what term means a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disorder

by Amara Huel 3 min read

Prognosis: The forecast of the probable outcome or course of a disease; the patient's chance of 'recovery.Mar 29, 2021

Which term means a prediction of the course of a disease?

In this manner, what is the prediction of the course of a disease? The prognosis is a prediction of the course of a disease following its onset. It refers to the possible outcomes of a disease (e.g. death, chance of recovery, recurrence) and the frequency with which these outcomes can be expected to occur.. Beside above, what does the medical term prognosis mean?

What is the medical term for the probable outcome?

Dec 09, 2010 · What is the medical term meaning possible outcome of a disease? Prognosis is a prediction about outcome of disease. Which term means a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disorder?

What is the difference between prognosis and prognosis?

Mar 13, 2020 · Correspondingly, which term means a prediction of the probable course and outcome of disease? prognosis. The definition of a prognosis is the predicted outcome of a disease and the chances of recovery.

What is the definition of disease?

The prognosis is the medical term for the probable outcome a person can expect in the future given their current condition. Thus the correct answer is prognosis (c.).

Which term means a prediction of the probable course?

Donate. Share This! A prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease.

Which term means a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease a diagnosis b differential diagnosis C prognosis D syndrome?

What follows is a prognosis, which is a prediction of the course of the disease as well as the treatment and results.

Which term describes a prediction?

prognostication, prophecy. (also prophesy), soothsaying, vaticination.

Which term means probably outcome of a disease?

Listen to pronunciation. (prog-NO-sis) The likely outcome or course of a disease; the chance of recovery or recurrence.

What does the medical term PYEL O )- mean?

pelvisPyelo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “pelvis.” It is used in medical terms, especially in anatomy.

What is the suffix meaning tissue death?

The suffix -necrosis means tissue death.

What is a prediction in science?

A scientific prediction suggests the data that are consistent with the hypothesis and thus can pertain to future and past experimental outcomes. Therefore, even though these experiments were conducted over 200 years ago, we can formulate predictions concerning the expected outcomes of the experiments.Feb 4, 2011

Is a hypothesis a prediction?

A hypothesis is not a prediction. Rather, a prediction is derived from a hypothesis. A causal hypothesis and a law are two different types of scientific knowledge, and a causal hypothesis cannot become a law. A theory is not necessarily a well-supported explanation.

What word do we use for a scientific guess or prediction?

The hypothesis is an educated guess as to what will happen during your experiment.Jan 28, 2022

Is prognosis a prediction?

An accurate assessment of prognosis differs from a prediction in that it requires stating a range of survival based upon relevant data. It would be nice if physicians were clairvoyant, but as Yogi Bera noted: “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

Which term means study of the cause of a disease?

The etiology of a disease is its cause or origin. Etiology is also the name for the study of the causes of diseases. It can also refer to the study of the cause of things in other fields, such as philosophy and physics. But it is most commonly used in the context of medicine.

What does projected prognosis mean?

The term prognosis refers to making an educated guess about the expected outcome of any kind of health treatment, including mental health, in essence making a prediction of the process an individual may have to go through in order to heal, and the extent of healing expected to take place.Jul 16, 2021