which of the following is an example of sympatric speciation course hero

by Alanis Auer 5 min read

What is not a factor in sympatric speciation?

On this cladogram, two of the species would likely share several characters not present in the third. T/F: Geographic isolation is not a factor in sympatric speciation. T/F: Cladograms show the sequence of evolution of characters in a clade.

Is allopatric speciation gradualistic or punctuated equilibrium?

T/F: Allopatric speciation is compatible with both the gradualistic and punctuated equilibrium models of evolution. T/F: Three species that arose as a result of adaptive radiation are organized on a cladogram.

Which model of speciation is supported by many transitional forms?

T/F: The gradualistic model of speciation is supported by many transitional forms. Which geological timescale will contain the greatest number of years? Which event was not involved in the Permian mass extinction?

What happens when two species mate but the offspring are sterile?

The two species can mate, but the offspring are sterile. A zygote fails to undergo mitosis because of a mismatched numbers of chromosomes. This is an example of

Which of the following is an example of sympatric speciation?

A possible example of sympatric speciation is the apple maggot, an insect that lays its eggs inside the fruit of an apple, causing it to rot.

Which of the following best defines sympatric speciation *?

Which of the following best defines sympatric speciation? Explanation: In cases of sympatric speciation, two distinct species diverge from the same population within the same geographic location.

Which of the following is false of sympatric populations *?

Which of the following is false of sympatric populations? Explanation: Allopatric literally means “other fatherland,” meaning that populations are geographically separate. Because populations are separate, they may use similar resources and be similar in structure.

Can sympatric species interbreed?

Sympatric speciation is distinctive as it occurs when two populations of the same species are found in the same territory but are able to split into two different groups and genetically develop so differently that they can no more interbreed and become different species.

Which of the following is true about sympatric speciation?

Which of the following is true regarding sympatric speciation? - Sympatric speciation requires a population in which all individuals have an equal chance of mating with one another. - Sympatric speciation requires a selective disadvantage of hybrids (e.g., medium-billed birds) of two diverging populations.

Which of the following is an example of allopatric speciation?

Examples of allopatric speciation abound, and the process is considered the dominant form of speciation in organisms that engage in sexual reproduction. Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands, which may have speciated allopatrically because of volcanic eruptions that divided populations, is a famous example.

What is sympatric population?

In biology, two related species or populations are considered sympatric when they exist in the same geographic area and thus frequently encounter one another. An initially interbreeding population that splits into two or more distinct species sharing a common range exemplifies sympatric speciation.

Which of the following reasons could explain why sympatric speciation?

Which of the following reasons could explain why sympatric speciation is more common in plants than in animals? Explanation: Sympatric speciation implies a speciation event while the populations exist within the same geographical region.

Which of the following is true about sympatric and allopatric speciation?

Which of the following is true about sympatric and allopatric speciation? Sympatric speciation results in the development of a new species but allopatric speciation does not.

Which is an example of sympatric speciation quizlet?

Some animals and plants appear to have diverged while living side by side—a process called sympatric speciation. One of the best examples of sympatric speciation can be found in Lake Apoyo, which formed a crater of an extinct volcano in Nicaragua.

What is sympatric speciation in biology?

Sympatric speciation, from the Greek 'same place', involves the splitting of an ancestral species into two or more reproductively isolated groups without geographical isolation of those groups.

What is sympatric speciation quizlet?

sympatric speciation. The formation of a new species as a result of a genetic change that produces a reproductive barrier between the changed population (mutants) and the parent population.