what kind of object can be used to get text input in a... course hero

by Darian Luettgen 4 min read

Basics of Python Classes

In Python, every class has a local namespace to define all its members which could either be functions or variables. Also, every Python class holds a set of special attributes. Each of them starts and ends with a double underscore sign (__). If you consider the above example, then using the __doc__ will return the doc string of that class.

Summary – Online Python Quiz for Beginners

The scope of Python classes is significantly large. That’s why we covered the basics in this online Python quiz and targetted it for beginners. We are hoping that it’ll help all freshers in Python programming.

What is a card?

A customizable card that can contain any combination of text, speech, images, buttons, and input fields. See per-channel support. A card that can play animated GIFs or short videos. A card that can play an audio file. A card that typically contains a single large image, one or more buttons, and text.

What is adaptive card?

The Adaptive Card can contain any combination of text, speech, images, buttons, and input fields. Adaptive Cards are created using the JSON format specified in Adaptive Cards, which gives you full control over card content and format.

What is a thumbnail card?

ThumbnailCard. A card that typically contains a single thumbnail image, one or more buttons, and text. ReceiptCard. A card that enables a bot to provide a receipt to the user. It typically contains the list of items to include on the receipt, tax and total information, and other text. SignInCard.

What is a rich card?

A rich card is an attachment that contains interactive elements, such as buttons, text, images, audio, video, and so on. This article describes how to create rich cards that you can attachment to a message. See how to add media attachments to messages for specific instructions on adding an attachment to a message.
