The Cambridge Latin Course ( CLC) is a series of textbooks published by Cambridge University Press, used to teach Latin to secondary school students. First published in 1970, the series is in its fifth edition as of April 2019.
The popularity of the Cambridge Latin Course is such that the series has been indirectly referenced in television. The ancillary characters Caecilius, Metella and Quintus in the Doctor Who episode " The Fires of Pompeii " are loosely based on those from the Cambridge Latin Course.
The five books in the Cambridge Latin Course take students from beginner to GCSE level. The books are set firmly in the cultural context of the Roman world in the first century AD and is the most successful Latin course in the UK.
5 textbooksThe core resource is a series of 5 textbooks, published by Cambridge University Press (CUP).
About the Cambridge Latin Course. 1. What is the Cambridge Latin Course? The Cambridge Latin Course consists of five books designed to take students from beginners' level up to, and beyond, GCSE standard.
Cambridge Elevate is a digital learning platform, providing digital versions of our textbooks. With Cambridge Elevate, you can personalise and enhance the classroom experience with a variety of interactive tools to support your teaching and learning.
THE CAMBRIDGE LATIN COURSE is the book I've chosen for my young teens. It's by far the best book I've found for non-self-motivated students. It takes a Whole Language approach that has kids and adults translating Latin right away.
12 StagesDivided into 12 Stages.
When the volcano Mt. Vesuvius erupts near Pompeii, Caecilius returns to save his family. A wall falls on him in his house and he tragically dies.
Once you have activated your resource with the 16-character access code, you can choose to download the textbook from your Resources page on Cambridge GO with either the offline Cambridge Reader or as a PDF file.
You first need to have an account before using the app....Downloading the Cambridge Reader app allows you to:Access all of your favourite Cambridge Elevate books directly from your desktop, smartphone or tablet.Have confidence that your teaching content will be there - even if you lose the internet at a crucial moment.More items...
What's an Access Code and how do I get one? Your school will have provided you with a code that gives you access to a book, or books. If you have more than one code, you only need to use one code to register for the first time; use any additional codes to add more books once you are logged in.
He escapes Pompeii and in the second book goes to Alexandria, Egypt, where he is assigned to find the dying Barbillus' son Rufus. The Cambridge Latin Course ( CLC) is a series of textbooks published by Cambridge University Press, used to teach Latin to secondary school students. First published in 1970, the series is in its fifth edition as of April 2019. It has reached high status in the United Kingdom, being the most successful Latin course ...
In the opening episode of series four of Being Human the "Vampire Recorder" blurts out words from Book One of the Cambridge Latin Course, ("Caecilius est in horto!") as part of the general nonsense he is chanting whilst pretending to perform a sacrificial ceremony. Grumio is the name of the slave in the TV series Plebs .
The third book picks up in the Roman province of Britain, in the city of Aquae Sulis ( Bath) in particular. Cogidubnus falls ill and goes to the baths at Aquae Sulis, and Salvius, seeing his chance, hatches a plot with the baths' owner, Lucius Marcius Memor, to kill him. Quintus foils the plan, much to Salvius' dismay.
In the fourth textbook, the setting moves to Rome, a few years after the events in Britain. Quintus is absent, and the main characters are Salvius, his ally Haterius, and several other Roman aristocrats, as well as some ordinary citizens. Salvius coordinates the death of Paris, a famous pantomime actor, and exiles Domitia, the emperor's wife, whose affair with Paris was exposed.
Caecilius is a banker who lives in Pompeii. When the volcano Mt. Vesuvius erupts near Pompeii, Caecilius returns to save his family. A wall falls on him in his house and he tragically dies. Quintus Caecilius Iucundus. The son of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus and Metella, Quintus is the main character of Cambridge Latin.
Sometimes the book deviates to talk about Caecilius' two slaves, Grumio and Clemens , and their frequent humorous mishaps. The book also discusses Metella (Caecilius' wife) and her slave, Melissa. The book ends when Mount Vesuvius erupts, and Caecilius, Cerberus, Melissa and Metella are killed in Pompeii.
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What is the Cambridge Latin Course?#N#The Cambridge Latin Course consists of five books designed to take students from beginners' level up to, and beyond, GCSE standard. Each book teaches the Latin language, complemented by information on Roman culture and civilisation.
The course has two main aims. The first is to teach comprehension of the Latin language for reading purposes. The second is to develop from the outset an understanding of the content, style and values of Roman civilisation.
Nathan is on Twitter as @nathanbottomley, James is @ohjamessellwood and Brendan is @brandybongos. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam, and the strings performance was by Jane Aubourg. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.
You can find Jodie into Terror, our flashcast on the Whittaker Era of Doctor Who, at, at @JodieIntoTerror on Twitter, on Apple Podcasts, and wherever podcasts can be found.
The Cambridge Latin Course (CLC) is a series of textbooks published by Cambridge University Press, used to teach Latin to secondary school students. First published in 1970, the series is in its fifth edition as of April 2019. It has reached high status in the United Kingdom, being the most successful Latin course in the country and used by 85% of Latin-teaching schools.
The course consists of a series of chapters, each of which includes stories and dialogues in Latin as well as vocabulary and grammar explained in English. There is a short history section at the end of each chapter to provide context on Ancient Rome.
The first story "Cerberus" begins:
which means, in English:
The book tells the adventures of Caecilius, a banker, and Metella, his wife, in Pompeii from the reign of Tiberius to that of Vespasian. Sometimes the book deviates to talk about Caecilius' two slaves, their cook Grumio, and Clemens, and their frequent humorous mishaps. The book also discusses Metella (Caecilius' wife) and her slave, Melissa. The book ends when Mount Vesuvius erupts, and Caecilius, Cerberus, Melissa, and Metella are killed in Pompeii. However, the book leaves the rea…
• Lucius Caecilius Iucundus
Caecilius is the star of the first book. Caecilius is a banker who lives in Pompeii. When the volcano Mt. Vesuvius erupts near Pompeii, Caecilius returns to save his family. A wall falls on him in his house and he tragically dies.
• Quintus Caecilius Iucundus
The popularity of the Cambridge Latin Course is such that the series has been indirectly referenced in television. The ancillary characters Caecilius, Metella and Quintus in the Doctor Who episode "The Fires of Pompeii" are loosely based on those from the Cambridge Latin Course. In the opening episode of series four of Being Human the "Vampire Recorder" blurts out words from Book One of the Cambridge Latin Course, ("Caecilius est in horto!") as part of the general nonsen…
• Minimus — Latin text for younger students from same publisher
• Official website