what makes up the difference between human rights and legal rights? course hero

by Vince Auer 9 min read

Human rights are not legislated rights; they are inherent in the person of each individual human. In this sense it is possible to see human rights as the basic value around which social arrangements can be built and society studied empirically.

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What are the rights of every human being?

Significant among them were: Article 3—everyone has the right to life, liberty, and personal security; Article 22—everyone has the right to social security and deserves the economic, social, and cultural rights that are necessary for the development of personality; Article 23—everyone has the right to work, to choose one’s employment, to have just work conditions, and protection against unemployment.

How are human rights mediated?

The struggle for human rights is mediated by the legal processes resulting in civil laws. Laws are frequently embedded in the power interests and work settings of experts who are self-regulated. The resulting top-down management minimizes input from consumers. Organizations are more likely to be changed by an open source model in which consumer ideas are a welcome input. When the civil rights process fails, the only recourse may be civil protests and civil disobedience. The legal process is dominated by those with economic and political power. It took a long time to abolish slavery and to give women the right to vote, and we are currently fighting to give blind people working in sheltered workshops the right to equal protection—the right to receive the same minimum wage as other workers.

Is human rights a legislated right?

Human rights are not legislated rights; they are inherent in the person of each individual human. In this sense it is possible to see human rights as the basic value around which social arrangements can be built and society studied empirically.

What are constitutional rights?

Constitutional rights are an attempt to articulate human rights; the right to keep what you earn, the right to privacy and to be left alone, the right to defend yourself and household, the right to worship as you see fit-or not, etc.

Why are constitutional rights important?

Also known as Constitutional rights because they are present in Constitution. These are enshirned in the constitution and are indispensable for human existence. They can be restricted only on certain reasonable grounds and are amended only by way of constitutional amendment .

What happens when your rights are violated?

Basically, when a persons constitutional rights get violated, like rascism or censorship, they handle it internally amongst their nation. When your human rights get violated, like your forced out of your house, relocated to an enclosed camp & denied food/water because you voiced an opinion deemed “threatening,” you will have the backing of every human across the world if you're unable to get the help you need.

What is the meaning of positive rights in socialism?

These “positive right” must of course be paid for by somebody else. In Democratic socialism that means the most productive people . In a strict socialist setting the “means of production” are owned by the state, which means that nobody pays for those positive rights. So those positive rights are poorly funded if at all.

Do illiterate people have laws?

Not really. From an anthropological perspective, all peoples, even small illiterate tribes, have laws even if they are not written down. Those laws (which among illiterate peoples are passed down by oral tradition) state what the rights and responsibilities of a citizen are. “These are my cattle and none may take them from me” is a right; “I must ensure that my cattle do not graze on another's pasture” is a responsibility.

Do human rights exist without a constitution?

Human rights must be granted explicitly for all citizens to know and understand the meaning. Human rights do not exist without being granted by a constitution.

Can the government take my life?

Life - well, pretty obvious. Government can’t just legally blot out my life. This is actually a big step up over some systems. If they’re going to (legally) take my life, it’s got to be for one of absolute worst of the listed judgeable, punishable acts; it’s got to be carried out in form of due process by the hired help.
