which of the following statements about codes of conduct is false? course hero

by Porter Muller 5 min read

What is the Triskelion code of conduct?

A Triskelion is a brother to his fellow THE TRISKELION CODE OF CONDUCT T- Treat others as you would have them to treat you. R – Rise to defend the name and honor of the Fraternity whenever it is unjustly criticized. End of preview.

Who enforces the Code of ethics?

1. The Code of Ethics is enforced primarily by: a. the National Association of REALTORS®. b. the local circuit courts. c. the small claims courts. d. the local Association of REALTORS®. d. the local Association of REALTORS®. 2. The two types of complaints typically resolved by local Associations are (check two):

When does the shared code of conduct come into effect?

A shared Code of conduct has been developed for the following 12 National Boards and comes into effect on 29 June 2022. An advance copy of the shared Code of conduct is available here. To view the code of conduct or code of ethics currently in place for each National Board, click on the links below:

What is a National Board Code of conduct or code of ethics?

A National Board code of conduct or code of ethics describes the professional behaviour and conduct expectations for registered health practitioners. Each of the 15 National Boards have an approved code of conduct or code of ethics that applies to the registered health practitioners they regulate.

What is the code of ethics?

The code of ethics is divided into three major sections: duties to clients and customers, duties to the public, and duties to Realtors. False. Under no circumstances may a Realtor talk to, negotiate or discuss real estate matters with the client of another Realtor. False.

What is the code of ethics for realtors?

True. The code of ethics prohibits exaggeration, misrepresentation and concealment of pertinent facts about the property or the transaction. True.

What is the preamble to the Code of Ethics?

The preamble to the code of ethics establishes ideals for which all Realtors should strive. True. Articles of the code of ethics are the broadest statements of ethical principles, and standards of practice support, interpret and amplify the articles under which they are stated. True.

Do realtors have an obligation to protect their clients?

Realtors have an obligation to protect and promote the interests of their clients regardless of the effect on any other party or realtor. True. At the time the code of ethics was adopted, there were no real estate licensing laws. True. The code of ethics was adopted to establish standards of conduct in the industry.

What is the best explanation of a business code of conduct?

The best explanation of a business code of conduct. The legalities of unethical practices. The types of business codes. The code that explains both the business' values and principles and the employees' obligations. Whether professionals are governed by special codes of conduct.

How to write a code of conduct?

To learn more about the importance of a business' code of conduct, review the corresponding lesson. This lesson covers the following objectives: 1 Define code of conduct 2 Understand ethics and how they relate to the law 3 Review codes of conduct, codes of practice and codes of ethics 4 Know what common topics codes address 5 Explore some examples of international codes of conduct
