how to start a wiccan course

by Deron Murphy 5 min read

It simply begins with a desire to learn more about the craft. Memorizing spells, buying supplies, performing initiations rites—all that comes later.The first steps on the path of Wicca involve keeping an open mind and having a thirst for knowledge.

Full Answer

How to learn witchcraft for Absolute Beginners?

Understanding the Principles of Witchcraft for Beginners

  • Witchcraft Primer. A witchcraft primer is perfect for anyone thinking about studying Witchcraft, magic, and spell work.
  • Training the Mind. Training the mind is essential if you want to learn Witchcraft. ...
  • The Witch's Pyramid. The Witch's Pyramid is a fundamental philosophy that's beneficial for learning the Craft. ...

How to become a Wiccan?

Here are the items, quests, and currencies that will disappear once Year 5 begins on February 22:

  • All Bounties, Missions, and Quests from the Tangled Shore, the Forsaken campaign, Season of the Hunt, Season of the Chosen, Season of the Splicer, and Season of the Lost
  • All Ritual and Pinnacle Weapon Quests and Ornaments (the gear will become available in the Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive)
  • Bell of Conquests
  • Cabal Gold
  • Cabal Runes

More items...

What is Wiccan belief system?

Wicca, a pagan belief system centered on the worship of the natural and, often, of a God and a Goddess, emphasizes a strong connection with the earth and derives magic from it. Because magic is central to Wicca, according to, every Wiccan is a witch but not every witch is a Wiccan.

What is Wickens religion?

The Wiccan religion, also known as "The Craft," "Wicca," "Benevolent Witchcraft," and "The Old Religion" is a diverse and decentralized religion that is part of contemporary Paganism/Nature Spirituality. Today, there are thousands of individuals and groups practicing various forms of the Wiccan religion and other Pagan /Nature Spirituality paths throughout the United States and around the world.

Why are covens important in Wicca?

Covens are a great place to begin Wicca because it makes passing down long traditions of knowledge and spells easy. You will be a part of maintaining a line of ancient knowledge. Coven initiation will be up to the coven. It is common for the exact initiation rite to be a secret, even to the initiate.

What is the most important thing to do when going to an initiation?

The most important thing when going to an initiation is to have the right mindset. They are usually done with the intent of spiritual transformation. Let go of any of the worries and concerns of your life to focus mentally, physically, and spiritually on the process.

What is elemental magic?

Elemental Magic. Elemental magic is magic done through the use of one or more of the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Most Wicca traditions include spirit in there as well. I won’t drag this out because I have a very long guide on it already: elemental magic for beginners.

Is Wicca a solitary practice?

Solitary Practice. If you’re considering Wicca, it’s likely you do not yet have a coven or even anyone else you know who is practicing. This is fine! This is known as being a solitary practitioner, and many of the most famous Wiccans from history practiced this way.

Can you commit to a Wicca group?

In solitary practice, you’re not committing to a group or coven, so many newcomers don’t know what to commit to. Wicca is personal, so you can make it whatever you like. Some people choose a deity and formally declare their dedication to this aspect of the divine.

Is Wicca a unified club?

Wicca Initiation. One of the great things about Wicca is that it’s not a unified club you must get admitted to. If you decide to become Wiccan, that decision alone is enough to start calling yourself Wiccan.

Can you write your own Wicca ceremony?

You can write your own ceremony from scratch or use an existing one. If you’re a beginner, this might seem crazy, but this is the most beautiful aspect of Wicca. It is to take from the ancient traditions and use what works for you. There aren’t dogmatic beliefs and strict ceremonies that must be followed.

How to start a Wiccan year and a day?

Begin with your Dedication. Your Year & a Day starts with a simple yet powerful ritual that invites the Divine to support you in your growth as a Wiccan — you will likely experience a very magickal connection with the Divine from the very start.

How long does it take to become a Wicca?

A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan is for people like you who feel called to Wicca as a potent spiritual path. You want to have the full glorious, delicious, MAGICKAL experience that Wicca is meant to be.

What is the most important part of Wicca?

It's where you really learn about yourself, and discover for yourself the hidden meanings and mysteries of Wicca. Another before is that you're keeping the reflection going back, and each time you're focusing on a different aspect to continue with the connection.

What is cosmic code?

The cosmic code to interpret the meaning of events and people (or animals, plants, etc) in your life, both "ordinary" and supernatural. Creative weekly Wiccan activities that increase your self-worth, self-awareness, and self-love. Easy-to-follow directions and explanations.

What is the key to knowing yourself?

As every spiritual master and mystery school has taught, knowing yourself is the key to everything: spiritual elevation, life purpose, joy, well-being, even a successful career discover Who you truly are, undiscovered strengths, innate gifts ... you will befriend yourself and respect yourself through the practices and insights this course offers you

What is ritual in Wicca?

Ritual is a central practice for most Wiccans, so you need to more than what is a ritual for various seasons and purposes, you want to know how to make them effective, moving, transformative, and potent

Can all creatures communicate without language?

All creatures are born with the ability to communicate without language and receive information beyond what the senses can perce ive, you only need to rediscover and release this valuable esoteric skill

What do Wiccans do?

Wiccans like to perform rituals by their altar or outside to spend time with Nature. Rituals are performed to achieve a desire or to celebrate a Sabbat or according to the moon phases. Rituals can be performed alone or with other people. Rituals also call for tools like black candles, white candles, sea salt, spring water, crystals, etc. And you also need to learn how to cast a circle of protection around you before performing a ritual.

Why do Wicca people do magick?

Wiccans perform magick to help them heal mentally or emotionally or to attract positive luck. In Wicca, magick is a spiritual act to help turn your dreams and desires into reality. Real Wiccans do not do curses, sorcery, or black magick, only pure and white magick. Wiccans would not dare do black magick for they abide by ...

What does the pentacle mean in Catholicism?

You should know by now that it’s all misinformation and if anything, it’s a symbol of your love for Nature. The pentacle represents good and pure and white magick, light and love, representing the North, South, East, West and the Spirit. It also represents the Earth, Water, Air, the Spirit and the Divine. Encased within a circle, it means wholeness and unity of all quadrants and the elements and our love for Nature.

Is it hard to learn Wicca?

There is a lot of reading to be done when learning Wicca. Nowadays, it’s not so difficult since there are many websites online that you can learn from. But of course, to dig deeper, it’s always best to learn from a book. There are many Wiccan books available to learn from online. Scott Cunningham and Raymond Buckland are only two of the most well-known authors on the subject.

How Does a Wiccan Beginner Start?

You're here because you want to learn Wicca. But the big question is... Where do you start? Buy the tools and then try casting a circle? Read lots of books until you feel “ready”? Find a local coven or group or teacher and learn from them? Which way is better?

Revealing Mysteries

Through this course you'll also understand mysteries of Wicca you can't read anywhere else, like...

Warning: This Course Is Not For Everyone

"It's not just Wicca training, and it's not just spiritual training -- it's LIFE training."

Super Affordable

So now you're probably wondering about the price. There's a sliding scale to make sure this course is accessible to everybody.

Find Your Niche

Over time, many witches have fallen into solitary practice to avoid prosecution. But as we know, there’s strength in numbers. So the first decision you’ll want to make is whether you feel more comfortable practicing magick alone or with a coven. Most people are a mix of those styles since there are advantages to both.

Learn About Magickal Symbolism

Once you dip your toes into the realm of magick, you’ll see that everything we do has a hidden meaning. Each Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year is a symbolic representation of a natural event. Every ritual is connected to the divine Moon Goddess or the Horned God in one way or another.

Set Up Your Altar

Most witches find that having an altar helps them work on their craft more regularly. The items you decide to put on it will help you focus your energy towards achieving your goals. But the process of putting an altar together can also be just a fun way to express yourself.

Make a Wand or a Besom

Most novice Wiccans don’t think that wands have a practical purpose, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Both wands and besoms — which are essentially small decorative brooms — can be used during spellwork. The right item can help you hone your craft and direct your energy toward achieving your goals.

Grow Your Own Herbs

Once you start conducting rituals, you’ll see that working with herbs is a crucial component of many magickal traditions. Usually, people just buy dried ingredients to keep in their pantry and take out as needed. However, if you want to have more control over the quality of your herbs, you can also start gardening.

Try Your Hand at Spellcasting

Ultimately, witchcraft is supposed to be a tool you can use to improve your life. Depending on the kind of magickal tradition you decide to work with, you may also use it to pay your respects to a variety of supernatural entities or even the spirits of your ancestors.

How many hours of study is required for a Wicca degree?

There are over 150 hours of study and practice within each degree course, including lesson content, exams, reading material, written journal exercises, and other detailed and rigorous coursework, along with personal attention providing you with an experience that no other program can offer. A True Wicca & Witchcraft Community.

What is sacred mists?

Sacred Mists is a Spiritual Home and we welcome you to make it your own! Join hundreds of students as we share the path of Wicca and Witchcraft. Embark upon the journey of a lifetime and learn within a caring and supporting community of like-minded pagans from around the world.

How to become a Wiccan?

Start your journey to becoming Wiccan with the rising of the new moon. Bath in the hope, faith, and optimism of this new beginning. As part of your self-dedication ritual, you might decide that you would like to change your name to something you feel suits your new way of life better.

What is Wicca for Beginners?

Wicca for Beginners by Dora Mcgregor is a good resource to learn about the basics. Learn about beliefs, candle magic, crystals, and herbal rituals. This book was also written in 2019 so is a bit more current than many resources out there. Click to buy

What is the most interesting thing about Wiccan religion?

One of the most interesting things about Wiccan religion, and something that drew me to it strongly, is that there are not really any mandates when it comes to what you have to do. No one is going to come and tell you that you have to worship a particular god or goddess or that you have to follow a strict set of rules.

What are the Wiccans' beliefs?

Most Wiccans are all about moderation, tolerance, the balance of life, respecting nature, sex-positivity, understanding that the genders are completely equal, being responsible for your own life and actions and taking care of your physical, mental and emotional health. All great stuff if you ask me!

Who is Amaria in Witchcraft?

Amaria is a herb and nature-loving magical explorer who always tries to look on the bright side. If she's not cooking up a storm, you'll find her snuggled up on the couch with her self-satisfied cat and a magical book learning everything she can about Witchcraft.
