what kind of hair do head lice prefer do they like course hair or fine hair

by Mr. Makenna Gibson PhD 6 min read

Myth: Head lice prefer dirty hair.
They simply require any human hair, whether squeaky clean or completely greasy. Lice feed on tiny bits of human blood, and the hair is just a place where they hang on.
Apr 2, 2015

Full Answer

Do lice prefer clean or dirty hair, and why?

The answer is that lice can thrive in any type of hair. However, clean hair and scalp can assist their moving. They may prefer that their host has a clean scalp so that it becomes easy for head lice to move and crawl in a clean scalp as compared to oily and greasy scalp.

Which hair types are more likely to get head lice?

  • washing the hair once a week or every other week
  • using conditioner with every hair wash, making sure to coat the ends of the hair
  • using a hot oil treatment twice monthly
  • applying a heat-protecting product to wet hair before styling it
  • sticking with a ceramic or iron comb for pressing hair
  • ensuring that braids, cornrows, or weaves are not too tight

What kind of hair attracts lice?

Things often mistaken for nits include:

  • Dandruff
  • Residue from hair products
  • Bead of dead hair tissue on a hair shaft (hair cast)
  • Scabs, dirt or other debris
  • Other small insects found in the hair

What are colors of hair do lice like?

Treatment to get rid of head lice can include:

  • oral medications
  • topical ointments, creams, and shampoos
  • supplemental measures, such as washing all bedding and sheets that have come into contact with the person who has them

Does lice like coarse hair?

Lice do not burrow, fly, or jump. Lice prefer straight, fine hair over coarse, curly hair. Lice cannot survive, off-head, more than 24 hours. Lice cannot survive extreme heat or cold temperatures.

Do lice like curly or straight hair?

While lice do prefer fine, straight hair strands over coarse, curly hair, so it is indeed less likely, lice can nevertheless still affect every person regardless of race or hair type.

What is the best hairstyle for lice?

The common braid, a French braid, a fish tail braid, or a crown braid are all excellent hair styles to keep your hair up and out of the way of others. Any braid type that keeps your hair pulled back and contained is perfect for helping to prevent your contact with head lice.

Can course hair get lice?

Can curly hair get head lice? Firstly, it is important to understand that all types of hair can get head lice and no hair type is immune to them. In fact, curly hair is often more vulnerable to catching them because it has more volume than straight or thin hair.

Do lice like African hair?

However, for years, there's been a commonly-held belief in the Black community that Black people can't get or spread lice. It's not entirely true, but it also isn't entirely false: "The pediculus humanus capitis louse seems to prefer straight hair. Lice infestations are not as common in Black Americans," explains Dr.

Do lice prefer thick or thin hair?

"We find that you can get head lice on almost every type of hair imaginable — thick, thin, long, short, clean, dirty — it really doesn't make a difference," Dr Webb said. Having particularly thick or long hair might increase your chances of picking up head lice, simply because you have more available hair.

What can I put in my hair to prevent lice?

Tea tree, lavender oil, or coconut oil shampoos can all help prevent the spread of lice.

Do lice like braids?

To avoid getting lice, long hair should be pulled back into braids or a bun so lice can't use their claws to crawl from ponytail to ponytail while kids are head-to-head reading, talking or playing Temple Run.

Do tight hairstyles prevent lice?

97% of head lice are spread through direct head to head contact. So one of the best ways to prevent head lice from spreading is to wear a very tight hairstyle. Lice are similar to monkeys on a vine. They need something to grab onto when they are moving from head to head.

Why do lice not like curly hair?

Chemicals. Chemicals that kill lice may dry out or damage curly hair because the hair is more porous than straight hair.

Are some hair types more prone to lice?

People who had medium long hair had the highest incidence of lice compared to those who had short and long hair. People with short hair were least likely to have lice, and people with thick hair more often had lice than those with thin hair.

Can you get lice with braids?

By narrowing the lice target, we mean put long hair up in a bun, braid or ponytail. You can still get lice when heads touch but by putting hair up you are making an effort to keep your hair to yourself and are at less of a risk of having hair to hair contact.


Head lice are tiny six-legged insects that are blood-sucking parasites. They live on the scalp of humans. Head lice are the little and wingless ins...


The evidence for head lice goes back many centuries. Lice was named as the third plague in the Old Testament of the Bible. The shell casings for li...


In the majority of cases, head lice is passed with head to head contact. A smaller number of cases are passed through brushes and combs and sharing...


Head lice actually prefer clean hair! It’s more difficult for them to lay eggs on greasy or dirty hair.

Why is hair mousse less attractive to lice?

The reason for that is that the louse cannot adhere as easily to the strand of hair if it has a protective coating. If it can possibly claw onto the hair, it doesn't care what size, shape, or color the hair is.

What is the number to call for lice?

If you are one of the millions of people who have head lice each year, give LiceDoctors a call in the Baton Rouge area at 225-407-9603 and we will make a house call to your home and eliminate your head lice problem today.

Do lice care what color your hair is?

Here's the short answer: all types. Lice do not care what color or thickness your hair is, whether it has been dyed, or whether it is straight or curly. Lice only want to find a strand of hair to which they can attach so they can climb up to the scalp in order to get their food i.e. your blood.

Can lice live on wigs?

With respect to wigs, lice can not live on a wig that covers the scalp; they can however climb onto the wig and if there are tiny holes on the wig, they will climb through to the scalp. Also sometimes the wigs are only partial coverings, which again will allow the lice to feed on the scalp. The bottom line is If you have hair on your head, you are ...

Can you get lice from a buzz cut?

There are some other misconceptions about lice and hair types. Some folks think that if you have a buzz cut, you are immune to lice. Lice can affix to a buzz cut. As long as there is any hair on the head, the lice can attach to it and stay there near the warm scalp to eat their three meals a day.

Can hair dye kill lice?

They will grab hold of dyed hair just as easily as they will hold onto hair that is not colored. If you apply hair dye to hair that is already infested with lice, it will likely kill the live lice, but will not penetrate the eggs in order to kill the baby bugs inside.

Can you get lice from buzzing hair?

The longer the hair, the easier it is for the lice to find the hair and use it as a ladder to climb up to the scalp. If you were buzzed with a number one blade and there is absolutely no visible hair then you will not get lice. We have been asked about dyed hair and wigs. If someone's hair is dyed, that is irrelevant to lice.