msu what does corequisite mean on a course

by Doris Murray 10 min read

When a course has a corequisite, it means that a student is required to take another course concurrent with (or prior to) enrollment in the course. Knowing the information presented in the corequisite course is considered necessary in order for a student to be successful in the course. More ›

Corequisite: A course that must be completed concurrently with another course.

Full Answer

What is a corequisite course?

Some classes through Murray State are corequisite. This means there is supplemental instruction for the class, either built in to an existing class or offered through an additional class. English and Reading corequisite classes offer instruction through an additional class, while corequisite Math courses have the supplemental information built into one course, but may have additional …

What is the difference between prerequisites and Corequisites?

ing the course. Corequisite: A course that must be completed concurrently with another course. A corequisite is identified by course subject code and number. Recommended Background: Prior academic work, experience, or other qualifications that are recommended, but not required, and which will not be monitored (either in SIS or by the unit).

What is a psych corequisite?

What Is Corequisite? The Department of Student Transitions defines corequisite as two courses that are designed to be taken together in the same semester. Students are supported in their college-level, credit-bearing course by varying approaches such as: just-in-time remediation, skills review, or coordinated curriculum.

What if my student does not meet the pre/corequisite requirements?

Corequisites allow students to combine a remedial course with a credit-bearing course—and complete both in a single semester. Unlike standard prerequisites, corequisites eliminate the need for students to take multiple unaccredited remedial …

What does corequisite course mean?

A corequisite means a course or other requirement that a student must take at the same time as another course or requirement. An advisement recommendation means a condition of enrollment that a student is advised, but not required to meet, before enrolling in a course.

What is the difference between prerequisite and corequisite?

Prerequisites and Corequisites Requirements

A prerequisite is a course that the student is required to complete with a grade of “C' or better before the student can enroll in the next more advanced course. A corequisite is a course which the student must take at the same time s/he is taking another course.

What happens if I fail a corequisite?

Q: What happens if I fail both the corequisite course and the target course? A: You will be eligible to retake the target course and the corequisite course.May 27, 2019

Can you take a corequisite before?

Prerequisite: a course or a test that must be successfully completed prior to registering for the listed course. Co-requisite is a course that must be taken at the same time as another course.

Can I take a prerequisite at the same time yorku?

The sequence of enrolment therefore matters: if you are taking a prerequisite course and the course for which it is a prerequisite within the same academic session, you should add prerequisite courses to your schedule first.

What is Corequisite remediation?

Corequisite remediation typically calls for increased alignment between developmental education support and college coursework through shared learning objectives and coursework across the college course and academic support.Mar 24, 2021

How many credits is the minimum full time load during a fall or spring semester at CLC?

Full Time: A student who is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours (generally four or five classes) for the Fall and Spring Semesters (6 or more credit hours during the Summer) is considered full time. Students intending to complete an associate degree in two years must attend full-time.

What is a corequisite exam?

A corequisite is a course that must be taken in the same term as another course, such as a science class with a concurrent lab. You can meet prerequisite requirements by qualification through the assessment test and be placed in that course or by completing the prerequisite course with a grade of Pass, C or better.

Do I have to take a corequisite at the same time?

Corequisites are requirements for courses that must be taken at the same time. Preparation requirements for courses are requirements such as placement tests for language.

What is Corequisite McGill?

Corequisites are courses that must be taken concurrently with another course. Course. A course refers to a class that is being taught at McGill, whether it be conducted over one term or two terms.

Cross-Listed Rubrics

Some courses carry two rubrics, e.g., HSTA 480 / PSCI 472 . This means the same course is offered in the American History listing and in the Political Science listing of courses.

Course Numbering

The academic program at Montana State University Billings is organized in lower division, upper division and graduate courses. Lower division courses are numbered 100 to 299; upper division courses carry numbers from 300 to 499; graduate courses have numbers from 500 to 599.

Educator Preparation Program Restricted Courses

Certain upper division courses are restricted to students admitted to the Educator Preparation Program at MSU Billings. (See the listing of specified courses .) Only those students admitted to the Educator Preparation Program may register for these restricted courses.

Credit Hour

The number following the course title indicates the number of credits for which the course is offered. When the credit number is followed by “R,” the course may be repeated up to the total credit indicated. For example, 1 cr. R-6 means a course is offered for one credit but may be repeated up to a maximum of six credits.

Cooperative Education

Each Cooperative Education course requires, as a minimum, 45 contact hours per semester credit hour.


Some courses require other courses which must be completed before another can be taken. For example, ACTG 202 Prerequisite: ACTG 201 means that ACTG 201 must be completed before a student enrolls in ACTG 202 .


Some courses require that another course (s) be taken simultaneously if the corequisite course has not been successfully completed prior to registration. Withdrawal from a corequisite course necessitates withdrawal from the other corequisite course (s).

What is prerequisite for a class?

A prerequisite may consist of one or more background courses, a placement test score, admission to a specific program of study, or departmental permission. The student is responsible for having the appropriate prerequisites prior to the beginning of the class.

Can you cancel a class if you don't have prerequisites?

If any academic department determines that a student does not have the appropriate prerequisite, registration for the class may be cancelled either prior to or after classes begin.

What is a corequisite in college?

A corequisite means a course or other requirement that a student must take at the same time as another course or requirement. An advisement recommendation means a condition of enrollment that a student is advised, but not required to meet, before enrolling in a course.

What is prerequisite and corequisite?

Course prerequisite and corequisite information. A prerequisite means a course or other requirement that a student must have taken prior to enrolling in a specific course or program. A corequisite means a course or other requirement that a student must take at the same time as another course or requirement. An advisement recommendation means ...

Course Numbering

Educator Preparation Program Restricted Courses

  • Certain upper division courses are restricted to students admitted to the Educator Preparation Program at MSU Billings. (See the listing of specified courses.) Only those students admitted to the Educator Preparation Program may register for these restricted courses.
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Credit Hour

  • A credit is the unit used in recording an amount of work and engaged effort represented in learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. Each credit hour represents a minimum of three class-oriented work hours (60 minutes of classroom instruction and an additional two hours of out-of-class engaged effort and work per student) each week during a 1…
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Cooperative Education

  • Each Cooperative Education course requires, as a minimum, 45 contact hours per semester credit hour.
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  • Some courses require other courses which must be completed before another can be taken. For example, ACTG 202Prerequisite: ACTG 201 means that ACTG 201 must be completed before a student enrolls in ACTG 202. In some cases, an equivalent course for stated prerequisites may be substituted by permission of the dean or chairperson of the area in which the course is given.
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  • Some courses require that another course(s) be taken simultaneously if the corequisite course has not been successfully completed prior to registration. Withdrawal from a corequisite course necessitates withdrawal from the other corequisite course(s).
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Course Description

  • In addition to providing a brief description of the course content, it also includes: 1. Pass/Not Pass grading options. 2. Repeat limitations. 3. Limitations on course applicability to degree requirements. 4. Courses that have both an undergraduate and graduate version. Students enrolled in either version meet in the same room at the same time with the same instructor. The …
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Credit and Contact Hours

  1. Credit hours represent a unit of academic credit measured in semester hours. Some courses may be offered for a range of credit hours. Learn more: Credit Hours and Semester System Policy.
  2. Lecture contact hours represents the number of hoursper week the class will meet in a lecture environment (based on a 15-week semester).
  1. Credit hours represent a unit of academic credit measured in semester hours. Some courses may be offered for a range of credit hours. Learn more: Credit Hours and Semester System Policy.
  2. Lecture contact hours represents the number of hoursper week the class will meet in a lecture environment (based on a 15-week semester).
  3. Lab contact hours represents the number of hoursper week the class will meet in a laboratory environment (based on a 15-week semester).
  4. Clinical contact hoursrepresents the number of hours per week the course will meet in clinical experiences outside the classroom and may not be indicated as lab hours. Normally clinical hours will...

Prerequisite and Corequisite

  1. A prerequisite may consist of one or more background courses, a placement test score, admission to a specific program of study, or departmental permission. The student is responsible for having the...
  2. Some courses may require concurrent enrollment in another course during the same semester, referred to as a "corequisite" in the class schedule.
  1. A prerequisite may consist of one or more background courses, a placement test score, admission to a specific program of study, or departmental permission. The student is responsible for having the...
  2. Some courses may require concurrent enrollment in another course during the same semester, referred to as a "corequisite" in the class schedule.
  3. Prerequisites and corequisites change over time and are not dependent on the student's catalog of graduation. The registration system will enforce prerequisites that are in effect for the semester...

Variable Content Course

  • The variable content coursestatement indicates course is defined as one having in either its course title or its description any of the following terms: variable content, special topics, issues, problems, seminars, projects, independent study, or readings. Variable content courses include any courses that may be substantially different from one semester to another. Also included in t…
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