how to remove course on sona systems

by Dr. Princess Wiegand IV 10 min read

Adding, Changing, or Removing Courses
  1. Log into your SONA account.
  2. Click on “My Profile” at the top right of the page.
  3. On the right side of this page under the heading “Credits,” click on “Change Courses” button.
  4. You will see a list of all the courses offering SONA credit.

How do I delete a study on Sona?

If no one has yet signed up for this slot, deleting it is simple. Just click “delete” underneath the information box. However, if a participant already signed up for the experiment you must perform an extra step before removing the slot. Next to the participant's name will be an option to cancel them.

What happens if I miss a SONA study?

If you have too many missed appointments, you run the risk that your user account will be inactive and you will not be able to sign-up for future studies. How can I keep track of my credits? Choose "My Schedule/Credits" from the top toolbar. You will have the option to see how many credits you have earned.

How do I add a course to Sona?

To add multiple courses to your profile:Log on to Sona Systems.Click on "My Profile".Click on "Change Courses".To add multiple courses: Hold the Control or Apple key as you click on the classes you wish to add. Pay special attention to the section and professor.Mar 21, 2017

How do I reassign credits on Sona?

If you want to do this before the end of the semester, log in to your sona account and click "Change Course Assignment." Then you can choose the course(s) you want. Then, go to each credit you earned and click "Reassign." You can then reassign each credit to the correct class.

What do SONA credits do?

Sona-systems is the website that is used to sign up for experiments for which you can earn research credits to apply to your psychology courses for extra credit. Up to 4 percentage points of extra credit can be earned and applied to your final grade in a psychology course based on your participation.

What is Sona ID?

SONA assigns all participants a random, anonymous 5- or 6-digit ID code. This ID code is the only way you will be able to identify any participant through SONA. You will not be able to get their names, UNIs or emails through SONA.

How long after the deadline for a study will credit be granted Sona?

24 hoursResearchers must take action on credit statuses before 24 hours after the closing time/date of SONA (see Important dates). No participant should be left as “No action taken.” Researchers may select 1 of 3 options: Grant Credit.

What is a SONA ID Ryerson?

The only information collected for identification purposes will be the participants' SONA ID, which is a unique number used for granting credits, and will not allow me identify the students. Given these precautions, there is a very low probability of any adverse behavior resulting from this conflict of interest.”

What is Sona research?

Sona is an online scheduling system used to record your research participation credit. You will go to the Sona website to find out what studies are being offered in a given quarter, and you will use the site to sign up for studies.