what is the q course

by Dr. Dashawn Lehner 5 min read

What does the Q Course consist of?

The qualification course consists of six sequential phases of training, upon completion of which Soldiers earn the right to join the Special Forces brotherhood, wear the Special Forces tab and don the green beret.

Is the Q Course hard?

The Q course medical training includes a stint at a civilian hospital trauma unit and is arguably the most arduous among the four military occupational specialties that make up the SF ranks. "It lets you know there will be a high degree of specialty placed on you," he said, "and rank comes with that.

How long is the Army Q Course?

This phase is approximately 13 weeks in duration and includes training in Small Unit Tactics, SF Tactics, Survival Skills and Language and Cultural Training.

Do you get to go home during the Q Course?

There are several times where you will not be able to see him during the Q-course (the field phases), but there are lots of times he will be available to be "home" during training (language, some parts of MOS).

What's the most elite US military unit?

Top Ten, Most Elite Special Operation Units in the US MilitaryUSMC Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team. ... USAF Pararescuemen, PJ. ... US Army 75th Ranger Regiment. ... USMC MARSOC. ... US Army Intelligence Support Activity. ... USMC Force Reconnaissance. ... US Navy Seals. ... US Army Delta Force.More items...

Which is harder Green Beret or Navy SEAL?

While Army Green Beret training is extraordinarily demanding, the overall consensus is that Navy SEAL training is the most challenging of any elite ops group in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Do you see your family during the Q Course?

The current SFQC layout has family time available during Phase III and Language School. You willl not see your family (or your house) much, if any, during Phase IA, I, II, PLDC, BNCOC, SERE, or Robin Sage.

Is 30 too old to join Special Forces?

20-32 years old. Meet the Army height and weight standards. Join as an active duty or Army National Guard Soldier. Qualify for Airborne School.

Where is the Army Q Course?

Fort Bragg, North CarolinaThe Army Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) is long and demanding. Although the length of the course varies according to Military Occupational Specialty and language it is generally 12 to 24 months long. Most of the training is held on Fort Bragg, North Carolina or Camp Mackall, North Carolina. Prerequisites.

How long is Officer Q Course?

The Q Course is now designed to be completed in a little more than 12 months for all Green Berets, except those training to become medics. Four classes start each year, allowing the course to align training with Army Special Operations Command's psychological operations and civil affairs students.

Which Special Forces has the highest dropout rate?

RASP 1 has a 53% attrition rate. RASP 2 has a 74% attrition rate. SFAS has 64% and 51% attrition rates for enlisted soldiers and officers respectively, whereas SFQC has 35% and 27% attrition rates for the same categories. CCT selection has a 50% attrition rate with a further 27% rate for the Qualification Course.

How long is a 18X contract?

The 18X contract is a long-term plan. It could potentially vary based on your personal discussions with an Army recruiter. However, most Army MOS 18X contracts are a minimum of six years. It allows plenty of time to complete training (plan on three years) along with a first permanent duty assignment.