what kind of ap course or pseo to have to get to ivy league

by Prof. Doug Bradtke Jr. 6 min read

While no Ivy Leagues offer a specific AP course requirement, they do generally all agree that they are looking for students who challenge themselves and maximize their opportunities. Princeton’s admissions website notes: We consider it a promising sign when students challenge themselves with advanced courses in high school.

Full Answer

Do Ivy leagues require AP courses?

 · While no Ivy Leagues offer a specific AP course requirement, they do generally all agree that they are looking for students who challenge themselves and maximize their opportunities. Princeton’s admissions website notes: We consider it a promising sign when students challenge themselves with advanced courses in high school.

What are the requirements to get into Ivy League schools?

 · Ivy League schools want you to take the most challenging classes in math, science, social studies, English, and foreign language. If you take all APs in those subject areas but skip AP Music Theory, admissions committees won't fault you for it.

Which Ivy League colleges have the best high school course recommendations?

 · AP Classes and Ivy League Admission. January 24, 2012. The more AP tests that you take and do well on, the better as you seek to stand out in the Ivy League admissions race. Jay Matthews of “The Washington Post” wrote an article that appears in today’s “Denver Post” in which he states that taking a ton of AP tests (and doing well on them) offers a student no …

Is it difficult to get accepted to an Ivy League?

 · AP Courses and Ivy League Admissions. The College Board, the nonprofit educational organization that administers the SAT, initiated the Advanced Placement (AP) program in the middle of the last century. AP classes are college-level courses that are taught in most American high schools.

What AP classes should I take for Ivy League?

Ivy League To be a competitive candidate for admission, you will need to take at least 8 AP® classes, more if you can. It is a good idea to take 1 AP® course in each of the following core disciplines: English, Foreign Language, History, Math, and Science to impress the admissions officers.

What AP classes should I take to get into Yale?

Yale recommends that students take AP classes if they are offered at their high schools. Getting an A in AP chemistry and scoring a five on the AP test is better than getting an A in a regular high school chemistry course, for example.

Do Ivy Leagues care about AP classes?

While no Ivy Leagues offer a specific AP course requirement, they do generally all agree that they are looking for students who challenge themselves and maximize their opportunities.

What AP classes should I take for Harvard?

Harvard confers 4 or 8 credits for eac eligible AP exam depending on whether the exam covers one semester or one full year's worth of material....Advanced Placement Exams.EXAMAP SCOREHARVARD CREDITAP World History50MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCEAP Calculus AB*54AP Calculus BC*5839 more rows

Is 5 APs enough for Harvard?

Harvard does accept AP Credit for classes in which a student earned a 5 on the AP Exam. These credits are accepted under a program called “Advanced Standing.” To qualify, students must earn a 5 on a minimum of 4 AP tests, transferring a total of 32 credits.

What classes do Ivy Leagues like?

Be Consistent. Consider taking courses in English, mathematics, social science, laboratory science, and a foreign language all four years of high school. This will show Ivy League admissions officers that you have baseline knowledge in all these courses and that you are committed to your education.

How many APs does Harvard want?

Going up the selectivity chain, the average at Harvard is eight AP classes. To be competitive at some of the most highly selective colleges in the country, 8-12 AP courses may be the sweet spot amount, assuming the student can handle that level of rigor.

Which AP classes are the best to take?

When Should I Take AP Classes?GradeRecommended Number of AP Classes to TakeRecommended AP Classes11th Grade3-5English, Calculus AB, Biology, Spanish (or other foreign language), U.S. Government and Politics12th Grade3-6Chemistry, Physics C, Calculus BC2 more rows•Sep 8, 2021

Is 9 AP classes enough?

4 answers. Yes, taking 9 plus the 15 honors classes and college maths is more than adequate to show course rigor. Congratulations on your accomplishments.

What are Ivy League schools looking for?

Ivy League schools and other competitive colleges are looking for students at the top of their high school classes who have taken the most rigorous courses. These often include AP classes.

What happens if you take three AP classes?

If you take three AP classes in core subject areas, and someone else takes five but two of them were irrelevant to that student's interests, schools probably won't make much of a distinction between you. Top colleges are looking for students who have taken advantage of their opportunities, which means taking the most difficult courses available ...

Why do schools demote students to waitlists?

When admissions officers look at applicants from a certain secondary school, they may use the fact that one student took fewer AP classes than others in the group as an excuse to demote that student to the waitlist. This isn't always the case, though. If you take three AP classes in core subject areas, and someone else takes five but two of them were irrelevant to that student's interests, schools probably won't make much of a distinction between you. Top colleges are looking for students who have taken advantage of their opportunities, which means taking the most difficult courses available that fit with their interests.

Can I take IB instead of AP?

Your school may offer IB courses instead, which colleges view as being essentially equal to AP courses. As I've said before, Ivy League schools will compare you to other students from your high school to see how you measure up. If you're pushing yourself as much as you can within the academic constraints of your environment, you'll still have a good chance of being accepted.

Why are Ivy League colleges so selective?

They’re not after the student who has to work really hard to earn that A. They’re not after the grade grubber. They’re after the student who goes home, reads a book for pleasure, and aces his history exam because he loves history…not because he pulled an all-nighter studying. And this kind of information is often conveyed in the letters of recommendation from teachers.

Does taking 12 AP classes hurt you?

When you read something like what Jay Matthews wrote (“If you like AP, taking 12 of them won’t hurt you but confers no advantage over a classmate who took just four and did well on the exams.”), read it with a great deal of skepticism! And while you’re here, check out our newsletter on AP courses and Ivy League admission.

Can Ivy League admissions counselors look at AP scores?

Beyond the letters of recommendation, Ivy League admissions counselors can look at AP scores.

What do Ivy League schools want?

Ivy League schools want to see students who have consistently challenged themselves throughout high school by taking progressively more advanced courses and earning high grades.

What is the best score for Ivy League?

Apart from your grades and course schedule, your standardized test scores will be important to Ivy League colleges. You should score at least a 1500 on the SAT or 33 on the ACT for a solid chance at admission. Expectations might even be a bit higher depending on which Ivy League school you're targeting.

How many classes does Dartmouth require?

We saw in the section above that Dartmouth generally prefers applicants to have taken four classes in each core subject, which isn't too out of the ordinary. To give an even less demanding example of curriculum requirements for applicants, Princeton expects students to take four years of math (with calculus for students interested in engineering), English, and a foreign language, and at least two years each of history and lab science. This is a perfectly reasonable expectation for almost any high school student.

What happens if you don't take AP calculus?

If you're done with AP Calculus after your sophomore or junior year, don't worry about being penalized if you decide not to take another math class in high school; you've already reached the level in math that Ivy League schools expect from most students.

Is the Ivy League test optional for fall 2021?

While all the Ivy League schools are test-optional for fall 2021 admissions, if you already have a high SAT/ACT test score, you should definitely still submit it.

Do you have to go crazy with APs?

That being said, you don't have to go crazy with a million APs senior year to show how much you've grown. If you have a strong interest in math and science, for example, and aren't such a fan of English and foreign languages, you might be able to get by without taking the most difficult classes in your weaker subject areas.

Can a course schedule be too intense?

On the flip side, be careful about enrolling in a course schedule that's too intense for you. If your schedule becomes overw helming, you might end up tanking your GPA (and your mental health!).

Which Ivy League schools do not have a specific list of course requirements?

Harvard University. University of Pennsylvania. Princeton University. Yale University. Most of the Ivy League colleges do not have a specific list of course requirements. This is because the colleges understand that not every high school offers the same curriculum.

What classes do you need to go to high school in Pennsylvania?

However, the university does recommend that students take courses in English, social studies, math, science, and foreign language throughout high school.

What do you need to know to become a Penn engineer?

Penn Engineering. Applicants should demonstrate the ability to use scientific concepts to discover, create, and apply knowledge to the real world; express interest in engineering; and complete high school coursework in physics and math (especially in calculus).

How many units are required for Cornell?

All of Cornell University’s undergraduate colleges require a minimum of 16 units total of high school coursework. Below we’ve broken down the course requirements by college.

Does Princeton require AP courses?

Princeton University. Princeton doesn’t require a specific list of courses in order to be admitted. However, the university recommends that students complete the coursework listed below if they have access to these courses at their high school. The college gives preference to honors, dual-enrollment, and AP® courses.

Does Yale have a high school requirement?

Yale University. Yale University does not have specific course requirements in terms of high school coursework. However, they do recommend that students take a balanced list of courses each year in English, science, math, social science, and foreign language.

Does Columbia University require high school?

Columbia University. Columbia University does not have a requirement for a concrete number of high school courses. However, the college recommends that students take courses that will prepare them for college courses in the humanities, mathematics, social science, foreign languages, and natural science.

What are the factors that determine an Ivy League student's college application?

Remember, grades are just one of the many factors Ivy League colleges use to evaluate their applicants. If your child has impressive extracurricular accomplishments, stellar letters of recommendation, and moving college essays, they can still be a competitive applicant with average grades .

What is the average GPA for Ivy League students?

Some Ivy Leagues choose not to release the average GPAs of their accepted students, but of those that do, the average weighted GPA for admitted students is around 4.0. This means the majority of students who get into Ivy League colleges receive primarily A’s in high school, with perhaps a little wiggle room for an occasional A- or B+.

What are the advantages of being an Ivy League college?

These advantages include mentorships by world-class professors who are leaders in their disciplines, access to innovative research opportunities, and unparalleled resources for student support.

What colleges are in the Ivy League?

The Ivy League—which includes Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth University, Harvard University, ...

When was the Ivy League founded?

The Ivy League—which includes Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth University, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University—was originally established in 1954 as an athletic conference. It’s since earned the reputation of being a prestigious collection ...

Do Ivy League schools accept high school students?

With competition so high, Ivy Leagues want to accept students who push themselves by taking advanced courses. For example, the Columbia admissions website states, “We hope to see that a student is avidly pursuing intellectual growth with a rigorous course load.”

Do Ivy League students have SAT scores?

And it shouldn’t surprise you that most Ivy League students have exceptional test scores. Let’s take a look at the mid-range test scores of admitted students for each Ivy.

When are AP tests released?

There is no early testing allowed when it comes to the AP exams. Every year, AP test scores are released in early July. You will receive your scores over the course of a few days. AP test scores range from one through five.

What is AP class?

AP, or Advanced Placement, classes are college-level classes you can take while still in high school to receive credit toward your college curriculum. For example, instead of taking a basic English class during your freshman year of college, you could take AP English and place out of it freshman year. You could skip to the next level.

What does a 5 on AP mean?

AP test scores range from one through five. If you receive a one, it means you are not given a recommendation. A two gets you a “possibly qualified” recommendation, a three means you are qualified, a four shows you are very well qualified and a five says that you are extremely well qualified. In terms of grades, a five is a A+ or A, ...

What is a 5 on AP?

In terms of grades, a five is a A+ or A , a four is an A-, B+ or B and a three is a B-, C+ or C. There are no other grade equivalents given for an AP test score of two or one.

What is the average GPA for Ivy League schools?

For the Ivy League, a high GPA is, on average, a weighted 4.0. The chart below shows the average GPA of accepted students, and as it demonstrates, only two universities have an average accepted GPA of lower than 4.0 – and even then, it’s not by much. List of Ivy League Schools Average GPA.

What is the most important factor in an Ivy League application?

Significance. However, the most important factor is significance. Significance, or credibility, is the part of an activity that truly sets an application apart. Expanding extra-curricular activities to better serve the community can improve the chances of being accepted to an Ivy league school.

What is the Ivy League?

The Ivy League, if we’re being very specific, is an athletic conference, like the PacWest or the Big Ten. The name dates to the 1930s and referred to the ivy that grew along the walls of the older, private schools in the northeast.

Which Ivy League school has the highest acceptance rate?

This is a difficult question to answer as it depends on the student, their achievements, activities, goals, and more. Technically, Cornell has the highest overall acceptance rate at 10.6%, however, that doesn’t necessarily translate as the easiest Ivy League school to get into for all students.

How many applications are accepted to Cornell University in 2024?

After all the Cornell University acceptance rate is only 10.6% of over 50,000 applications for the class of 2024. A Cornell student is not born overnight.

Where are Ivy League colleges located?

The only characteristics that group Ivy League colleges are their age and their location: the youngest Ivy League (Cornell 1865) was founded just after the Civil War, and all schools are located in the northeasternmost states of the US.

Is the acceptance rate of Ivy League schools low?

The overall acceptance rate varies between they Ivy League schools, but is still low even on the high end of the spectrum.