what should be the final step in the ethics auditing process? course hero

by Jacques Buckridge 10 min read

What is the second step in the ethics-auditing process?

Correct Answer: Ethics auditing employs procedures and processes similar to those found in financial auditing to create an objective report of a company’s performance. As in an accounting audit, someone with expertise from outside the organization (an external audit firm) may be chosen to conduct the ethics audit.

What is the first step in the audit process?

integrity What should be the final step in the ethics auditing process Report. ... Course Title MGS 1100; Uploaded By lcs257521. Pages 550 This preview shows page 201 - 204 out of 550 pages. Students who viewed this also studied. Georgia State University, Perimeter College • MGS 1100 ...

What is the purpose of social audits and ethics audits?

Report the findings should be the final step in the ethics auditing process A from BUS 2090 at California State University, Stanislaus ... Report the findings should be the final step in the ethics auditing process A. Report the findings should be the final step in the. School California State University, Stanislaus; Course Title BUS 2090; Type ...

When creating and maintaining an Ethical Culture what is corrective action?

The final step in the framework is issuing the ethics audit report This from AA 1. Study Resources. Main Menu; by School; by Literature Title ... The final step in the framework is issuing the ethics. School No School; ... HRM 522. 305384187-HRM-522-Week-11-Final-Exam. Ethics; d; c; 106 pages. 305384187-HRM-522-Week-11-Final-Exam. American ...

Which should be the final step in the ethics auditing process?

What should be the final step in the ethics auditing process? Report the results to the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

What are the steps in the ethics auditing process?

  1. Company Values. ...
  2. Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. ...
  3. Risk Assessment. ...
  4. Ethics and Business Conduct Policies. ...
  5. Awareness Training Audit. ...
  6. Inquiry and Reporting Mechanisms. ...
  7. Communication Program. ...
  8. Ethics and Compliance Program Assessment and Evaluation.
Sep 11, 2019

What is the purpose of an ethics audit?

An Ethical Audit assesses a company's systems, its documentation and facilities against the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, as well as local laws. There have been numerous news reports about (often migrant) workers being treated unfairly by employers.Feb 8, 2018

What is a risk of ethics auditing?

What is a risk of ethics auditing? It could offend stakeholders. It could uncover a serious ethical problem. It could violate industry best practices. It is not as comprehensive as a social audit.

Which of the following is the final step of the three step process for solving an ethical problem?

Consider this three-step process for solving an ethical dilemma: (1) analyze the consequences; (2) analyze the actions; (3) make a decision.

What is an ethics audit quizlet?

Ethics audit. A systematic evaluation of an organization's ethics program and performance to determine whether it is effective. -Regular, complete, and documented measurements of compliance with policies and procedures. -Can be a precursor to establishing an ethics program.

What are the five codes of ethics?

What are the five codes of ethics?
  • Integrity.
  • Objectivity.
  • Professional competence.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Professional behavior.

What is code of ethics in auditing?

The Code of Ethics states the principles and expectations governing the behavior of individuals and organizations in the conduct of internal auditing. It describes the minimum requirements for conduct and behavioral expectations rather than specific activities.

What is done with ethics?

Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.

What are the types of ethics audit?

We can identify three types of audits,4 namely,
  • Financial statement audit.
  • Compliance audit.
  • Operational audit.

Which of the following best describes an ethics training program?

Which of the following best describes an ethics training program? It is a program a firm implements to boost awareness of ethical issues among its employees.