what tool of integrated pest management is illustrated below course hero

by Kenyon Jacobs 6 min read

What do I need to know about integrated pest management (IPM)?

There are various sources of documents to use in your school integrated pest management (IPM) program. The examples listed here provide a basic set of information to start with. Preventing Pests for Healthier Schools: The Health Case for Integrated Pest Management - information and research on the health benefits of using IPM in schools.

What are the guidelines for contracting with a pest management professional?

Suggested guidelines for use when contracting with a pest management professional for services, including inspection, IPM plan, use of pesticides, recordkeeping. Model Integrated Pest Management Policy Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 132 K) - Texas Cooperative Extension.

What is the iSchool pest manager?

iSchool Pest Manager - a Central Hub for School IPM Materials The iSchool Pest Manager is a central hub for IPM materials for school districts’ use in verifiable IPM. The overall goal is to increase the numbers of schools conducting verifiable school IPM programs, improving human health, the environment and/or the school community.

Who is responsible for maintaining the pest sighting log (PDF)?

A Pest Sighting Log (PDF) (1 pg, 4.8 K) should be kept for each facility, building, floor, or room, whichever is most practical with your specific IPM plan. An individual (possibly the IPM Manager) should be identified to maintain and be responsible for this document.

What are the tools of integrated pest management?

Basic Tools of Integrated Pest ManagementCultural practices. Cultural methods of pest control consist of regular farm operations in such a way which either destroy the pests or prevent them from causing economic loss. ... Mechanical practices. ... Genetic practices. ... Regulatory practices. ... Biological practices. ... Chemical practices.

What are the 4 methods of integrated pest management?

Pest management methods fall into four groups: cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical.

What are the 5 steps of integrated pest management?

5 Steps of IPMStep 1: Identify the Pest. This often-overlooked step is important. ... Step 2: Monitor Pest Activity. ... Step 3: Determine Action Thresholds. ... Step 4: Explore Treatment Options & Make Treatments. ... Step 5: Evaluate Results.

What are the 3 components of integrated pest management?

Here are the six components of IPM and how each of them helps make pest control more sustainable.Prevention. Preventing pest problems eliminates the need to take further action. ... Identification. ... Monitoring. ... Assessment. ... Planning.

What is pest management methods?

IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.

What is the use of management in IPM?

What is IPM? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment.

What are the 6 steps of IPM?

Steps of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)Proper identification of damage and responsible "pest" ... Learn pest and host life cycle and biology. ... Monitor or sample environment for pest population. ... Establish action threshold (economic, health or aesthetic) ... Choose appropriate combination of management tactics. ... Evaluate results.

What are the six components of integrated pest management?

The Six Elements of Integrated Pest ManagementPlanning and managing agricultural production systems to prevent insects, plant diseases and weeds from becoming pests.Identifying pests, their natural enemies and damage.Monitoring populations of pests and beneficial organisms, pest damage, and environmental conditions.More items...

What is IPM quizlet?

IPM. Integrated Pest Management - An Informed sustainable approach to managing plants, and pests by combining cultural, biological, physical, and chemical tactics in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks.

What is Stop School Pests?

Stop School Pests - A National IPM Standard Training and Certificate Program Exit - The Stop School Pests project was initiated to address the need for a recognized, standardized, peer-reviewed national IPM training program for school communities. Materials for in-class and on-line training can be found on this site.

What is the goal of the EPA?

The overall goal is to increase the numbers of schools conducting verifiable school IPM programs, improving human health, the environment and/or the school community. EPA works closely with school IPM experts and other stakeholders around the country.

What is EPA guidance?

This guidance document represents U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommendations for the successful procurement of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) based services for kindergarten to 12th grade schools. It is not intended to supersede state, tribal or local requirements.

Why do cafeterias need separate inspection forms?

Because food handling areas tend to be the source of many pest infestations, a separate inspection form is provided for cafeterias. This document can be used by the pest manager to ensure that a thorough inspection is completed: