When do course request results come out? 3 comments. share. save. hide. report. 79% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment. Log In Sign Up. Sort by: best. level 1 · 4 yr. ago. CS. ... Sub-reddit for the Virginia Tech Hokies. 31.8k. Hokies. 21. …
Course Request Results are Out. Hokiespa->Registration->View registration information->Spring 2019. And yet again i got 0 of the elecives i requested and are the CLEs i have to finish before graduation. I’m determined that I’m not allowed to leave according to the school. If it was Embedded in the ECE department they sent an email about ...
Nov 02, 2021 · Course Request Availability. Spring 2022: October 19 - November 2, 2021; Summer 2022: Summer no longer has course request. Fall 2022: March 22 - April 5, 2022 Web Drop/Add Availability. Drop/Add opens at 8:00 p.m. on the dates listed below. During the Fall semester, Drop/Add has an initial period that will open at 8:00 p.m.
4704 Software Engineering Capstone. Others that I can take are: 4204 Computer Graphics. 4224 Linux Kernel Programming. 4254 Network Arch Programming. 4414 Issues in Scientific Computing. There’s also 4984 SS: Social Perspective on Computing, which seems to be a special class that isn’t really offered previously. 3.
I’m not a music major or anything but would like to learn a couple musical pieces in my free time. Are there any pianos on campus that are available to anyone?
Just wondering what the appropriate biking etiquette is, especially around the drillfield. Is it frowned upon to ride on the sidewalk and is the road the best modality in which to ride? Also, I have heard of one is on the road to move with the cars is that the case? I feel like I’m always screwing it up so I just wanted to verify.
Currently fighting for my life in the library, where’s the closest/easiest place to get a Red Bull?? Maybe the bookstore? Or would they be outrageously priced?
I've heard things about some kind of driving simulator I think in Goodwin Hall, does anyone know anything about this?
With the latest university council meeting, it is clear that Virginia Tech is in no way interested in addressing the issues brought forward about the graduate student pay/benefits or even hearing our concerns.
Some real kind people walking by helped me out with my injuries apparently. Whoever sacrificed their hoodie for my blood deserves a whole lotta hoodies in return haha. Wear a helmet when you ride a bike!
With the latest university council meeting, it is clear that Virginia Tech is in no way interested in addressing the issues brought forward about the graduate student pay/benefits or even hearing our concerns.
Summer terms: 12 credit hours combined for all parts of term. Example: Enrollment of 12 credit hours in the twelve week session. Example: Enrollment of 6 credit hours in the first six week session and enrollment of an additional 6 credit hours in the second six week session. Graduates.
Going above these maximums requires the academic dean's permission (graduate dean for graduate students). Undergraduates may enroll without permission in 19 hours; graduates, 18 hours in a regular term. Summer and winter maximums are 18 and 6 respectively.
Audit hours will not be used in establishing minimum full-time enrollment. Neither the payment of full fees nor compliance with maximums established as a condition of employment or appointment is basis for deviation from the definition above.
Dates Grades will be Available for Viewing. Students have access to view semester grades on Hokie SPA within 48 hours of the deadline for grade submission. Summer grades will be available within 48 hours of the deadline for submission of Session 2.
Undergraduate students who attempt at least 12 credit hours graded as A-F option and who earn a 3.4 GPA for either Fall or Spring will be included on the dean's list. Notifications (if any) of inclusion are issued via the undergraduate academic dean's office.
Undergraduate students whose first term enrolled at Virginia Tech is Fall Term will be "assigned midterm"satisfactory or "unsatisfactory." Satisfactory is received for work earning a "C" or better. The midterm grade is not part of the student's academic progress, rather it is intended to be an early indicator of academic progress. Students are urged to visit with their instructors and advisors to discuss any unsatisfactory results.
AP scores are received electronically from the College Board. May exam scores directed to Virginia Tech are received in July. Thereafter, scores are received weekly through August, then every 3-4 weeks. AP/IB Credit can be seen on Hokie SPA within three business days of Virginia Tech receiving the scores. If scores were not directed ...
A maximum of 12 credit hours may be awarded. DSST exams are a form of assessing prior learning through credit-by-exam. Students may have scores sent to Virginia Tech by contacting DSST at 1-877-471-9860.
Holders of the German Abitur must have completed 13 years of high school and earned the Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife in order for Virginia Tech to consider an award of credit. The University Registrar requires an official, translated transcript. Credit is awarded based on the results of the Abitur exams.
Students should request their official CLEP exam results directly from the College Board. Virginia Tech’s CLEP school code is 5859. CLEP credit can be viewed on Hokie SPA under the grades menu. A maximum of 12 credit hours may be awarded.
Virginia Tech recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and awards IB credits based on earning a Certificate or a Diploma. Virginia Tech will accept these scores electronically from the testing agency.
Cambridge International exams, commonly known as A levels or AS levels, are administered by the University of Cambridge. Virginia Tech recognizes and gives credit for University of Cambridge International Exams based upon the receipt of an official certifying transcript . Students must request an official transcript directly from Cambridge International Examinations or other designated testing agency (Edexcel, etc.) and have this sent to the Office of the University Registrar. Credit will not be considered based on a high school transcript. Credit can be viewed on Hokie SPA under the grades menu. A maximum of 38 credit hours may be awarded.