how to recycle course blackboard 2015

by Stephania Considine 5 min read

Go to the Administrator Panel > Courses. Select Create Course > Restore. Type a destination course ID for the restored course.

Part of a video titled Recycling a Course or Personal Master in Blackboard
I'm going to go down to my packages and utilities area and click on bulk delete. And on the bulkMoreI'm going to go down to my packages and utilities area and click on bulk delete. And on the bulk delete screen i will select all of the areas.

Full Answer

How do you get rid of old courses on Blackboard?

Delete a courseOn the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses.Search for a course.Select the check box for each course to delete.Select Delete.Select OK.

Where is the recycle bin on Blackboard?

Navigate to the Site Manager. Select Recycle Bin. Deleted pages are displayed with the most recently deleted items listed first.

How do I delete all content from a course in Blackboard?

In the Control Panel, click Packages and Utilities to expand this menu and click Bulk Delete. In the Select Content Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for all of the materials within the course that you want to delete.

How do I archive a course in Blackboard?

Archiving Your CourseLogin to Blackboard.Click Courses.Click Current Courses at the top.Select the term you wish to visit.Select the course you wish to archive.Click Packages and Utilities under the Course Management in the left menu.Click Export/Archive Course.Click Archive Course.More items...•

How do I recover deleted files on blackboard?

0:000:31How To Restore A Page in Blackboard Web Community Manager - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHi I'm Kristen carpenter welcome to our video on restoring a deleted. Page first navigate to theMoreHi I'm Kristen carpenter welcome to our video on restoring a deleted. Page first navigate to the section where you need to recover a page in the section click on the recycle bin locate your page and

How can I recover my deleted activity?

Recover the deleted browsing history in this way. Open a web page in Google Chrome. Type in the link When you enter your Google Account, you will see the list of everything that Google has recorded from your browsing activity.

How do I delete a file from learn?

Locate the file(s) you wish to delete and check the checkboxes to the left of the filenames. Click the Delete button at the top of the page.

How do I free up space on blackboard?

Here are some suggestions to get the most use out of your course space in Blackboard:Stream your videos. ... Clean up the Course Content folder of unused files. ... Remove duplicate files. ... Remove old export folders. ... Reduce the size of your PowerPoint files. ... Move large files to OneDrive.

How do I delete content from LMS?

How to Delete an LMS Course AssignmentClick on the name of the course to which you would like to add an assignment.Deleting an Assignment. Click the 'Assignments' tab. ... Click 'Update'. Congratulations, you have deleted an assignment from this LMS course!

What is the Blackboard Learn tool?

Blackboard Learn includes the batch_ImportExport tool for handling the import/export and archive/restore of a number of courses at once as well as the import/restore of files that exceed the default maximum upload limit.

How to include content collection in Blackboard?

To include Content Collection files in the restore, select Select Folder. Select Browse to navigate to the folder. Blackboard Learn creates a sub-folder and copies the Content Collection files into it.

Can you import a course from Blackboard?

You can only import or restore the course if the package is intact. Editing the ZIP file and then importing or restoring the package results in unstable and unpredictable behavior in the course. You can import course or archive packages from older versions of Blackboard Learn into the current version.

What can administrators set in recycle bin?

Recycle Bin Settings. Administrators can set the amount of time files are retained in recycle bins, as well as manage recycle bin security.

What happens if recycle bins are disabled?

Even if recycle bins have been disabled for a content area, the scheduled purge of recycle bin files continues to remove files that have passed their retention time in both shared and individual bins.

How to manage the growth of the Content Collection and related hardware costs?

To better manage the growth of the Content Collection and related hardware costs, administrators can define a system-wide policy for regularly scheduled purges of recycle bins. Administrators can define both the number of days that deleted files will be kept in the recycle bin and the specific time of day to run the actual purge process.

What is not included in a copy of a course?

Files within the course’s home folder that are not linked to any content within the course are not included in the copy. If you think you have files that may exist outside your course directory, it's a good idea to review your content and make sure everything is associated to the course itself, a master course, or Box.

What happens if you don't have permissions for a course?

If you do not have permission configured, your students may not be able to access some files when the course is imported. If any content was originated in another course that was assigned to another instructor, you will not be able to export the content unless those permissions have been updated.

Can faculty copy links?

Faculty can choose to copy only the links to the files or copy the links and create new copies of every file attached to the course. These files may exist in or outside the course shell. Course Export Decision Table. If you are exporting from a master course or template, choose.


Users, Courses, and Organizations Content Areas

Enable Recycle Bins

  1. On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Content Area Management.
  2. Select Manage Recycle Bins.
  3. In the Use Recycle Bin field for the desired content area, select Yes.
  4. If enabling recycle bins for the institution or library content area, in the Default Quota field, select Unlimited or select Limited and type the desired quota limit. A value of "-1" indicates th…
  1. On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Content Area Management.
  2. Select Manage Recycle Bins.
  3. In the Use Recycle Bin field for the desired content area, select Yes.
  4. If enabling recycle bins for the institution or library content area, in the Default Quota field, select Unlimited or select Limited and type the desired quota limit. A value of "-1" indicates that...

Institution and Library Content Areas

  • When recycle bins are enabled for the institution or library content area, one shared recycle bin is created for each content area.
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