver, but most dive centers can do this online within the PADI system.

Does PADI eLearning expire?

PADI eLearning programs are valid for 12 months from the time you first log on. Prior to the end of this 12-month period, you're reminded via email at 90 days and again at 60 days before the expiration date.

Is scuba certification hard?

Is it hard to learn to scuba dive? As active recreational pastimes go, scuba diving is one of the easiest to learn. While you're gliding around enjoying the underwater sights, you're engaged in only three basic skills: floating, kicking and breathing.

How many parts are required to become a dive shop?

Choosing a Dive Shop. There are three parts to certification: knowledge development, skill practice, and open water dives. You can complete all three parts locally, on holiday, or split between the two. Choose a dive shop close to home to: Support your local diving community.

What are the medical requirements for scuba diving?

More Info. Medical Requirements. Scuba diving requires a minimum level of health and fitness. Chronic health conditions, certain medications and/or recent surgery may require you to get written approval from a physician before diving.

Can you do eLearning while on vacation?

Have the time to complete your course while on vacation. If you're not ready to try diving locally, but want to support your local dive shop, you can complete eLearning and portions of the course close to home, then complete the rest of the course while travelling.

Does a PADI certification expire?

Your PADI certification never expires, but after a long period of inactivity, you may want to brush up on diving fundamentals and safety procedures. Contact your PADI Dive Center or Resort for more information.

Do you need a mask to dive?

Most dive shops require students to provide their own mask, fins and snorkel. If you already own a mask, snorkel and/or fins, bring them to your instructor before your first inwater session. Some snorkeling masks and fins are inadequate for scuba diving.

How to start scuba training?

Start your scuba training digitally whenever, wherever it’s convenient for you. PADI eLearning is the easiest way to fit scuba lessons into your busy schedule. Work at your own pace, online or offline, using your computer or mobile device. Schedule in-water training whenever you’re ready.

What is a dry suit diver?

Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often. This suit seals you off from the water and keeps you comfortable, even in surprisingly cold water.

Do I need a PADI app?

For the ideal experience, devices should be no more than 3 models old and updated with the most current OS. You don’t need the PADI Training app to access your online material, only offline.

Can you use the PADI app without internet?

If you plan to be somewhere without internet access, use the PADI Training app to download course content in advance. Use the app to study offline, and when your internet connection is restored, upload your progress. The PADI Training app is available for Android and iOS.

Can you change your PADI dive center?

If you lose access, don’t worry, you can still complete your training. Contact a PADI Shop to discuss your options. Once registered, you can’t change the PADI Dive Center or Resort associated with your online program; however, you may complete your training with any PADI Dive Center, Resort or Instructor worldwide.

How many yards do you need to swim in PADI?

Your PADI Instructor will assess this by having you: Swim 200 metres/yards (or 300 metres/yards in mask, fins and snorkel). There is no time limit for this, and you may use any swimming strokes you want.

How old do you have to be to become a PADI diver?

The minimum age is 10 years old (in most areas). Student divers who are younger than 15 earn the PADI Junior Open Water Diver certification, which they may upgrade to PADI Open Water Diver certification upon reaching 15. Children under the age of 13 require parent or guardian permission to register for PADI eLearning.

What are the phases of scuba certification?

Scuba certification includes three phases: 1. Knowledge Development. During the first phase of your scuba lessons, you'll learn the basic principles of scuba diving such as. What to consider when planning dives. How to choose the right scuba gear for you. Underwater signals and other diving procedures.

What are the problems that divers face?

Sunburn, seasickness and dehydration, all of which are preventable, are the most common problems divers face. Injuries caused by marine life, such as scrapes and stings, do occur, but these can be avoided by wearing an exposure suit, staying off the bottom and watching where you put your hands and feet.

How long can you swim without stopping?

Swim 200 metres/yards (or 300 metres/yards in mask, fins and snorkel) without stopping. There is no time limit for this, and you may use any swimming strokes you want. Float and tread water for 10 minutes, again using any methods you want.

Where do you learn scuba?

You'll develop basic scuba skills in a pool or in confined water – a body of water with pool-like conditions, such as off a calm beach. The basic scuba skills you learn during your certification course will help you become familiar with your scuba gear and become an underwater explorer.

Is it expensive to scuba dive?

Compared with other popular adventure sports and outdoor activities, learning to scuba dive isn’t expensive. For example, you can expect to pay about the same as you would for: a full day of surfing lessons. a weekend of rock climbing lessons. a weekend of kayaking lessons. a weekend of fly-fishing lessons.

How long is a PADI eLearning program good for?

PADI eLearning programs are valid for 12 months from the time you first log on. Prior to the end of this 12-month period, you’re reminded via email at 90 days and again at 60 days before the expiration date. If you let your PADI eLearning program expire, please contact your affiliated PADI Dive Center or Resort to discuss options for completing your training.

What is PADI Instructor Development?

PADI Instructor Development is the independent study portion of the Instructor Development Course (IDC). The nine online sections provide foundational information that better prepares the candidate to focus on learning to become a dive educator and teach the PADI System of diver education.

What is elearning in diving?

Electronic learning (eLearning) is the delivery of education, using your mobile device or web browser. PADI eLearning allows you to begin your dive education at your convenience, using your desktop, laptop or mobile device, and finish your training in the water with a PADI Professional. With PADI eLearning, you complete ...

Is PADI eLearning compatible with Internet Explorer?

The PADI eLearning system is not compatible with the 64-bit version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. If you are using the 64-bit version (versus the 32-bit version) of Explorer, please update your browser or download an alternate browser – recommended browsers are Chrome Internet Explorer, Safari (for Mac), or Firefox.

Can you change your PADI dive center?

Once registered, you can’t change the PADI Dive Center or Resort associated with your online program. However, the eRecord you receive when you complete your online study is accepted by any PADI Dive Center, Resort or Instructor worldwide.
