what not to do during moon void of course

by Garland Jenkins 3 min read

Some Examples of Don'ts during a Void of Course Moon:

  1. Submit your resume for a new job, either by e-mail or snail mail.
  2. Be interviewed for a new job or do a business presentation.
  3. Start a new job.
  4. Hold company meetings.
  5. Make purchases.
  6. Do not negotiate prices, test drive a vehicle or drive it for the first time.
  7. Make an investment or open a new bank account.
  8. Call on clients.
  9. Start legal proceedings against someone.
  10. Go on a first date.
  11. Get engaged or married.
  12. Have elective surgery.
  13. Open a business.
  14. Host a party or social affair.
  15. Gamble or start a trip to a gaming facility.

Here's what to do—and what to avoid—when the Moon is void of course.
  • DO: Self-care.
  • DON'T: Launch a new project or go on a first date.
  • DO: Brainstorm.
  • DON'T: Make major decisions, sign any contracts, or make any big purchases.
  • You're obsessed with all things astro. Same. ...
  • DO: Stick to your routine.
  • DON'T: Do magick.
Mar 31, 2021

Full Answer

What to do during a void of course Moon?

Some Examples of Do's during a Void of Course Moon: 1 Prayer and meditation. 2 Sleep and dream. 3 Non-material matters. 4 Let someone start proceedings AGAINST you in court. 5 End a relationship or get divorced. 6 Close doors to end business. More ...

Is a void of course Moon a bad thing?

A Void of Course Moon, like any other astrological transit or aspect, is not inherently a bad thing. The important things to remember are the feelings and urges associated with these Moons and prepare yourself.

Should you avoid moon periods?

The basic rule is: when you want something to happen, if you want to be successful, avoid the void of course Moon periods, at all costs. However, if you wish something not to happen, then choose this moment.

How often does the Moon go void-of-course?

One major point to note, though, is that the moon can go void-of-course many times a week. She can even be void-of-course for a few minutes or a whole day! Sounds obnoxious, right? It doesn’t have to be. To be honest, it’s easy to refer to a moon table like this one.

How long does the Moon stay void of course?

The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. So, that means that every two or three days, the Moon is going to spend some time void of course. What does that mean for you?

What does it mean to be born on void of course moon?

People born with the Moon Void of Course sometimes amble through life without a strong sense of purpose. They are usually of a spiritual bent, or concerned with bringing things to a conclusion. Check the nature of the last aspect the Moon makes as it turns Void.

How do you know when the Moon is void of course?

It begins when the Moon in transit makes the last major aspect it will make before it changes from one sign of the Zodiac to the next. It ends when the Moon enters the next sign. The name of this period is Void of Course Moon.

How long is the Moon in Aries?

Moon in Aries is a time, when lunar sky path is crossing the first sector of the zodiac - between ∠0°-30°, where is located the constellation of Aries. Waxing Moon visits Aries zodiac sign only in the period from October to April and Waning Moon transits Aries only from April to October.

What is void of course moon good for?

The void of course moon occurs when the moon makes its final major aspect with another planet before changing signs. In general, it's ideal to plan ahead so you can avoid big events happening during a void of course moon phase and also avoid needing to make big decisions during the time.

What is a void planet in astrology?

A planet is generally said to be void of course when it is not applying to an aspect with any other planets, although the specific requirements of the condition vary based on which definition is used.

What phase of the Moon are we currently in?

The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Third Quarter phase.

What is a moon transit?

A transit is when one object crosses in front of another in space. This can happen in a lot of different ways. One example is when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. The Moon is “transiting” the Sun. This is also called a solar eclipse.

What moon is today astrology?

Last Quarter 46% illuminated Last Quarter is the lunar phase today: 21 June 2022, Tuesday . Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 46% and getting smaller. The 22 days old Moon is in ♈ Aries.

Is Aries moon emotional?

Aries Moon Personality Traits If your Moon sign is Aries, the planet Mars rules over your emotional make-up. This is where your red-hot, bold, and sometimes hot-tempered personality comes from. You live in the moment, thrive on being spontaneous, and crave a life of adventure.

How does the Moon in Aries affect people?

Just remember that the Moon is your emotional being. Aries is a fire sign, and people with Moon in Aries are usually independent and happy to be on their own. They like challenges and new things, but dislike overt expressions of emotions and prefer when everyone is direct and self-sufficient.

How do Aries look?

The Aries horoscope symbol is the Ram, a sheep with large curving horns. The Aries sign symbol is usually depicted as a very simple graphic meant to resemble the head of the Ram. Thus, the Aries symbol of the Ram expresses this zodiac sign's determination and fiery, unstoppable energy.

What is the void of course moon period?

The void of course Moon periods are characterized by inconsistency, a weird feeling of being somehow detached of reality and immersed into the cosmos, into the interplanetary space, floating somewhere among the rings of Saturn or the hoard of asteroids.

What does it mean when the Moon is void?

William Lilly, a most reputed medieval astrologer, said that when the Moon is void of course in Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, it "performs somehow", that is when the Moon currently occupies a sign where a benefic planet (Venus or Jupiter) is exalted or ruler, it can lead to a favorable outcome in selected cases.

What is the void of course?

The term VOID OF COURSE refers to the condition of the Moon between the moment it performed the last major aspect with another planet in its current sign and the moment of stepping into the next sign. The abbreviation of "void of course" is VOC.

What does "no aspects, no events" mean?

It is commonly considered in the traditional astrology that the Moon carries the signification of the upcoming events, but only when she relates to other planets by a major aspect.

How long does the Moon last?

They last usually a couple of hours, the range being from a few minutes to even the entire two days and a half period, when the Moon makes no major aspects to other planets from its current astrological sign.

When did the Cancer Moon sextile the Sun?

Cancer Moon sextile the Sun on 21 May 2007, at 7:46 am

When you want something to happen, what should you do?

The basic rule is: when you want something to happen, if you want to be successful, avoid the void of course Moon periods, at all costs. However, if you wish something not to happen, then choose this moment.

The moon takes about 28 days to complete one full cycle

The moon in astrology is referred to as a luminary and it is very important to our lives. The moon rules our emotions, habits, instincts and inner life. This means that, depending on where the moon is within the sky, she takes on the “mood” of each zodiac sign.

Things to do when the moon is void-of-course

When we are experiencing a void moon, it’s a good time to relax, meditate and tap into our spiritual side. Self-care, a nap or a bath would be great because you can unplug and not worry about anything except your mental and physical health. Daydream and brainstorm ideas and open up your mind.

Things to avoid when the moon is void-of-course

However, there are some serious things to watch out for when the void-of-course Moon period is happening. For instance, you do not want to initiate anything important financially, professionally or in your relationships. Making a big purchase or signing a contract is not ideal.

What happens if the moon is void of course?

There, if we find that the Moon was void-of-course at the moment when a question was asked, we might decide that it is not appropriate to answer such a question. Or, if some of us will still decide to proceed with the answer, they will most probably say that nothing will come out of the matter in question (which, depending on the question, might mean that there is nothing to be afraid of).

How long does the moon last in the void of course?

What the Void-of-Course Moon Is. It's a common knowledge that the Moon circles around the Earth, and it completes the circle in about 27 days, the lunar month (there is another lunar month called synodic which lasts almost 30 days, but it's of no interest to us here). The Moon moves all the time along the Zodiac, ...

How does the Moon affect the zodiac sign?

Moving through each sign, the Moon makes contacts with the planets. It isn't really important what are those contacts and how they are made, but it is exactly those contacts who provide the content of the sign's story. The exact number of the contacts and their distribution in time depends on where all the planets are in the Zodiac, and this arrangement changes eternally.

What is the void of course period of the moon?

So here is a more or less precise definition: The void-of-course period of the Moon is the period of time from the moment the Moon makes the last contact with any planet in the current Sign of the Zodiac, and until it enters the next sign.

What happens when the moon enters the next sign?

Each sign is like a chapter in the book of life, and moving through it the Moon is telling a story. When the Moon enters the next sign, it starts a new story. We still remember the old one, but we are not deeply involved into it anymore. Whether we notice it or not, each time the Moon enters the next Sign of the Zodiac, something substantially changes in our life, some context, or the emotional background of events. Most of the time we aren't aware of this change because the Moon is strongly connected to our subconsciousness, not to our consciousness. It is the subconsciousness who is deeply aware of the change.

What are the downsides of the Moon Calendar?

The downside is that it might require a little bit of effort to figure out what all those symbols mean, and the information in the calendar is somewhat dense. Another downside is the platform on which the Calendar is built, which is Google AppEngine, is a bit flaky. You might need to reload the page a few times until it will stop reporting a weird error and start showing the real stuff.

Why do we pause in stories?

We don't know why it happens, this pause. Maybe the story teller gives us the time to think about the content of the story we've just heard, or maybe it is a chance to prepare to the next story, because it is going to be very important. We just know that the pause is there.

What to do on a void moon?

It’s best to rest on a void Moon. People often feel sleep and disconnected at this time. I find these are wonderful hours to simply drift if you can. This creates a space—into which surprising and inspired ideas can suddenly enter. Void moons are also good for doing activities that you don’t want to hear further results from. It’s said that if you mail your taxes at this time, you won’t be audited. One of my clients scheduled a medical test for a void moon, and the result was exactly what she was hoping for: negative. (She was especially relieved because a month earlier, the same test had a scary positive result.) But if you have no choice and you must schedule something important on a void moon, know that you can still be successful, especially if you’re willing to apply a little personal chutzpah. Void moon ripen your individuality and favor creative breakthroughs. This is an optimum time to cut loose from the prevailing wisdom and sneak past the cultural gates. Even a failed project can bring such brilliant learning, your future will shimmer because of it.

What does it mean when the moon is void?

A void is a gap, an empty space. It suggests a state of being without. Astrologically, the Moon is void when in a particular sign, she’s without connections (or “aspects”) to the other planets. These gaps occur before the Moon changes sign, and can last from a few minutes, to a few hours, to a couple of days, depending on the other planets’ positions. If you ask a horary astrologer about the fate of a particular project when the Moon is void, it’s presumed you likewise lack connections. Without this outer assistance, your project is likely to fail.

Is being moon paranoid silly?

Even a failed project can bring such brilliant learning, your future will shimmer because of it. Being Moon paranoid is silly. Good or bad Moons are mostly what we make of them. A void of course Moon may not signal anything at all, particularly if you stand at no brinks, ready for no action.

Is astrology scary?

Sometimes astrology is scary. You might have blissfully spent all your days unaware of void-of-course Moons, but once you hear about them, you’re panicky. The news about void-of-course Moons does sound hopeless. Anything begun during them goes nowhere. Your job interview won’t bring employment. Your visit to your mother-in-law won’t earn any ...

Is a void moon good for taxes?

Void moons are also good for doing activities that you don’t want to hear further results from. It’s said that if you mail your taxes at this time, you won’t be audited. One of my clients scheduled a medical test for a void moon, and the result was exactly what she was hoping for: negative.

What are the conclusions of the Void of Course Moon?

A conclusion are that decisions we made during time of Void of Course Moon have a long way and difficulties to achieve the goals. Ideas that will come up at that time may be hard to be implement at a later time.

Why is the Void of Course Moon not responsible for unsuccessful negotiations?

The Void of Course Moon is not responsible for unsuccessful negotiations, talks about a rise, or the unfortunate development of our project. The reason lies in the actions we take (or no action), our approach to the matter, preparation and people involved.

How long does it take for the Moon to pass through the zodiac sign?

The Moon walking across the sky passing through twelve zodiac's signs in almost twenty eight days. The time from the last major aspect with another planet before entering the next zodiac sign is called Void of Course Moon. This time usually takes about minutes to several hours.

Is success or failure based on the moon?

Success or fail is described in our entire horoscope, not by interpretation based only on the moon. If the situation or started project don't have positive aspects of planets of its horoscope, the Void of Course Moon calendar will not save us from the consequences of the decisions we made.

What are some examples of don'ts during a Void of Course Moon?

Some Examples of Don'ts during a Void of Course Moon: 1. Submit your resume for a new job, either by e-mail or snail mail. 2. Be interviewed for a new job or do a business presentation. 3.

What happens if you buy an object while the moon is void of course?

If you buy any object you never use it fully. Enterprises founded while the Moon is Void of Course do fail after long and costly effort. Human judgment is more fallible than usual during the time the Moon is Void of Course. This is the principle factor in all observed experience thus far.

What happens when the moon goes void?

The Moon rules our subconscious, emotions and feelings. When she goes "void" this is experienced on a mass global level. People are not tuned into reality 100%. Often they are prone to be detached from reality, spacey, and feel unanchored.

How long is the Moon in transit?

This period may last a few seconds, or it may be three days and nights in a single session. It begins when the Moon in transit makes the last major aspect it will make before it changes from one sign of the Zodiac to the next. It ends when the Moon enters the next sign. The name of this period is Void of Course Moon. You may call it a silly season, or vacation from normal living.
