what to do with course materials

by Jaeden Hilpert 5 min read

What is the course material used for?

Explained course material clearly and concisely. Understanding your discipline well is not the only prerequisite for teaching it effectively to students. For one thing, that deep understanding can actually blind you to how you should explain things to students who lack a background in the discipline. In a face-to-face course, take one of your course concepts and explain it in your …

How can I improve the quality of my course materials?

This article outlines four ways to organize course materials to help learners thrive: Organizing with Canvas Modules Sorting using Canvas Files Centralizing materials in Google Drive Linking from a central Google or Canvas page

What are some ideas for content for a course?

Course reserves are materials (books, articles, etc.) that are placed on reserve at the library front desk. E-reserves are a type of course reserve that can be accessed online. These course reserve and e-reserve services include: Assistance in finding articles and other materials (such as articles, books, DVDs, etc.)

How do I identify and obtain materials for a course?

Aug 11, 2021 · To display all course materials available to you do one of the following tasks: Select View All Course Materials; Select Course Materials; From this page you can: View or hide progress ; Open assets; View grades and submissions; View information about assets; View or hide progress. You can click View Progress (or Hide Progress) to show (or hide) asset details. …

What is the purpose of course materials?

Course materials are powerful indicators of an instructor's approach to teaching and learning. They are important in supporting in-class experiences, as well as experiences outside the classroom. Materials included are those that have been used well in courses and are in line with the philosophy of teaching.

How do you engage with course materials?

6 Ways to Engage More Effectively with Students Through Course Content
  1. Vary your content. Your students are unique individuals and as such they will have differing preferences. ...
  2. Embrace existing content. ...
  3. Design for the web. ...
  4. Invest in community. ...
  5. Make sure things are clear and consistent. ...
  6. Keep it simple.
Sep 16, 2016

How do you organize course materials?

The cardinal principle for organizing class materials is to keep all materials for each course separate from each other so they are easy to locate. Lecture notes for each course are bound permanently. At the end of the semester, notes can be easily filed away for future reference.

What are course materials?

Course materials include, but are not limited to, lectures, lecture notes, and materials, syllabi, study guides, bibliographies, visual aids, images, diagrams, multimedia presentations, web-ready content, and educational software.

How do you engage students in online classes?

Student engagement in online learning – what works and why
  1. Be present.
  2. Create interesting learning materials.
  3. Provide 1-to-1 sessions.
  4. Assign some group work.
  5. Create an online forum for discussions.
  6. Provide and ask for a regular feedback.
  7. Challenge students.
Dec 6, 2021

What are course readings?

Textbook readings

These are usually book chapters labeled as Course Texts, sometimes under the heading Texts or Textbooks. The library rarely has textbooks; you need to buy these yourself. See your course syllabus for more information.

How do you organize your teaching materials at home?

SIX Steps to Organizing Teaching Resources
  1. 1 | Purge. Oh, friends, this is both the easiest and hardest step. ...
  2. 2 | Break up with paper. For the first six years of my teaching career, I had a love affair with binders. ...
  3. 3 | Use Technology. ...
  4. 4 | Store Items Where They Are Used. ...
  5. 5 | Utilize Help. ...
  6. 6 | Take Pictures.
Jun 14, 2020

How do you store learning resources?

5 tips for storing primary teaching resources
  1. Store digit card sets in plastic snap lock bags. ...
  2. Store Base 10 sets in small individual containers. ...
  3. Store your linking cubes in sticks of ten. ...
  4. Use maths boxes for staple resource storage. ...
  5. Use magnets to move and store primary teaching resources.
Jan 6, 2021

How do you organize online learning materials?

How To Better Organize eLearning Documents: 4 Efficient Tips
  1. Keep Track Of Your Documents. First of all, you can make folders named by subjects or purpose. ...
  2. Store Documents In The Cloud. ...
  3. Reuse Old Learning Materials. ...
  4. Remember Where You Found Them.
Oct 18, 2017

What are the 4 types of materials?

Materials can be classified into four main groups: metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites.Jan 12, 2021

Why is instructional materials important?

The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students' knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing.

What are examples of learning materials?

Examples of Teaching/Learning Materials
  • Story Books. Story books make great teaching-learning materials. ...
  • Samples of Student Writing. Having students write can be an effective teaching method. ...
  • Videos. ...
  • Games. ...
  • Flashcards. ...
  • Overhead Projector Transparencies. ...
  • Computer Software and Apps.
Jul 7, 2019

Why is a course image important?

A good course image is critical to a course's success. It should grab the attention of the viewer and help them understand the essence of what the course has to offer. Following these simple guidelines will ensure that...

Does Udemy publish courses?

Udemy does not publish courses in some topic areas , or may publish only under certain criteria. Subject matter may be excluded due to concerns that it is considered either harmful or offensive to students, or because it is...

What is an instructor bio?

What is Your Instructor Bio? Why is it Important? Your Instructor Bio is your dedicated space to present your expertise, your experience and your personality. It makes up your user profile, and also appears on your course landing...

Why is the target student section important?

Why is the Target Student Section Important? The descriptions you write in the Target Student section will help students decide if your course is right for them. Additionally, since this information sets the right expectations for students, it...

Examples of Course Materials in a sentence

Unless otherwise set forth in the SOW, the Course Materials are provided for the sole use of the person attending classes and may not be used by any other person and may not be reproduced, distributed or modified without the written permission of HPE.

More Definitions of Course Materials

Course Materials means materials prepared for use in teaching, fixed or unfixed, in any form, including, but not limited to, digital, print, audio, visual, or any combination thereof.

With your next training

Save hours of research and development time. We have done all the hard work so you can focus on the training delivery.

to deliver a great training!

Training course material packages that are fully scripted, highly adaptable, and user-friendly, incorporating the latest training models and proven concepts with clear direction along with tips and suggestions of what to say with each slide, to help you retain your momentum and your course attendees’ attention – and get your message across in the best possible way..

Power Point Slide Deck

To support immersive learning, a high impact professionally designed power point slide deck to engage trainees at all levels.


A comprehensive reference workbook you can give out to your class participants as a quick future reference.


With step-by-step clear directions with tips and suggestions on what to say and how to present each slide.

Support Documents

To ensure you have all you need to deliver a complete and professional training program, additional supporting documents are included with each full course material package. From training evaluation forms to 5 different certificate templates that you can edit and hand out to your participants at the end of your training.

Training Course Design Documents

Even if you’ve never delivered a training course before and are finding the whole process a little daunting, our training materials provide everything you need to complete an effective, engaging and fun professional course.

What is training material?

Training materials are a necessary part of any program or activity that involves knowledge acquisition and retention. The best approach to developing instructional materials is to start by examining the training plan and available resources.

How to develop instructional materials?

The best approach to developing instructional materials is to start by examining the training plan and available resources. Depending on the learning objectives and length of the training program, training materials may include workbooks, training manuals, computer-based lessons and audio-visual aids. Here are a few strategies for developing ...

What is training plan?

Develop a training plan. A plan is an overview or outline of how training will be approached. It typically includes the training program schedule, key learning objectives and a list of the available resources. Estimate how much time to spend on each learning objective.

What is the goal of a computer lab training program?

Identify the objectives of the training program. The goal may be to teach computer lab managers how to access and navigate various software programs. In a classroom of aspiring babysitters, the objective may be to help teenagers master the most critical aspects of caring for small children.
