what to do when the enter course button doesnt work on flvs

by Jarod Daniel IV 4 min read

Who can take FLVS Flex courses?

Then type in the specific information and click [find course] Click to enter the course if you have your 9-digit access code with you. Sign in with the access code. Finally fill in the student registration page.

Where can I find FLVS and K-5 courses?

Processing FLVS Grades & Official Documents. 1. Log in to your account with your username and password. 2. Click on “Student Records” in the blue navigation area to the. left, then click on “PS Official Documents.”. 3. Find the student’s name you wish to process. 4.

Why choose FLVS Full time?

paste the text [ctrl] [v] save as a text file (If using a word processor, this is critical) in the course, click on the Course Materials main navigator link. click on the Upload Center sublink. click on the Browse button and locate the saved exam.

What are the hours of FLVS Flex teachers?

Jul 18, 2019 · DBAs are verbal conversation between you and your teacher, but you have lots of options on ways to do this: A live lesson or their virtual office. FaceTime, Google Hangouts, or any other video chat. Phone call. Any other option that you have discussed with your teacher. The main thing is to not be nervous!

What happens if you cheat on FLVS?

Violators commit a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by a term of imprisonment for up to 60 days or a fine of $500.

How do I start a course on FLVS?

How to Enroll in FLVS FlexStep 1 – Review Requirements. Please review the following requirements prior to signing up for courses. ... Step 2 – Pick Courses. ... Step 3 – Verify Florida Residency. ... Step 4 – Ensure Courses are Approved. ... Step 5 – Check Course Status. ... Step 6 – Get Ready…and Go!

How fast can you finish a FLVS class?

Credit recovery courses are designed for each semester to be completed in 6-8 weeks. The maximum time to complete a half-credit is 10 weeks.

Can FLVS see your tabs?

RIGHT TO ACCESS. You have the right to access, inspect and review your personal data. For FLVS Full Time parents/guardians and eligible students, your personal data is accessible from your FLVS account home and student records tab.Sep 21, 2020

How do I verify a course on FLVS?

Parents must verify a student's course request once a selection is made. To verify a request, log into your account and go to the student dashboard page. Click on the green checkmark next to the red “X” icon on the right-hand side of the page to complete the parent/guardian enrollment verification.

What is the easiest FLVS class?

Mystery girl on June 07, 2018: I highly highly recommend taking peer counseling on flvs it's literally the easiest class ever. There's only 23 assignments of those 23 you will be exempt from 6. You'll be done in 2 weeks.Mar 2, 2020

How do I make FLVS go faster?

Tips for Finishing Your Classes FasterChoose Easy Classes. ... The pace chart is one of the first pieces of information that you're required to look over when you're placed into your chosen course. ... Set Dates to Do Work. ... Listen to Music. ... Do Your Assignments While Reading Through the Material.More items...•Jan 11, 2018

Can you graduate early from Florida Virtual school?

Get ahead with extra courses, graduate early, make up a credit, sign up for summer school, or take a class that your school doesn't offer. Study whenever it's convenient for you with 24/7 online access.

Is K12 free in Florida?

The K12-powered online high school in Florida is tuition free,* and offers students the benefits of a public school education from the comfort of home—without sacrificing important face-to-face connections.

Can Quipper detect?

Quipper can quickly identify students who have not answered the assignment, quiz, or examination. Quipper eliminates the manual checking of test papers since it automatically provides for the students' scores or ratings after a given quiz or assessment.

Can teachers see if you cheat on Google Forms?

No the teacher will not be informed. As Google Form has no such functionality. However schools may choose to use 3rd party apps such as autoproctor which integrate with Google Form to provide such a monitoring facility.Sep 28, 2020

Does Socrative detect cheating?

Socrative is a great option for quizzes, too, because you can randomize the questions, making cheating impossible. If you have not tried it before, try Socrative today.Jul 22, 2014

What is FlexTV Ucompass?

FlexTV: FlexTV is a new feature in the Ucompass.com, Inc. Educator Learning Management System designed to help students and teachers find television programming where they live that is supplementary or complimentary to the subject material of their courses. NOTE: FlexTV is a Flash application.

What is a delete file?

Remove files is a link that will allow you to delete one or more files from the folder. A listing of files will appear with checkboxes that you can mark for deletion. Copy folder to students is a link that will allow you to select one or more student folders to which folder contents will be copied.

How to do a DBA?

There is a myth that DBAs can only be completed over the phone and that is not true! Your teacher does need to hear from you directly, but there is no rule or policy that your DBA be held over the phone. DBAs are verbal conversation between you and your teacher, but you have lots of options on ways to do this: 1 A live lesson or their virtual office 2 FaceTime, Google Hangouts, or any other video chat 3 Phone call 4 Any other option that you have discussed with your teacher

Why do we need a DBA?

Even though some students may get nervous or anxious, just remember that DBAs are simply a verbal conversation between you and your teacher. DBAs are one of the ways we ensure academic integrity (and make sure that it’s actually you doing the work). This is why teachers need to hear directly from you!

What is a.5 credit course?

If the course is a .5 credit course (Law Studies, Outdoor Education, etc.), you will meet the requirement by completing this course. Middle school students may advance their learning by enrolling in high school courses if academically appropriate. Courses subject to availability. Courses subject to availability.

What is CTE elective?

CTE electives prepare students with the academic, technical, and employability skills needed for the high-skill, high-wage, in-demand careers of tomorrow. Students have opportunities to earn industry certifications, scholarships, and college credits in select courses. Learn more about CTE with FLVS.

What is FLVS Flex?

FLVS Flex offers year-round, rolling enrollment so students can start and finish a course at any time. Public, private, and home education students can utilize FLVS Flex courses. Students who choose not to attend a physical public or private school can register as home education students in the county of their residence.

Is FLVS a public school?

Because FLVS Full Time is a public school and serves as the student’s school of record, students are required to participate in all state standardized testing. The Full Time program coordinates testing and manages records for their students. FLVS Full Time students are public school students and therefore can earn a state-issued high school diploma.


AM I the only one who is behind in my classes like my grades are good but my completion percentage is low well like above 50% but still low, if so lmk so we all can calm our selves just a lil knowing we're not alone in this. lol

I finished

This is for anyone who feels like they won’t finish. So I did not do one assignment for this whole semester. So I stared pulling all nighters and knocking out all my dbas and today I finished everything! Come on guys we can do this just put in the work! It pays off!


I have a 504, I have never used it with flvs but there is so much work I am feeling very overwhelmed, one of my 504 terms is that I get reduced assignments, would flvs reduce assignments for me? not including the usual like collaborations and enrichment assignments.

I feel like a failure

I failed the algebra eoc, reading ela and history eoc. I literally need to take a waivers for those tests in order to graduate while everyone else passed theirs. This sucks

law studies for global school

Going to be a Sr and the program I am applying to requires me to have a legal studies credit, I have heard that on flvs it is fairly easy but I mainly want to take it through them because my high school does not offer this class.