facts on why our present course is unsustrainaible

by Prof. Kelsi Skiles 7 min read

Is our way of life unsustainable?

Aug 18, 2008 · Currently, 87% of our economic activity is unsustainable; that is, enabled by nonrenewable natural resources. Note that shortages or supply disruptions associated with all nonrenewable natural resources need not occur in order to cause severe lifestyle disruptions or societal collapse.

How much of our economic activity is unsustainable?

Author(s): Reitan, Paul H.; Reitan, Eric H. Review: Drawing the Sea Near: Sautomi and Coral Reef Conservation in Okinawa

What will happen to our way of life when resources become scarce?

Unsustainable trends in the economy, energy, and the environment have finally caught up with us and are converging on a very narrow window of time—the Twenty-Teens. The Crash Course presents our predicament and illuminates the path ahead, so you can face the coming disruptions and thrive--without fearing the future or retreating into denial.

Why is our current lifestyle unsustainable?

Currently, 87% of our economic activity is unsustainable; that is, enabled by nonrenewable natural resources. Note that shortages or supply disruptions associated with all nonrenewable natural resources need not occur in order to cause severe lifestyle disruptions or societal collapse.Aug 18, 2008

What makes resources unsustainable?

Unsustainable resources are resources that will eventually run out. Examples of unsustainable resources are: Fossil Fuels: they come from the earth, are not reusable, and will someday be depleted.Mar 6, 2020

Is our current society sustainable?

About seven million people are killed by human activities generated air pollution every year. Moreover, the pollution induced effects on human health and damage to Earth's ecology are evident, thus compromising the sustainability of future generations. The current model of modern society is unsustainable.May 8, 2020

Why are university campuses in many areas unsustainable?

Why are university campuses in many areas unsustainable? They are huge consumers of resources and energy. Why is it unsustainable to depend on nonrenewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)? Because they are nonrenewable, it is going to be harder to obtain them as they are depleted.

What are some unsustainable activities?

There are unsustainable activities to address at the private levels as well.Wasting Food and Water.Buying One-Use Plastics.Depending on Fossil Fuels.Overpopulating Cities.Contaminating Resources.The Bottom Line.Sources:

What things are unsustainable?

Thus, if we were to curb these habits of convenience we could reduce our consumption and waste.PAPER COFFEE CUPS. How many of us purchase a coffee on the go? ... BOXES OF TEA BAGS. ... PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES. ... DISPOSABLE CUTLERY. ... PLASTIC BAGS. ... PRODUCE BAGS. ... DISPOSABLE SINGLE-USE RAZORS. ... MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS.More items...

What is an unsustainable society?

Unsustainable development occurs when present progress is at the expense of future generations. For example, irresponsible planning and environmental degradation through exploitation of resources generates waste and pollution that damages ecosystems. Such practices are not sustainable in the long term.

How are we being sustainable?

Sustainable living involves reducing the amount of Earth's resources that you use to help protect it. There are a number of ways you can do this, including limiting the amount of energy you use, using eco-friendly products and changing your diet – but I'll talk more about that later!

Why is sustainability so important?

Sustainability is important for many reasons including: Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment. Growth – UNTHSC's enrollment continues to grow, so we require more resources such as energy, water, and space.

How universities can be more sustainable?

Recycle. Finally, perhaps the easiest way to create a more sustainable campus is to recycle as much as you can. Whether it's paper, plastic, electronics or clothing, many college campuses have recycling facilities, so find out where these are located. Otherwise, there may be other local recycling facilities you can use ...

Why is sustainability important on college campuses?

Why sustainability is important on college campuses They represent the heart and soul of living in a campus environment. When a campus has a rich portfolio of sustainability initiatives, you are more likely to be exposed to healthier food, community service opportunities, and a creative approach to lifestyle behaviors.Jun 12, 2014

How can universities become more sustainable?

Increasing recycling and reducing water usage can significantly impact college campuses. Colleges that invest in recycling bins and compost bins can reduce trash waste and build a more sustainable campus. Installing on-campus water refill stations encourages reusable water bottles and limits plastic waste.Sep 21, 2021

Learning Goals

To engage students in civil discourse/ communications that lead to more effective decisions

Context for Use

This activity requires access to a computer and the internet. It is appropriate for high school seniors and college freshman in a number of different curriculums that have open minds and want to help make a difference in the world. It requires simple logic and a willingness to change and promote change.

Description and Teaching Materials

First we define sustainability because a thorough understanding of sustainability is essential to defining the problems we face and in developing alternative solutions.
