what is the maximum standard density of compacted base course

by Dr. Wendell Schamberger 4 min read

The compaction requirement for base coarse (Road) shall not be less than 100% of the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 or AASHTO T180. The compaction requirement for subbase (Road) shall not be less than 95% of the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 or AASHTO T180.

Full Answer

What is the average density of a base course?

Compact the aggregate base course in-place to a field target density of at least 100 percent and a lower specification limit (L) of at least 97.0 percent of the maximum density of laboratory specimens prepared from samples

What is the recommended base course compaction for construction?

Maximum Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698). Onsite material may be used as accepted by ENGINEER, for compacted fill for the aggregate base course. Fill shall be placed within two percent (2%) of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of ninety five percent (95%) of the Maximum Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698).

What is the recommended density for compacting a subgrade?

compaction. The findings are also useful to agencies that have had no such problems. Satisfactory performance might not indicate that density standards are adequate but rather that, possibly due to improved construction equipment, the base compaction obtained in the field may be greater than required by specifica-tions.

What is the highest density of compaction?

Sep 19, 2016 · densities will be 95 percent of Standard Proctor for embankments and up to 100 percent of Modified Proctor for roadway structures. Likewise, the moisture content must be within a range of the laboratory-determined, optimum moisture content. > 100% > 99% base course modified proctor standard proctor sub-base capping layer (stones) embankment

What is the density of base course?

The density of the untreated base must meet a minimum of 93% of maximum dry weight density. This initial compaction will help to ensure that uniform base course depth is maintained, grade and cross slope requirements are met prior to stabilization, and that final compaction deficiencies are minimized.

What is the density of compacted gravel?

Density of Some Common Building MaterialsMaterialDensityGravel, loose, dry95 lb/ft31,520 kg/m3Gravel, with sand120 lb/ft31,920 kg/m33/8 inch Gypsum or Plaster Board1.56 lb/ft27.62 kg/m21/2 inch Gypsum or Plaster Board2.08 lb/ft210.2 kg/m247 more rows•Nov 17, 2021

What is the density of aggregate base course?

Key Features: Most aggregates have a relative density between 2.4-2.9 with a corresponding particle (mass) density of 2400-2900 kg/m3 (150-181 lb/ft3).

What is maximum dry density compaction?

The maximum peak point of the soil compaction curve obtained is called the Maximum dry density value. The water content corresponds to this point is called the Optimum water content (O.W.C) or optimum moisture content (O.M.C).Feb 9, 2020

What is the density of compacted sand?

Density of Sand Packed sand is known to have a density of around 1682 kg/m3.

What is the density of a 2x4?

For example, the green weight of the 2x4 (40.0 lb) can be divided by its green volume (0.78 ft3), its kiln-dry volume (0.73 ft3), or its oven- dry volume (0.68 ft3), resulting in densities of 51.3, 54.8, and 58.8 lb/ft3, respectively.

What is the density of 20mm aggregate?

Crushed Stone Aggregate for Construction, Size: 20 mmSize20 mmPackaging TypeLooseBulk Density1520 to 1680 Kg/ Cubic mUsage/ApplicationConstructionWater Absorption2.4%

What is bulk density of 20mm aggregate?

20 mm aggregate density:- density of 20 mm aggregate is 1550 kg/m3, it means 1 cubic metre of 20 mm aggregate weight is 1550 kg.

What is the density of 40mm aggregate?

Product DescriptionMaterialCrushed StoneSize40 mmBulk Density1120 Kg/m3Density22 kg m3Water Absorption2-3%1 more row

What is Max dry density?

The dry density obtained by the compaction of soil at its optimum moisture content.

What is OMC and MDD?

Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) is the water content at which the soil attains maximum dry density. • Maximum Dry Density (MDD) is the dry density of soil corresponding to Optimum Moisture Content.May 18, 2020

What is the maximum dry density for soil sample having SPG of 2.7 and OMC 16?

1.885 g/cm3What is the maximum dry density for a soil sample having sp. gr. of 2.7 and OMC=16 %? Maximum dry density, γd max = 1.885 g/cm3.

Fill or Backfill Compaction Requirements for Sand, Subgrade, Sub Base, Base Course and Asphalt Concrete

Contractor’s testing agency shall be a Client approved civil testing agency.


Full article on Fill or Backfill Compaction Requirements for Soil, Subgrade, Subbase, Base Course and Asphalt Concrete | Compaction Test Requirement| Field Density Test Requirements | Compaction Specification | Proctor Compaction Test. Thank you for the full reading of this article in “ The Civil Engineering ” platform in English.

What are the properties of a material for a given compaction?

properties of the material for a given compaction . energy. Generally, the smaller the particle size, the . greater the influence of water on compaction. If a soil possesses too little moisture, the material . will be difficult to work with because the particles . will lack the lubrication necessary to rearrange them .

What is affinity for soil grains?

affinity for the soil grains. It is also called “air-. dry” moisture content. This water would have . to be removed by baking the soil in an oven to . determine the true dry weight of the soil. Too much moisture over-lubricates the soil and . causes particle instability, while too little moisture .
