3800 Golf Course Road College Park, MD 20742 301.314.GOLF (4653) [email protected]
Unlimited golf beginning one hour before twilight March 15-Nov15 (Designated Twilight time between Nov 16-March 14) March 14- April 30 - Twilight is 4pm May 1-Sept 19 - Twilight is 5pm
1) UMD Golf Course Enhancement Fund. The University Golf Course has served as host to the PGA Nationwide Tour’s Melwood Prince George’s County Open, national, regional, and local tournaments, and annual host to the Maryland State High School Championships. The course is a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary, and was dedicated in 1959 to ...
The term of a Faculty/Staff Afternoon Membership runs April 1 - March 31 of the following year. The Faculty/Staff Afternoon Membership is only available to Faculty/Staff of any University of Maryland University System.
The term of a Twilight Membership runs April 1 - March 31 of the following year.
Includes green fees when playing with the organization on their scheduled day.
Sixty (60) 18 hole rounds of golf with cart. Rounds may be used at any time Monday - Friday and after 1:00 PM on weekends and holidays ($25 surcharge weekends and holidays before 1:00 PM). 9 hole twilight rounds can be counted as a 1/2 round.
Your support as a Friend of the Golf Course is needed to fund those improvements not included in our annual operating budget. Projects currently under consideration at this time include a restroom between the tees of holes 3 and 15, covered tees at the driving range, permanent scoreboard, tournament software and a rain shelter.
The University of Maryland Golf Course Fund for Excellence recognizes its loyal Friends for their generous contribution to the restoration and enhancement of our golf facilities.
Every year, through the generous donations of the Friends of The Golf Course, we are able to make very important improvements in the infrastructure of the golf course. It is because of the Friends that we have all these things we need to make UMD golf course a better place for our members and guests.
The University of Maryland Golf Course offers many naming opportunities. Listed below are some of those opportunities.