when i say thank you to my man he says of course

by Elissa Labadie 3 min read

Saying "of course" after someone says thank you, is like saying "no problem" or "don't mention it." It can be used as sort of an informal "you're welcome" Saying "of course" after someone says thank you, is like saying "no problem" or "don't mention it." It can be used as sort of an informal "you're welcome"

Full Answer

What does it mean when a guy says Thank You?

Good luck to you. What does it mean if a guy says "thank you" after I confessed that I liked him more than a friend? It means he is honored by the information you have shared. It means he is humbled by your truthfulness. It might also mean he is intrigued by your candor and your grace.

What does it mean if your partner says “Thank You” after intercourse?

“What does it mean if your partner says “thank you” after intercourse?” I always say thank you after intercourse. I do this to show my appreciation for the kindness she is showing me. In most cases sex is more important to men than it is to women.

What does “that’s my Man” mean in a text message?

It can mean a couple of different things. For example, if he does something that other people think is odd or weird, and she says “That’s my man,” that means that’s something he does frequently, and she just accepts it about him. Now.

What to say when a guy says he really loves you?

Sure, you wish that he would just say that he loved you already, but the thing is that he needs to save that for when it's been at least a little bit of time and when he's pretty sure that you're going to say it right back. So when you hear the "really" just be super glad and grateful because your three words won't be too far behind.

What does of course mean when someone says thank you?

You are being extremely gracious and kind. Of course! When you respond with “of course,” you are saying that the help that you gave was to be expected. My pleasure / the pleasure is mine. People say “my pleasure” when they want you to know that it made them feel good to help you…

Is it rude to say of course when someone says thank you?

So when someone says 'of course' instead of 'you're welcome', the feeling is “it's obvious that I would do that because I want to do that'. It's friendly. It's a friendly way to say it. Thank you so much for helping me today.

What do you reply when someone says of course?

"Of course I am welcome, I am more than deserving of your thanks". You should try to make the person feel that you are glad to be doing what you did. You're welcome means "You are welcome to ask me again", or something like that, but make the other person feel good.

How do you say thank you to the man you love?

Everyday Thank You Notes for HimYou are my #1 man, and I crave your love every second. ... Your hugs, kisses, and gentle touches mean everything to me. ... You are the most amazing person in my life, and I adore and value you so much. ... Sweetheart, I really appreciate everything you do to make me smile.More items...•

What does it mean when a guy says of course?

You say of course to suggest that something is normal, obvious, or well-known, and should therefore not surprise the person you are talking to. [spoken]

Why does of course mean yes?

"Of course" means that the statement should be obvious, or can go without saying. Someone hearing "Yes, of course." could reasonably assume that there was no question that the answer might have been no.

How do you say yes of course?

Of course there is! In fact, we have several ways to say yes in English for casual and professional situations....Yes, of course. I will get it to you this afternoon.I'd be glad/happy to make the reservations for you.Absolutely. I will finish it this afternoon.Certainly – I will call him now.

What is the best reply of thank you?

Synonymsyou're welcome. phrase. used in reply to someone who has thanked you.no problem. phrase. ... not at all. phrase. ... don't mention it. phrase. ... it's no bother. phrase. ... (it's) my pleasure. phrase. ... it's/that's all right. phrase. ... it's nothing/think nothing of it. phrase.More items...

Why do we use course in a sentence?

We use of course to refer to things that are obvious or already known to the speaker and listener, or to everybody: A tropical climate is, of course, very humid, so we sweated all the time. (We use commas here, before and after of course, to show that it refers to the whole of the first clause.)

How do you say thank you romantically?

Cute Ways to Say Thank youYou make me jump for joy. ... I'm beaming with appreciation for you.You make me feel so lucky.I wish I could be as thoughtful as you. ... You knew exactly what to get me. ... This is so heartfelt.More items...•

How do you appreciate a man in words?

20 Compliments Men Can't Resist"I Love The Way You Think" Shutterstock. ... "You Always Know Exactly What to Say" Shutterstock. ... "You're an Incredible Father" ... "I Love You Just The Way You Are" ... "You're Such A Good Cook!" ... "Can You Help Me Fix This?" ... "You're A Great Listener" ... "It's Amazing How Hard You Work"More items...•

How do you show appreciation to a man?

Here are our top 10 tips on ways to make your bae feel as valued as he makes you feel.Always Start With Food. ... Take Him Out To Events He'll Love. ... Look Him In The Eye. ... Give Back When He Does Kind Things. ... Give Him Space. ... Surprise Him With Thank You Notes. ... Praise Him In Front Of Your Friends.More items...•

What do guys say when they don't know how to respond?

Guys are sneaky in this way. When they don't know how to respond, they may say a quick "cool" but when they do know how to respond but they don't want to talk about this for a single second longer, they say "I don't know." That is a total and complete clue that they're about to change the subject. So watch out and see what they start talking about next. It could be the most random, silliest thing ever and you could be super confused because you were talking about something pretty serious and heavy and now, suddenly, you're chatting about something totally ridiculous. Well, there's a method to their madness and they totally did this on purpose. But it's all good. Once you figure this out, you can catch them and keep talking about the other topic and get them to open up to you. Yup, two can and will play this game.

What does a guy think about getting married?

But the truth is that when a guy tells you that he loves you, it's a big deal. Like a really, really big deal. He's not just saying these three little words for the sake of saying them or because he feels pressured or because he figures enough time has passed and he has to say them. Nope, he's saying them because he means them... but he's saying so much more than just that he loves you. He's basically saying that he thinks you're it. You're his soulmate. You're the only one for him. You're his future wife in his mind , whether or not you two have talked about possibly getting married in the future... or you've even discussed your collective future at all. Unless he's a crazy commitment phobe and has already told you that, he wants to marry you someday. But he's probably fine with commitment because, hey, he's your official boyfriend and he said that he loves you. Commitment haters don't do that.

What does it mean when a guy says he loves your family?

When a guy says that he loves your family, he could totally be telling the truth. It's kind of subjective because it really does depend on what kind of family you have. If you know that they're kind of crazy sometimes and a bit hard for newcomers to adjust to, then you can be sure that he's really saying that he truly loves you because hey, your family is a lot to deal with. But if your family is super cool and chill, he's still saying the exact same thing. When your boyfriends makes a point of saying that he loves your family, he's saying that he's in this thing with you for good. He wants to be with you forever and he believes that you're the only one for him. This is honestly as close to a marriage proposal as you're going to get at this point in time and at this stage in your relationship, and you should be thrilled because this is pretty awesome.

What does it mean when your boyfriend says he's staying over?

We're not sure why or how this happens. It just seems to be a fact of modern love. But if your boyfriend says that he's staying over, that is really and truly a big deal. He's basically saying that before either of you know it, you're going to be moving in together and taking that next big step in building your relationship. That's super cool and exciting. But don't let on that you know that this is totally what he's saying because it's too early to discuss shacking up together. Just smile and nod and bask in the glory of your amazing boyfriend. Because you have a really good one and while he may not be super honest about everything all the time, you're smart and you can read in between the lines. And what he really means is always something pretty awesome.

What does it mean when your boyfriend says you look beautiful?

When your boyfriend tells you that you look beautiful, this is not only a super sweet, charming and romantic moment -- you can pretty much hear a bunch of imaginary "Awwwwws" -- but it's proof that he believes he's super lucky to be with you. He can't believe his good fortune and he never wants to let you go. He's super happy that he's your boyfriend and he wants the good vibes to keep on going. So be really glad when you hear him say something like this because it proves that your relationship is in a really good, solid place and that not much could break you up at this point. This is the relationship dream and exactly what you were hoping for when you were single and dreaming of finding love someday. So when you hear him say this, remember what he's really saying, and don't let him go.

Why do men use tired excuses?

The funny thing is that guys use this one too, and they use it for the exact same reason that you do: to get out of doing something that they really and truly don't want to do. The old joke is that women use this one when they don't want to sleep with someone (and, of course, they also claim to have a giant headache). But guys don't use this excuse in the same way. They tend to use this one when they don't want to go out after a long, hard day at the office or when they don't feel like going out to dinner with your entire family of 40 plus people. Hey, you can't really blame him on the last one, right? It can seem a bit immature because you wish that your boyfriend would just say that he didn't feel like going out and be more honest with you. But while honesty is the best policy, it's not always possible to be 100 percent honest with the people that we love, so this is the best that it's going to get.

What does "If you don't get it, I can't explain it" mean?

According to Wall Street Insanity, this translates to something along the lines of “If you don’t get it, I can’t explain it. Don’t worry about it, it’s not a big deal, and it’s probably stupid anyway. Can we drop it?” It could also mean he just doesn’t want to explain it because he knows we won’t like it. Or he just doesn’t want to explain it for guy reasons. We could Google it or we could ignore it and save it for later.

What does it mean when a man doesn't listen to the question?

According to Her Interest, “All it takes is a little logic and you’ll be cracking the code to every phrase he says in no time.”

What does Bolde mean when he says "he means this one"?

Bolde says, “He means this one, but he actually means so much more . If he is using this word, then he really finds you beautiful.” This is especially true in established relationships. If we have just met, then he is definitely trying to butter us up and get some. But as a general rule, this is one of the few times where he means what he says, and it actually means something super nice and sweet. Such compliments deserve a rewarding kiss so we can continue to receive them.

What does it mean when the timing is off?

And if the timing is really off, then the explanation is that there is no blood left in his head and he is loopy. Wall Street Insanity translates it humorously as,

Why does a man say "burnt steak"?

This could be true, but if the steak or whatever it is he is eating is burnt like a sacrificial offering or underdone, he is just saying it to make us feel better about our bad cooking skills. With these kinds of compliments, he wants us to know he appreciates our efforts even if the end result was awful. He knows we can get better if we keep trying. As Her Interest says, “Most guys like a lady who knows how to chow down with them.”

What does it mean when someone says "I don't put relationship stuff on Facebook"?

It could also mean that he’s embarrassed or ashamed of the relationship.” We should obviously plaster his Facebook with selfies of us and then prepare to dump him. We can definitely do better.

What does it mean when a man says he is swamped?

This usually translates to, “I don’t have time for you,” or “I’m not interested in you enough to make time for you.” Of course, there is the rare circumstance where he really is swamped with work, but he might spend an hour telling us on the phone just how swamped he is so he can connect that way. According to Relationship Rules, “But you have to give each other patience and understanding during the earliest parts of your relationship just so you have a shot at getting to know each other more.”

What happens if you insult someone who replies with "thanks for compliments"?

If you actually intended to insult the individual who responded with “thanks for the compliments,” then he was verbally outmaneuvering you —and in a situation like that, you’d best keep your mouth shut, or risk further embarrassment.

How to get a girl to talk to you?

If you don’t get a response, leave her alone. She probably isn’t interested. But if you want her to talk to you, you have to give her something to talk about, or at least respond to, other than a “generic introduction.”

Why don't men get compliments?

Men in western society simply don’t receive compliments or praise nearly as often as women do, because the tendency is to punish them for their mistakes instead. The only occasions where men will find praise is in the realm of sports, or some form of competitive activity, but any accolades are countered by equal amounts of trash talk from their competitors—so men seldom get a win.

What is the formal response to "Oh it was my pleasure"?

Whether it comes as “A pleasure doing business with you,” or “A pleasure to be of service (my hospitality required response, btw)” to “Oh, it was my pleasure” are all indicative of performing the act that was thanked was either mutually beneficial, or a high stakes game of favor one-ups.

Do people accept compliments graciously?

Most people don’t know how to accept a compliment graciously. The fear is that if they just say thanks, it will sound like they think they deserve it and are vain and egotistical. Most people don’t want to appear either vain or egotistical, so they do something deprecating to offset the thanks. In this case, it was lol.

Can saying thanks by itself shut down conversation?

Moreover, saying thanks by itself can shut down the conversation. It becomes incumbent on you to follow up your compliment, and you’re probably not prepared to do that because of all the effort that compliment took. Another compliment? More detail on the first one? A sudden chan

Can you say anything after a thank you?

Not saying anything after being the recipient of a “Thank You” or any of its derivatives, well that depends on a number of factors.

What to say when someone is finished?

When the person is finished, restate to them the points they made about you. Say "Just so I understand, you're saying x, y and z, right?"

What does it mean when a woman says "That's my man"?

For example, if he does something that other people think is odd or weird, and she says “That’s my man,” that means that’s something he does frequently, and she just accepts it about him.

Why do we blink when we don't like someone?

This kind of rapid cognition causes us to behave as if we did not have that cognition occurring. That is, even when we do not like someone in the blink of an eye, we are thinking fast enough not to show it.

How do you know if someone likes you?

Romantic. If you're talking about a potentially romantic 'someone,' you will know whether that someone 'likes or dislikes' you by the communications you receive from them. I use the word 'communications' in its plural form because there are many kinds of communication. The communication most obvious is verbal, and what someone says is often an indication of their feelings about you being likable in their opinion--or not. The communications which are visual can be quite revealing (a woman wonders if he's 'into' her and notices his eyes wandering to another woman in particular, whenever they are together).

What does "my dude" mean?

Typically, use of “my dude”, “my guy ”, and “my man” are passed between groups of friends, but that doesn’t mean people in relationships (or people looking for a relationship) can’t call each other the terms. The words are just subjective use of affection.

Can anyone understand what you are saying?

As with all language, there is no way to be certain that anyone will understand what you are saying, in exactly the way that you intend them to.

Can a girl like you as a friend?

NO. That by itself does not mean that. That can be applied to guys they like in-that-way, or to guys they’ve Friend-Zoned. So don’t rely on merely “my guy” references. She can like you a lot — just-as-a-friend… or she can like you a lot as a friend + have attraction toward you.

What does it mean when a man says the total opposite?

If you never hear him say these phrases, or he says the total opposite, it’s a strong sign that what he feels for you is purely physical.

How many ways are men attracted to women?

There are two different ways that men are attracted to a woman.

Do men get attracted to you?

In a thriving relationship, he will be attracted to you in both of these ways. But the reality is, sometimes men will only be physically attracted to you, and they won’t be invested in the relationship.
