what must a coordinate system have? course hero

by Agustin Anderson 10 min read

Ideally, the most commonly used type of coordinate system consists of three imaginary axes that intersect at a common point known as the origin. The axes are labeled alphabetically as x, y and z. They are used to determine the location of a point in the three-dimensional space.

Full Answer

1. What are the different types of coordinate systems?

The different types of coordinate systems are:- Horizontal coordinate systems locate data across the surface of the world, and vertical coordinate...

2. What is a coordinate system in physics?

Coordinate systems can be used to describe the position of an object generally in space. A coordinate system can be defined as an artificial mathem...

3. What do you mean by coordinate axes and coordinates?

Coordinate Axes: The coordinate axes are two fixed mutually perpendicular lines that are used to determine the position of a point in a plane. The...

4. What is a quadrant?

A horizontal line called the X-axis and a vertical line called the Y-axis to divide a plane into four regions in the Cartesian system. Quadrant Def...

5. What are the foremost common coordinate systems?

A geographic frame of reference uses longitude and latitude expressed in decimal degrees. For instance, WGS 1984 and NAD 1983 are the foremost comm...

6. What is the standard coordinate system called?

A Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions (also known as a rectangular coordinate system or an orthogonal coordinate system) can be defined b...

7. Why do we use a coordinate system?

Coordinate systems enable geographic datasets to use common locations for integration. A frame of reference may be a coordinate system wont to repr...

8. Why do we need coordinate geometry?

In real life, coordinate geometry is used in a variety of ways. The following are a few of them:To locate the cursor or finger position in digital...

9. How do you write the coordinates of a point?

We always write coordinates in brackets, with a comma separating the two numbers. Coordinates are ordered pairs of numbers, in which the first numb...

10. What is the Polar Coordinate System?

A different technique to express points in a plane is the polar coordinate system. In general, we have two parameters: angle and radius. A single l...

How to describe coordinate system?

A complete definition of a coordinate system requires the following points given below: 1 It is the projection that can be used to draw the earth on a flat map. 2 Location of the origin. 3 The units that can be used to measure the distance from the origin.

What are the different types of coordinate systems?

Horizontal coordinate systems are often of three types : geographic, projected, and local.

What is a prototypical example of a coordinate system?

The prototypical example of a coordinate system can be the Cartesian Coordinate System. In the plane, any two perpendicular lines are chosen and then the coordinates of a point are taken to be the signed distances to the lines.

What is the first quadrant of the coordinate system?

The region XOY is known as the first quadrant. The region X’OY is known as the second quadrant. The region X’OY’ is known as the third quadrant. The region Y’OX is known as the fourth quadrant. These are the quadrants of coordinate system.

What is coordinate plane?

1. The coordinate plane is also known as a Two- dimensional plane.

What is the coordinate system for longitude and latitude?

Longitude and latitude are a special kind of coordinate system, known as a spherical coordinate system , since they identify points on a sphere or globe. However, there are many other coordinate systems utilized in different places round the world to spot locations in the world . All of those coordinate systems place a grid of vertical and horizontal lines over a flat map of some part of the world .

What is a geographic frame of reference?

A geographic frame of reference uses longitude and latitude expressed in decimal degrees. For instance , WGS 1984 and NAD 1983 are the foremost common datums today. Before 1983, NAD27 was the foremost common datum.

What are the objectives of coordinate systems?

Objectives: • Learning the basic properties and usesof coordinate systems Understanding the differencebetween geographic coordinates and projected coordinates •Getting familiarwith different types of map projections •Managing and troubleshootingcoordinate systems of feature classes and images

Which property should be chosen for a map projection?

A:We should choose a map projection that preserves the propertiesappropriate for the application, choosing from the following properties: 1. Shape 2. Area 3. Distance 4. Direction

Can a map be horizontal or vertical?

for mapping • It can be horizontal or vertical

Is a flat map conformal or equivalent?

No flat map can be both equivalent & conformal.

How to make a coordinate system useful?

To make a coordinate system useful, we need to be able to reference any location in a spatial dataset to a location in the real world

What is the coordinate system used in Georgia?

Common Coordinate System used in Georgia (Uses NAD 83 / Measuring units in meters / False easting at 200,000 m for east zone and 700,000 m for west zone

Which coordinate system has the least distortion?

State Plane coordinate system has the least distortion (In most cases UTM will work just as well as State Plane)
