literati, scholars in China and Japan whose poetry, calligraphy, and paintings were supposed primarily to reveal their cultivation and express their personal feelings rather than demonstrate professional skill.
Literati artists originally used different styles and techniques as they desired. The most important thing was to dig out the spirit of the thing when they were painting. That is why people describe the literati painters as “subjective” rather than the “objective” work of Northern painters.
"Literati painters," on the other hand, were amateurs -- they painted as a means of self-expression, much the same way they wrote poetry; both forms were inheritances from the Neo-Daoist era of the Six Dynasties.
During the Yuan period, after the Mongol conquest of the Song dynasty, many of the leading landscape painters were literati who did not serve in office, either because offices were not as widely available as they had been under the Song, or because they did not want to serve the conquerors.
How does Shen Zhao's Poet on a Mountaintop " represent the essence of literati painting"? With its tight synthesis of poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and with its harmony of mind and landscape, Poet on a Mountaintop represents the essence of Ming literati painting.
Literati culture is also usually construed to include connoisseurship of various categories of material objects, including tea and its implements, antique paintings and specimens of calligraphy, celebrated or rare manuscripts and book editions, rubbings taken from steles, ancient bronze vessels, and objets d'art ...
“The Scholar-Artists were proficient scholars who often embellished their paintings with poetry. These men were part of a long-standing tradition that had existed in China as far back as the 11th century.
Orthodox Painters under the Qing The Qing emperors patronized the Orthodox artists who sought to revive earlier styles. Ironically, the Qing Orthodox painters reversed the roles of literati and commercial/professional painters of Song and Yuan times.
Paintings. Chinese painting on walls and silk had two main objectives: to capture people and landscapes. By the Tang dynasty the latter had finally overtaken the former as the most popular subject.
They lay great emphasis on the idea that the style with which a painter controlled his brush conveyed the inner style of his character – brushstrokes were seen as expressions of the spirit more than were matters of composition or skill in realistic depiction.
The Yuan Dynasty ended more than 300 years of division and reunified China. The unification made Yuan Dynasty economic prosperity and strengthened the process of national integration. Many achievements were made especial in technology and culture.
The Four Masters of the Yuan dynasty (Chinese: 元四家; pinyin: Yuán Sì Jiā) is a name used to collectively describe the four Chinese painters Huang Gongwang, Wu Zhen, Ni Zan, and Wang Meng, who were active during the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368).
Literature gives a better understanding of the World. It is organic form of Art that grows throughout. It interprets the meaning of nature and life, in words of charm and power, touched with the personality of the author, in artistic forms of permanent interest. It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression.
Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. 9.5K views. ·. View upvotes. D. J. Hoskins.
Its Latin root literatura/litteratura (derived itself from littera: letter or handwriting ) was used to refer to all written accounts, though contemporary definitions extend the term to include texts that are spoken or sung (oral literature). The concept has changed meaning over time: nowadays it can broaden to have non-written verbal art forms, and thus it is difficult to agree on its origin, which can be paired with that of language or writing itself. Developments in print technology have allowed an evergrowing distribution and proliferation of written works, culminating in electronic literature.
Continue Reading. Literature is any written work well argued, especially work argued by scholars and critics. While it's believed that a literary work is something that is noted to merit a superior quality, this is not always the case. Take for example the works of Edward Bulwer Lytton, a Victorian novelist.
Literature is the explanation of the society. The progress of the literature means that the society is changing in correct decision.
The most attempted definition of “literature” is, “writing with artistic merit, lasting value, excellence
In fact, the only thing that is certain about defining literature is that the definition will change. Concepts of what is literature change over time as well. The most attempted definition of “literature” is, “writing with artistic merit, lasting value, excellence. Continue Reading.
In Asian art, paintings produced by cultivated amateurs who generally wealthy and devoted to the art(calligraphy, painting, and poetry. Used to describe work of painters not attached to royal courts of the yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties
A compassionate being who enlightens himself or herself and helps others to be enlightened. Depicted in the arts of China and Japan usually bejeweled. Afghan and NW of Pakistan, Gandhara region late 2nd century kushana period gray schist
Series of halls leads to inner sanctuary
Existence is full of suffering, cause of suffering is desire, to eliminate suffering one must eliminate desire,& to eliminate desire one must follow moral code of the eightfold path which regulates speech, thought and action.