when did fhsaa start requiring online concussion course

by Noemie Rodriguez 7 min read

What are the FHSAA requirements for concussions in sports?

FHSAA Requirements: To be completed once a year – expires June 1st each year. The FHSAA is requiring all student-athletes to view a video on Concussions in Sports prior to any try-outs or practices. These videos must be viewed and the certificates given to the Athletic Office (either a hard copy sent into the office or sent by email)

What is the concussion management course?

This course highlights the impact of sports-related concussion on athletes, teaches how to recognize a suspected concussion, and provides protocols to manage a suspected concussion with steps to help players return to play safely after a concussion. Each state's requirements for concussion management are included as part of the course.

What is the NFHS doing to prevent concussions?

The NFHS has teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to educate coaches, officials, parents and students on the importance of proper concussion recognition and management in high school sports.

Are NFHS learn courses required per FHSAA policy?

As per FHSAA Policy, all student-athletes and coaches are required to annually complete the following NFHS Learn courses before participation. All courses are FREE . *Please Click Here for step by step instructions to accessing a course on NFHS Learn. The following courses are not required per FHSAA policy, but are highly recommended.

How long is the NFHS concussion certificate good for?

Concussion in Sports is available for review for 3 months. The only “course expiration” that is considered by the NFHS is the First Aid component if you are applying for AIC or CIC certification (see below). Otherwise, you need to check with your school district and/or your state association.

Does concussion training expire?

The certification for concussion training will expire three years from the date of completion.

What is UIL concussion protocol?

Each concussion oversight team shall establish a return-to-play protocol, based on peer- reviewed scientific evidence, for a student's return to interscholastic athletics practice or competition following the force or impact believed to have caused a concussion.

How long does the concussion course take?

All volunteer coaches MUST complete this 40 minute online training course concerning Concussion Awareness Training. The course is free and will provide you a certificate that you have taken the course at the completion of the course.

What is concussion training called?

HEADS UP to Youth Sports is a free, online course available to coaches, parents, sports officials, athletic trainers, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion. Coaches: Click HERE to launch the course. Please see How to Create an Account in CDC Train [PDF – 865 KB] for instructions.

What is a valid source for concussion education?

These general resources are CDC Concussion at Play, CDC Implementing Return to Play, CDC A Fact Sheet for High School Sports Officials, NASP Return to Learning, CDC Returning to Learning, CDC Concussion Guide for Coaches.

How long is UIL concussion protocol?

five days to as long as a few months. Any subsequent concussion requires further medical evaluation, which may include a physical examination prior to return to participation. Written clearance from a physician is required as outlined in TEC Section 38.157 before any participation in UIL practices, games or matches.

How often must coaches and medical providers complete 2 hours of concussion training?

every two yearsTwo hours of concussion education training is required every two years and must be completed no later than September 1, 2012 and each subsequent two year period (2014, 2016 etc…)

What did Natasha's law lead to?

The legislature passed the bill, also known as Natasha's Law, and Gov. Rick Perry signed it June 17. The new law requires school districts to create concussion oversight teams that must include at least one physician and to establish return-to-play protocols that involve evaluation of the athlete by a physician.

What is considered the window of opportunity in concussion management?

REAP sees the first three weeks post- injury as a “window of opportunity.” Research shows that the average recovery time for a child/adolescent is about three weeks, slightly longer than the average recovery time for an adult.

What is concussion baseline testing?

A baseline concussion test may be performed before a sports season starts for athletes at risk of head injuries. A baseline concussion test shows how well your brain is currently functioning and may be useful in diagnosing a concussion after an injury.

What is the first step in the 4 step action plan?

The first is called the Victory Circle. In this step a team discusses what their evidence would be for success when the plan has been fully implemented. These ideas are charted in the middle of a circle (Victory Circle) on a flip chart or wall. These evidences of success become the specific goals of the plan.

National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)

The NFHS promotes amateur sports participation and athletics programs at the high school level.


As per FHSAA Policy, all student-athletes and coaches are required to annually complete the following NFHS Learn courses before participation. All courses are FREE .


The following courses are not required per FHSAA policy, but are highly recommended.


The NFHS has teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to educate coaches, officials, parents and students on the importance of proper concussion recognition and management in high school sports.

National Certification

The NFHS Coach Certification Program is a national professional credential offered to individuals who are currently coaching or aspire to coach at the interscholastic level.