what will i learn in the code course

by Mr. Gage Reichel DVM 5 min read

What will I learn in a coding class?

Coding improves problem solving

When kids code, they take complex problems and break them down into smaller parts. Kids learn what it's like to approach a problem the way a software engineer does, with logical, computational thinking.
Apr 27, 2021

What does the code teach?

Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and kids need to understand and work with and understand the technology around them. Having children learn coding at a young age prepares them for the future. Coding helps children with communication, creativity, math, writing, and confidence.Mar 22, 2018

How do teachers learn to code?

Here are four free ways to learn enough coding to be able to give your students a simple introduction to the discipline.
4 Ways Teachers Can Learn Computer Coding for Free
  1. Hit The Books. ...
  2. Watch A Coding Webinar. ...
  3. Connect With Computer Coding Professionals. ...
  4. Take a Free CompuScholar Course.
Jan 10, 2019

Why is it important for teachers to understand coding?

Coding teaches children how to think

Learning to code teaches children how to think. Computer programming isn't just about teaching how to type lines of code. It is more about teaching children how to think differently.