what does an incomplete course on your degree audit mean bridgewater state university

by Natalie Abernathy 5 min read

What information is contained in a degree audit?

The information contained in a degree audit may vary by individual school. Some schools include only all-college requirements and other schools will include all requirements including major, minor and concentration. A degree audit may show all or some of the following pieces of information: Some audits contain a “What If” function.

Is it too late to request a degree audit?

All students should request an official degree audit as they come close to being within thirty credits of completing their degree. This is an important time to make sure that all required courses have been completed or are planned for the final two semesters. However, for many students this may be too late.

What happens if I don't complete the course of study?

If a student does not complete the course of study within four years of admission, the department may require the student to change their catalog year to reflect changes in major requirements.

How do I check my student's degree audit?

Ideally, your student should check his degree audit, either by checking online if it is available, or by requesting an audit from the Registrar or Advising Office, at least once each semester. The degree audit is an important and helpful tool as your student is planning his courses for the following semester.

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What GPA do you need to graduate Bridgewater State University?

3.0In order for students to complete a graduate degree program, they must satisfactorily complete all requirements (with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0). See the Academic Programs section of this catalog for graduation requirements of individual programs.

What is a passing grade at Bridgewater State?

Academic Standards In order for a degree-seeking or non-degree student to maintain good academic standing at Bridgewater State University, their cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) must remain above 2.0.

What happens if you fail a course UW?

If your course grade is below 40% then you must clear the course failure by retaking the course or an equivalent by obtaining a grade of 50% (or 60% if taken at another institution with a Letter of Permission). Once successfully completed "Fail Cleared" will be added to your transcript.

What is a passing grade at BSU?

Boise State University's Grading SystemLetter GradesD-Below-average Work.7FFailure0PPass: satisfactory work equivalent C or higher; credits earned0IIncomplete0 (until changed to a letter grade)16 more rows

What is the acceptance rate for Bridgewater College?

76.1% (2020)Bridgewater College / Acceptance rate

What is the average SAT score for Bridgewater College?

Reading and Writing 490-590, Math 490-580 (2019–20)Bridgewater College / Typical SAT scores

What happens if you fail one class in one quarter?

California education code states that students who don't meet grade standards — as measured by state standardized tests at promotion “gates” in elementary and middle schools — must repeat the grade. Those gates are at second, third, and fourth grades and at the completion of middle school in eighth grade.

What is the lowest passing grade at UW?

UW Grading System Instructors may report grades from 4.0–0.7 in 0.1 increments and the grade 0.0. Grades reported in the range of 0.6–0.0 will be converted to 0.0. A grade of at least 2.7 is required for courses to meet UW Graduate School requirements. *Lowest passing grade for undergraduates.

Can I retake a class at UW?

In no case will additional unit credit be allowed for repeated courses or duplicated work. No student may repeat a course for grade point credit in which a grade of B- or better was received. A prerequisite course may not be repeated after a student has completed a course for which it is designated a prerequisite.

Is D passing at BSU?

Credits attempted are defined as all classes for which you receive a passing grade (“D -” or better, or “P”), or an “F,” “I,” “W,” 'NR,” “CW,” or “IP.” This includes: Regularly enrolled classes. Challenge credits.

How do you become a dean's lister at BSU?

The Dean's List for Ball State University, including out-of-state and international listings, recognizes undergraduates who earn at least a 3.5 grade-point average for 12 or more credits of graded course work during a semester or for 6 or more credits of graded course work during a summer term.

What is the equivalent of 2.25 grade?

84–86%Grade point scale (1.00–5.00)Grade Point EquivalenceEquivalenceDescription1.7589–91%Good2.0087–88%Good2.2584–86%Good2.5082–83%Fair10 more rows

What happens if you fail to confirm enrollment?

Failure to confirm enrollment at the proper time will result in the assessment of a late registration fee.

What does AUD stand for in college?

AUD—Audit (carries no credit) For field internships and student teaching, grades of S or U are assigned. Courses carrying grades of S or U do not contribute to credits attempted or grade points achieved, nor do they figure in the GPA, but appropriate credits earned are credited to the student’s permanent record.

What is a first year student policy?

The policy is intended to serve the first-year student who, because of a change in program or ma­jor field of study (or change in direction in the case of students who have yet to declare a major), no longer needs the course or courses in question to fulfill graduation requirements.

What happens when you are on academic probation?

While on academic probation, counseling by the deans and a student’s portfolio or academic advisor may result in curtailment of co-curricular activities. The academic probation status is recorded on the student’s academic transcript. Academic Renewal Policy.

What happens if a student is absent from school?

If a student, through excessive absences or otherwise, demonstrates minimal academic moti­vation, or an attitude inconsistent with reasonable expectations of a member of an academic community, the student will be subject to administrative disciplinary review, which may result in suspension or expulsion.

What happens if you withdraw from a class after the deadline?

If the withdrawal occurs after the withdrawal deadline, a grade of F will be shown on the permanent record.

How many hours is a credit?

A credit is equivalent to one semester hour. A three-credit course meets 150 minutes per week for the semester. A two-hour or three-hour laboratory or studio per week for the semester receives one credit. Students are expected to complete a minimum of two hours of work outside of class for each semester hour of credit.

Academic Degrees and Programs

Bridgewater State University (BSU) offers graduate degree programs designed to advance the education of those students who already hold a bachelor’s degree. These programs include:

Academic Program Exit Requirements

In most graduate programs, graduate students must complete an exit requirement that reflects the full range of knowledge and skills involved in their programs. The exit requirement is based upon the student’s major area of study, as well as related areas, and may include knowledge learned while completing research.

Academic Integrity Policy

Institutions of higher education are dedicated to the pursuit of truth. In this pursuit, academic honesty is of fundamental importance. Bridgewater State University faculty, students, administrators and staff all have a responsibility to demonstrate and safeguard academic integrity as one of the university’s most essential institutional values.

Academic Standing

The minimum standard for satisfactory work is a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA). Graduate students must make satisfactory progress toward completion of their degree and certificate programs within the university’s statute of limitations.


Graduate students who are pursuing a degree, licensure or certificate are assigned to an advisor in the student’s area of study. Students should work closely with their advisor in selecting courses and reviewing program requirements.


Graduate students who experience problems in meeting standards in graduate policies, including academic dismissal, performance or other academic issues, may petition to have the matter considered first through the established appeal processes of their academic program and/or department.

Attendance Policy

One of the cornerstones of BSU’s educational mission is the promotion of student engagement with faculty to improve the quality, depth and breadth of learning. Regular communication between students and faculty is crucial to achieving that goal.

Academic Degrees and Programs

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree programs prepare students for fields of endeavor related to the chosen areas of study and for graduate school. Some of the degree programs prepare students for secondary, middle school or PreK-12 specialist teaching.

Academic Integrity

Institutions of higher education are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and truth. In this pursuit, academic honesty is of fundamental importance.

Academic Standards

In order for a degree-seeking or non-degree student to maintain good academic standing at Bridgewater State University, their cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) must remain above 2.0.

Attendance Policy

One of the cornerstones of BSU’s educational mission is the promotion of student engagement with faculty to improve the quality, depth and breadth of learning. Regular communication between students and faculty is crucial to achieving that goal.

Awarding of Undergraduate Degrees

Students who believe they are ready to receive their degree from Bridgewater State University are required to complete a formal degree application, available in the Registrar’s Office. Each student is responsible for meeting all degree requirements and for ensuring that the Registrar’s Office has received all credentials.

Credit Hour and Grading System

An undergraduate academic credit hour is equivalent to one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks of each semester.

Holds on Student Records

A hold may be placed on a student record for a variety of reasons: incomplete submission of required documents, outstanding balance, etc. The hold may prohibit registration, viewing grades, obtaining transcripts or receiving a diploma, depending on the type of hold.

Learn by Doing

Meeting the needs of all students, one student at a time, is what Bridgewater State University is all about.

Learn Collaboratively

Our students have opportunities to collaborate closely with their professors, expanding their knowledge while making original contributions to their discipline. Our undergraduate research program has been named one of the top in the nation and many of our students say this experience was the most valuable part of their education.

What information is on a degree audit?

What information is on the degree audit? The information contained in a degree audit may vary by individual school. Some schools include only all-college requirements and other schools will include all requirements including major, minor and concentration.

What is degree audit?

A degree audit is an advising document that maps out degree requirements and compares them against your student’s transcript. It is a vital tool for academic planning, course selection, and scheduling and should be used in conjunction with consultation with the student’s academic advisor.

What happens if a department has not completed a waiver?

If the department has not completed the request or waiver form, or it has not yet been processed, that course may still show on your student’s audit as a requirement that has not been completed. Your student would then need to follow up to make sure that the request and approval are completed.

Why is degree audit important?

The degree audit is an important and helpful tool as your student is planning his courses for the following semester. He can see what he has completed and what he still needs. Then, working with his advisor, he is in a good position to plan his next class schedule.

How many credits do you need to audit a degree?

All students should request an official degree audit as they come close to being within thirty credits of completing their degree. This is an important time to make sure that all required courses have been completed or are planned for the final two semesters. However, for many students this may be too late.

What are the requirements for a degree audit?

The information contained in a degree audit may vary by individual school. Some schools include only all-college requirements and other schools will include all requirements including major, minor and concentration. A degree audit may show all or some of the following pieces of information: 1 Number of credits required to complete a degree 2 Number of credits completed – both at the institution and transfer 3 Student’s GPA (Grade Point Average) 4 Courses currently in progress 5 Incomplete courses 6 All college requirements completed and still needed 7 Major requirements completed and still needed 8 Possibly minor or concentration requirements completed and still needed

Should a student check his audit?

But your student should also check his audit regularly to make sure that it looks accurate to him. If he sees something that does not make sense to him, or a requirement missing that he believes that he has fulfilled, he should speak to his Advisor or to the Registrar.

Academic Degrees and Programs

Academic Integrity

Academic Standards

Attendance Policy

Awarding of Undergraduate Degrees

Credit Hour and Grading System

Holds on Student Records

Institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment Statement

Undergraduate Reinstatement and Readmission

Registration and Enrollment Policies

  • Auditing a Course
    A student may audit a course to gain knowledge in a particular subject area without earning credit or a grade. Students auditing a course attend and participate in classes; however, they are exempt from examinations. A student may audit a course with the approval of their advisor or departme…
  • Change/Declaration of Concentration
    To declare a concentration, students must complete a Program of Study Declaration form which is available in the Academic Achievement Center, the Registrar’s Office, or on either department’s website. Students may change their concentration at any time.
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