what prejudices have been applied to africa with regard to it's history crash course

by Eugene Daugherty 9 min read

What prejudices have been applied to Africa with regard to history?

What prejudices have been applied to Africa with regard to its history? Answer: Since they couldn't write, they were uncivilized. The prejudice of writing is one of the markers of civilization that have been applied to Africa about its history, indicating that …

Why is there a lack of written history in Africa?

Crash Course World History Study Guide Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa Directions: Follow along with the video (or read the transcript) and answer the questions in detail 1. (0:40) What prejudices have been applied to Africa in regard to its history?

Are there distorted and unfair assumptions about African history?

What were European impressions of Mansa Musa&how did that impact Africa?

What does studying Africa remind us of crash course?

Studying Africa reminds us that we need to look at lots of sources, and lots of kinds of sources if we want to get a fuller picture of the past. If we relied on only written sources, it would be far too easy to fall into the old trap of seeing Africa as backwards and uncivilized.May 10, 2012

Why are there distorted and unfair assumptions of African history?

I think that there are distorted and unfair assumptions of African history because they had a lot of gold so they were rich. but they were considered uncivilized because people don't use writing. We can better view the history of the uncivilized by seeing, who and what they had to learn by. with a massive apocalypse.

How was most of African history preserved *?

Much of African history was preserved via oral rather than written tradition.

What is John Green arguing about oral histories and specifically African history?

John Green points out that most sub-Saharan African histories were preserved by oral tradition rather than written down. He also says there is a prejudice against oral tradition.

How has the history of West Africa been preserved?

-The task of remembering and telling West Africa's history was entrusted to storytellers. - They were highly respected in their communities because the people of West Africa were very interested in the deeds of their ancestors. -Griots helped keep this history alive for each new generation.

What are the sources and techniques used for studying African history?

There are two main sources for the writing and study of African history. These are documentary and non-documentary sources (written and unwritten sources).Feb 28, 2020

How can African history be reconstructed?

Since writing began late in most parts of the continent, archeology has become the main source of information for the reconstruction of African history of the distant past. Archeologists have revealed in their studies what our ancestors did and so help to provide useful evidence for writing about.

What are the examples of oral history?

Examples of Oral HistoryAfter the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor. ... Black Oral History Collection. ... Civil Rights History Project at the Library of Congress. ... Civil Rights in Mississippi Digital Archives.More items...•Nov 30, 2021

How does oral history contribute towards environmental history?

Oral history, moreover, provides a counterweight to a reliance on colonial archives and top-down environmental accounts, and can facilitate a renewal - and deepening - of the radical roots of environmental history.May 1, 2020

When was oral history first used?

1940sIn Western society, the use of oral material goes back to the early Greek historians Herodotus and Thucydides, both of whom made extensive use of oral reports from witnesses. The modern concept of oral history was developed in the 1940s by Allan Nevins and his associates at Columbia University.