of course, the slaughtered lamb. why else would they have a severed wolf's head

by Green Ritchie 8 min read

Do lambs scream when they are slaughtered?

Of all the thousands of lambs I’ve witnessed being slaughtered, by being stunned and bled, and by just being bled (as in ritual slaughter - kosher & halal), I’ve never heard a lamb scream. If you’d asked about goats, they cry/scream if you look at them crossways! Originally Answered: Do lambs scream when they are slaughtered?

Why don’t animals follow each other into slaughterhouses?

As Katie so eloquently stated, they don’t, not when the slaughter house is properly run and the animals equally properly handled. They are willing to follow each other into the slaughter plant when they are not feeling stressed nor smelling the stress pheromones from other animals.

Why is animal slaughter a nightmare?

It is a nightmare of logistics. It is painful. It is completely prone to errors and missteps and shooting blood and animals death throes., not to mention surges of adrenaline that will taint the flavor of the meat. Do animals before slaughter feel fear?

Do you cut off an animal's head before it is dead?

We do not cut off an animal's head before it is dead. We do not cut off an animal's head before it is dead. We do not cut off an animal's head before it is dead. It is unprofessional. It is unnecessary. It is a nightmare of logistics. It is painful.


Hmph. Times past, all warlocks in Khaz Modan were trained under the auspices of the masters of Gnomeregan, but now that we've all been forced to relocate into this rat's hole in Ironforge, and Magni's decided to keep a careful watch on us, we're forced to send our novices to Stormwind for training.


Sent by Blackwrench, were you? Damn warlocks in Ironforge need to get things sorted out. There's only so much room and so many teachers in Stormwind. With all the increased traffic, we're sure to attract attention sooner or later.


Hmph. Times past, all warlocks in Khaz Modan were trained under the auspices of the masters of Gnomeregan, but now that we've all been forced to relocate into this rat's hole in Ironforge, and Magni's decided to keep a careful watch on us, we're forced to send our novices to Stormwind for training.


Sent by Blackwrench, were you? Damn warlocks in Ironforge need to get things sorted out. There's only so much room and so many teachers in Stormwind. With all the increased traffic, we're sure to attract attention sooner or later.

What animals are killed in western abattoirs?

Modern western abattoirs use stun guns to render unconscious cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. Chickens are usually electrocuted. Most modern abattoirs are designed to limit the transit time between unloading and processing, thus reducing the stress levels in the animals. But all animals can smell blood 100x more than humans.

What does a travelling salesman notice in the barnyard?

A travelling salesman stops at a farm house, and while he’s talking with the farmer he notices a pig running around the barnyard with a wooden peg leg. He asks the farmer about it.

Do lambs cry when slaughtered?

The lamb being slaughtered does not cry. It also is one of the only animals that does not put up a fight. The other lambs that witness it are the ones that cry. Even if they are up next when it's their time they're also not putting up a fight or crying.

Do wolves scream?

Scream? No. They might bleat as they enter the building, but they are quickly knocked senseless with a bolt to the base of the brain before being hung up by a hind leg and the throat is slit to allow the blood to drain. The bolt is fired so quickly that they don't really feel it and death occurs very quickly after the throat is slit--which they also do not feel as the spinal cord was severed at the brain stem by the bolt. Unlike the other person who answered, I have no moral issue with animals being slaughtered for food, but I also won't shy away from describing exactly what happens. It is far less gory and painful than if they were being hunted down and killed by coyotes or wolves. People who take a moral stance against eating animals fail understand that we are just as entitled to harvest animals as other apex predators are. Being human doesn't alter the fact that we are likewise animals and that we are omnivores, not herbivores.

Do antiabortion people picket abattoirs?

As an animal lover, I find irony in the fact that the people who are antiabortion have rarely picketed abattoirs; staunch vivisectionists can be neglectful of their own children.

Is an animal a dumb animal?

They wail, whine, whimper, moo, snort, bark, whinny, “cry” as they can when slaughtering is going on around them. There is no such thing as a “dumb” animal.

Do screams kill animals?

Scream? No. They might bleat as they enter the building, but they are quickly knocked senseless with a bolt to the base of the brain before being hung up by a hind leg and the throat is slit to allow the blood to drain. The bolt is fired so quickly that they don't really feel it and death occurs very quickly after the throat is slit--which they also do not feel as the spinal cord was severed at the brain stem by the bolt. Unlike the other person who answered, I have no moral issue with animals being slaughtered for food, but I also won't shy away from describing exactly what happens. It is far
