what is the purpose of this week’s lab course hero

by Dr. Oceane Ryan Sr. 6 min read

What is the purpose of lab 1 and Lab 2?

Purpose of Lab 1: Thermochemistry To measure the specific heat capacity of a metal, the heat of solution and the heat of neutralization of various reactions. To develop an understanding of thermodynamic concepts, such as temperature, enthalpy, heat and heat capacity, and their relationships Purpose of Lab 2: Colligative Properties

What is the purpose of lab 1 in thermochemistry?

Terms in this set (9) Purpose of Lab 1: Thermochemistry To measure the specific heat capacity of a metal, the heat of solution and the heat of neutralization of various reactions. To develop an understanding of thermodynamic concepts, such as

What is the purpose of Lab 4 and lab 5?

Purpose of Lab 4: LeChatelier's Principle To observe reaction reversibility through studying how systems at equilibrium respond to changes in the concentration of reactants and products Purpose of Lab 5: Equlibrium To determine the equilibrium constant for the Fe3+ + SCN- ↔ Fe(SCN)2+ reaction using the