how does grind course affect coffee

by Helene Douglas 8 min read

If the grind is too coarse for your brewing method, your coffee will end up under-extracted, weak, and acidic. If it is too fine a grind, your coffee ends up over-extracted and bitter. Your grinder is a good brand; if you still have the manual, it includes a guide to grind vs. brewing method.

The finer you grind your coffee beans, the more you increase the exposed surface area of the grounds, resulting in faster extraction. That's why coffee for espresso machines is ground fine, since the water from an espresso maker passes very quickly at high pressure through the grounds.

Full Answer

How does grind size affect coffee?

May 31, 2019 · How Grind Size Affects Coffee - From Finer To Coarser Grinds The surface area of the coffee dictates the brewing time. So what would happen if you just threw in hot water the whole... About overextraction and underextraction in coffee. This is an important point to understand, since it will make ...

What is the difference between fine and coarse coffee grinds?

Dec 01, 2017 · Coffee Grind Size & How It Affects Consistency & Flavor. Coffee grind size is no small matter. Controlling this variable allows you to improve the taste of your coffee, ensure repeatability, experiment with recipes, and more. Unfortunately, many a wonderful coffee has been let down by its grind profile. From the wrong size (often caused by a poor understanding …

Is your grind profile letting down your coffee?

Jun 24, 2021 · How Does Coffee Grind Affect Taste? Types of Coffee Grind. Before going into anything more complex, it’s a good idea to understand what types of coffee... Brewing Time. As noted, brewing time matters when it comes to your coffee and the grind. The longer the brewing time,... The Bean Itself. The ...

What is grind size and why does it matter?

Dec 15, 2020 · Coffee Grind Size Chart: How Grind Size Affects Coffee Flavor. Written by the MasterClass staff. Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 • 2 min read. Getting the right coffee grind size is essential for brewing the perfect cup of coffee.

How does coarse grind affect coffee?

A coarser grind has looser particles which, in turn, will allow water to move between them more quickly. The combination of less surface area and a shorter brew time (unless it's immersion brewing) means that less extraction will be taking place.Dec 1, 2017

Does a coarse grind make stronger coffee?

In the sense of caffeination, a finer grind does result in stronger coffee, while a coarser grind will brew a weaker cup.Dec 13, 2020

Does finer or coarser grind make stronger coffee?

Simply put, the size of the grind determines how long the coffee will take to extract. A finer grind creates more surface area for the water to run through. It can create a stronger flavor, but this is mainly determined by the extraction time and, not the grind itself.

Should coffee be ground coarse or fine?

Because the coffee is steeped in boiling water, the contact time between the water and coffee is much longer, which requires a coarser grind. Grinding the coffee too coarse will make the coffee weak. Grinding too fine will make the coffee murky and taste bitter.May 31, 2018

What happens when coffee is ground too fine?

When coffee is too finely ground, it gets over-extracted when brewing, which leads to a very bitter brew. Over-extracted coffee can also be hollow, or tasteless, but usually it is just plain bitter.Jan 2, 2021

What grind of coffee is strongest?

Dark roasts, including French roast, will produce the strongest cup of coffee. Arabica and Colombian beans are best for the job, even though they're more expensive per pound than robusta beans — the latter is noticeably more bitter tasting.

Is freshly ground coffee stronger?

Similar to other things, fresh is always better. Apart from the great aromas and tastes obtained from freshly ground coffee, you will be able to control the grind size, which has a huge impact on flavour.Mar 20, 2017

Why is my fresh ground coffee weak?

Your Grind is Too Big/Small If your coffee tastes weak or sour, your drink may be under-extracted. The bad taste comes from the acids in the bean dissolving early in the brewing process. Large coffee grounds can cause this unappealing flavor since they have more surface area and don't dissolve enough during your brew.

Is whole bean coffee stronger?

If you've never had freshly ground coffee, then you might think that there really is not a lot of difference. But if you buy whole beans, and then grind them up minutes before you brew up your pot of coffee, the flavour is much stronger and more noticeable.

What setting should I grind my coffee?

Start with a medium-fine grind, and adjust it based on your preferences. For example, if your brew turns out sour (under extracted), use a finer grind next time, and/or increase your brew time slightly. If your brew ends up bitter (over extracted), use a coarser grind next time and/or decrease your brew time.

What is the best grind size for espresso?

The best ground beans size for espresso is 0.88 mm or 1.32 of an inch; this is a fine grind. While the precise size can fluctuate slightly with different coffee beans and even different espresso machines, it's essential to keep practicing until you get the grind size right.

When should you grind coffee beans?

Grinding Coffee Beans FreshOxidation begins once your coffee beans have been ground. The oils and aromatics in the beans are released during the grinding process. ... Grinding your beans right before you brew gives you greater control over the final taste. At home, you can grind the beans as fine as you would like them.Oct 4, 2020

Why grind coffee beans?

The whole purpose of grinding our coffee beans is to increase the surface area coming into contact with water. And the finer or coarser the grind, the more or less quickly water can pass through it – affecting brew time as well as extraction efficiency. A coarser grind has looser particles which, in turn, will allow water to move between them more ...

Does coffee grind have inconsistency?

Moreover, no matter what grinder you use, inconsistency can be an issue. If your ground coffee contains a mixture of larger and smaller grinds (“boulders” and “fines,” respectively), these will extract at different rates. Typically, the larger particles will under-extract while the smaller ones will over-extract.

Is dark roast coffee soluble?

So too will the coffee you’re brewing: depending on the origin, variety, processing method, roast profile, and more, you may want to highlight different characteristics. Dark roasts, for example, are more soluble and so you might use a slightly coarser grind. However, two points deserve special mention.

Types of Coffee Grind

Before going into anything more complex, it’s a good idea to understand what types of coffee grind are out there. You can look for pre-ground (or ask for pre-ground) coffee with these levels, or do it yourself using your own grinder.

So which type of coffee goes with which grind?

French Press: Very coarse grinds. French press coffee needs time to brew and so coarse grinds are best since it will take a while to extract the flavor anyway.

Brewing Time

As noted, brewing time matters when it comes to your coffee and the grind. The longer the brewing time, the coarser your grind should be. This is so that the water can take the time to extract from the larger chunks of ground bean and so you end up with a more complex flavor profile.

The Bean Itself

The final part of this ‘trifecta’ is the, of course, the bean itself. The flavor of the coffee will be greatly impacted by the bean you used. For example, some beans have a more fruity or floral flavor and others more of a chocolate flavor.

But How Can I Possibly Grind My Coffee to Match?!

Yeah, this is where things get tricky. The problem is that any cheap grinder (something with blades for example) is going to create what are called ‘boulders and fines’, that is, some chunks will just be larger than others no matter what you do.


At the end of the day though, the thing to remember is that brewing time and the grind of the coffee bean go together. The coarser the grind, the longer the brewing time you’ll want and the flavor profile of your coffee will change.

How does coffee grind size affect coffee?

The size of your coffee grinds has a profound effect on the flow rate and contact time of your brew. Coincidentally, these two factors play a significant role in the flavour of your cup of coffee.

What is the best grind for pour over coffee?

A medium to medium-fine grind tends to work best with pour-over brewers. Your mileage will vary based on your particular model, but a medium grind is usually best as a starting point. If your coffee is under extracted, that’s a tell-tale sign that you need to up your contact time, which you can do with a finer grind.

What does coffee taste like?

Coffee that’s under extracted may taste weak, sour, or overly acidic, whereas coffee that’s over extracted often tastes bitter, burnt, or hollow. The coarseness of the grind allows you to control these factors to dial in the perfect cup of coffee.

What temperature should coffee be brewed at?

Coffee is typically brewed between 91 and 96 degrees Celsius, but small variations of your brewing temperature can profoundly affect the flavour of your cup. You may not have control over this when using a coffee machine, but it’s worth keeping in mind when you’re adjusting coarseness.

How long does it take to get coffee out of a cold brew?

Since the coffee is extracted at or below room temperature with cold brew, the extraction rate is extremely low, and the extraction time is very high, as in 12-48 hours, typically.

How to make coffee with a syphon brewer?

These brewers use pressure to force water into the chamber holding the coffee grinds. Once the coffee has steeped amply, heat is removed, and a vacuum is formed.

What is the difference between a burr grinder and a blade grinder?

One type of grinder is a powerful tool for getting the most from your coffee , whereas the other is a paperweight with blades. Burr grinders grind your coffee by sending the whole beans through two or more burrs, which crush the coffee into uniformly sized grinds. Blade grinders don’t actually grind coffee; they chop it.

Why grind coffee beans?

Once ground, more of the beans’ surface area is exposed to oxygen, causing the grounds to lose flavor. Ground coffee keeps only a few days, so it’s best to buy it in very small amounts.

Why is coffee fine?

That’s why coffee for espresso machines is ground fine, since the water from an espresso maker passes very quickly at high pressure through the grounds.

How long does coffee last after being ground?

Once ground, more of the beans’ surface area is exposed to oxygen, causing the grounds to lose flavor. Ground coffee keeps only a few days, so it’s best to buy it in very small amounts.

Can you experiment with coffee grinds?

If you have a coffee grinder at home, you can experiment with different grinds to find what works best for you. To start, match your brewing type to the typical grind on this chart.

What is a very coarse grind?

A very coarse grind is where we grind a little, resulting in large chunks of coffee beans. A very fine grind is where we grind down our beans until they’re a gritty powder texture. With a coarse grind of coffee, our hot water binds to the outside of the individual grinds.

What is drip and pour over coffee?

Drip and pour over methods (where you add water to your coffee grounds and let gravity do all the work) generally require medium-fine grounds. While the water isn’t pushed through as quickly as the Aeropress and espresso machine, there’s still nothing stopping the water from running straight through the coffee.

What are the ingredients in coffee?

When it comes to making coffee, there are a few basic ingredients that you need: 1 Water 2 Roasted coffee beans 3 Receptacle (AKA, the humble coffee mug) 4 Heat

How does an aeropress work?

An Aeropress works in a similar way to an espresso – forcing water through your coffee grinds quickly rather than letting them brew. For this quick extraction, you need finer grounds so that the water has a chance to really penetrate the coffee molecules.

How many bars of pressure does an espresso machine need?

Espresso machine. Real espresso machines require 9 bars of pressure to pull a shot. These machines are expensive and take up quite a lot of kitchen worktop space. Make sure you actually have an espresso machine and not a coffee maker that makes extra strong coffee, before using fine grinds in it.

Do coffee makers need coarse grinds?

Some coffee makers are better suited to different ground coarseness levels – and of course, the beverage you’re trying to make will also dictate the grind size you need. Generally, if your extraction method is quick you need fine grinds, if it’s slow you need coarse grinds.

What is a moka pot?

Moka Pot. Your Moka pot, or stovetop coffee maker, usually requires a fine grind like an espresso machine. A Moka pot turns water into steam that travels through your coffee grinds into the top compartment, ready to be poured. It may not be as fast as an espresso machine, but fine ground coffee is still essential.

What is coarse grind coffee?

Coarse beans have a texture similar to Kosher or sea salt, with large, even chunks. This grind is best for coffee cupping, French press, and percolators. SEE ALSO: The Best Coffee You Can Buy Coarsely Ground. 3. Medium-Coarse Grind.

What is espresso grind?

Finely ground beans have a very smooth texture, approaching powder. This type of grind is also easy to find in pre-ground bags and is often labeled as espresso grind. This grind is necessary for espresso makers. It also works in an AeroPress with a short one to two-minute brew time.

Why do coffee beans get stale?

This means making sure they’ve been roasted and ground as recently as possible. As they come into contact with oxygen, coffee beans begin to lose flavor and become stale.

What is the best coffee grind for cold brew?

1. Extra Coarse Grind. Extra coarse beans are only slightly ground, often using the largest setting on a burr grinder. They have a very rough texture, and you can still see the shape of the original beans. This grind is best suited to cold brew and cowboy-style coffee (coffee boiled in a pan with grounds). 2.

How long does it take for coffee to taste good after being roasted?

For that reason, freshly roasted coffee has the best flavor within one to two weeks, while freshly ground coffee starts to lose flavor 15 minutes after grinding. Even if you’ve bought complex, gourmet beans and roasted them recently, if you grind them too far ahead, they may produce bland, uninterested cups of coffee.

Who is Kate from Coffee?

Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

How to get the best flavor from coffee beans?

To get the best flavor from your beans, you’ll want to extract them well. Extraction is when the water moves through the grounds, picking up coffee’s distinctive flavors and caffeine. When brewing, you want to avoid over-extraction and under-extraction and instead stay right in the middle of good extraction .


Why Is Grind Coarseness Important

Flow Rate & Contact Time

  • The size of your coffee grinds has a profound effect on the flow rate and contact time of your brew. Coincidentally, these two factors play a significant role in the flavour of your cup of coffee. Flow rate refers to how quickly or slowly water travels through your coffee grinds. A high flow rate usually results in under-extracted coffee, whereas a low flow rate can lead to over-extraction. C…
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Other Factors That Determine Taste

  • While grind size is one of the most critical factors in your quest for the perfect cup, there are some other concepts that play a role in the flavour of your cup of coffee. I talk about this more in my article on the science of brewing, but here’s a brief overview. Temperature is one factor. Depending on the temperature of your water, the resulting cup of coffee will have a higher or low…
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Rules of Thumb For Different Brewing Styles

  • Your personal tastes will steer you in the right direction when it comes to how you grind your coffee, but there are some general guidelines you can follow to help you get closer to the perfect cup. It’s best to start with these guidelines and experiment from there so you can dial in the ideal coffee for your taste.
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The Right Grinder For The Job

  • In your search for the perfect cup of coffee, you’re likely to invest in a quality grinder to grind your whole beans. There are two different types of grinders, burr grinders and blade grinders. One type of grinder is a powerful tool for getting the most from your coffee, whereas the other is a paperweight with blades. Burr grinders grind your coffee by sending the whole beans through tw…
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Final Thoughts

  • Achieving the perfect cup at home is a labour of love, and it’s one that requires a great deal of trial and error as you refine your processes. While factors like temperature and pressure also play a role in the extraction of coffee, the easiest and most effective way to control the taste of your coffee is with the size of your grinds. If you find that your home coffee isn’t the perfect cup you’v…
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