what is the master fitness trainer course like

by Lelia Monahan PhD 3 min read

The instructional objectives of the Master Fitness Trainer Course instruction includes the science of exercise, physical fitness assessment, exercise training principles, exercise prescription, exercise leadership and development of individuals, and unit physical readiness programs in accordance with current Army doctrine and regulations. Overview

The MFTC is broken into two phases – a self-paced, 60-hour online phase and a two-week, 76-hour in-resident phase. The curriculum covers exercise science, training principles, prescription, leadership, physical fitness assessment and unit physical readiness programs aligned with current Army doctrine and regulations.Oct 8, 2018

Full Answer

How do I become a master fitness trainer?

  • Learn the psychology behind how we get stuck in dietary patterns - and how to break them
  • Get skilled on how to apply nutrition science and behavior change in the real world to get your clients results
  • Receive the latest cutting-edge science in all things related to fat loss, muscle gain, and overall wellness

What degree do you need to be a fitness trainer?

  • Pierre Pozzuto trains A-listers including Gordon Ramsay and Keira Knightley
  • Here, he reveals to FEMAIL the seven home workout moves to try out at home
  • Includes using staircase do to 'spiderman' and a chair for to step-ups

How does one become certified as a personal fitness trainer?

To be eligible for the NASM Personal Trainer Certification Exam, you must:

  • Have a high school degree or GED
  • Hold a current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification
  • Hold an automated external defibrillator (AED) certification.

How to become a personal fitness trainer?

“I’m a fitness fanatic,” says a Charleston-based personal trainer who tailors his nutrition and fitness ... Problems starting early on in the pandemic have become progressively worse as the supply chain clog grows daily and labor shortages wage ...

How long is Army Master Fitness Trainer course?

The MFTC is now taught in a two phase format. The first Phase consists of 60 academic hours of Distributive Learning (dL) comprised of exercise science classes. The second Phase is a 2 week, 76 academic hour resident course which covers all PRT exercises and drills.

Which course is best for fitness trainer?

The 5 Best Personal Trainer CertificationsInternational Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) ... The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) ... Fitness Mentors – Personal Training and Online Personal Training Certifications. ... American Council on Exercise (ACE) ... National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

What Army regulation covers master fitness trainer?

Field Manual 7-22Army Physical Fitness School It also provides the Master Fitness Trainer Course to train unit leaders to help develop physical readiness training programs to improve readiness and minimize injuries. Field Manual 7-22 (2012) covers the philosophy, strategy, and execution of the Army's physical training regimen.

Can you be a physical trainer in the Army?

The Army runs its fitness centers like any civilian gym and hires educated and certified industry professionals to manage facilities, teach group exercise, and work as personal trainers.

What is the hardest personal trainer certification?

* The “hardest” personal trainer certification: The NCSA-CPT is the most difficult of the three, as its content is relatively technical and assumes a solid background in the subjects of anatomy, physiology and physics.

What fitness certification is most recognized?

One of the most recognized and respected fitness organizations in the U.S., the American Council on Exercise (ACE) certifies more than 90,000 fitness and wellness professionals each year with programs accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).

Is master fitness trainer an ASI?

Candidates who successfully complete both phases of the MFTC will be awarded the additional skill identifier (ASI) of: P5 for NCO's; and. 6P for officers.

What are the 3 types of PRT?

What are the 3 components of PRT? Strength, Mobility, and Endurance.

What is Army MRT?

Master Resilience Training (MRT) is a resilience-training program that is offered by the United States Army. The goal of the program is to teach officers about resilience and to train those officers to teach other soldiers about resilience as well.

How do I become a military fitness trainer?

The primary qualifications for a military athletic trainer job are a bachelor's degree in athletic training and various additional certifications and credentials, such as Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

What do athletic trainers do in the military?

They prevent and treat chronic musculoskeletal injuries from sports, physical and occupational activity, and provide immediate care for acute injuries. Athletic trainers offer a continuum of care that is unparalleled in health care.

Does military pay for personal training certification?

All military personnel are eligible to receive tuition reimbursement under Section 3676 Title 38 of the US code through the G.I. Montgomery Bill for the NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer Exam.

How to become a NASM certified trainer?

To become a NASM certified master trainer, you’ll need three years of training ten or more clients per week with the OPT™ model. You’ll also need to attend a NASM workshop, plus possess the following three valid NASM certifications to apply to the Master Trainer program: Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) from NASM.

What is a master fitness trainer?

Master Trainer Program from the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF) Master Trainer Certification from Fitness Mentors (FM) If you want to help people take control of their health and fitness and be the best person for the job, deciding to become a master fitness trainer is a big step in the right direction.

How old do you have to be to get a CPR certification?

You have to be at least 18 years old. You must have up-to-date CPR and First Aid Certification. You must receive your personal trainer certification, nutritionist specialization, and any four of their other approved specializations certification. A few of these options will be listed below in the course inclusions.

Why is MFTC important?

Why is this important to the Army? MFTC is an academic course with college-level content that focuses on the concepts of physical fitness and readiness to propel the Army to a more agile and ready force.

What is MFTC in the Army?

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command ’s Master Fitness Trainer Course (MFTC) trains selected non-commissioned officers and commissioned officers in all aspects of the Army’s physical readiness training system.

How long do you have to be in physical readiness training before you can go to the Army?

Soldiers 40 years and older can attend, but must pass a medical screening prior to attendance and participate in a physical readiness training program for at least 90 days prior to course start date.

How many points do you need to score for the Army Physical Fitness Test?

The course is open to active and reserve Soldiers, sergeant through captain, who are recommended by their battalion commanders or equivalent and can score a 240, with a minimum of 80 points in each event, on the Army Physical Fitness Test.

Where is the Army Physical Fitness School?

Active-duty Soldiers will attend the resident course at the U.S. Army Physical Fitness School at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Reserve Soldiers will attend the resident course at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

How long is the Phase 1 course?

Phase 1 is a self-paced distance learning course that must be completed prior to the Phase 2, two-week resident course.

About the training

For four weeks in January and February, the PRD conducted a course for the contractors who will be part of the MTTs and NCOs from across the Army who represented division-level leadership.

Injury control

In the absence of that foundational fitness level, many Soldiers suffer from injuries, Feltwell said, noting that when comparing the “relative load” on the Army associated with different conditions — “in terms of cost, in terms of hospital visits, in terms of Soldiers going into the hospital” — the load caused by injuries due to muscular-skeletal overuse or athletics far outweighs that of most other individual medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease or behavioral health issues..

Height, weight, more

Another void created by the absence of the MFT program was the lack of proper knowledge and implementation of all the regulations and policies that are related to physical readiness, Palkoska said.

Importance of training

It’s a densely packed four weeks of instruction. But once students have completed the course, they not only have a thorough understanding of PRT but also a genuine appreciation for it, said Stephen Van Camp, PRD’s deputy director.

Tell your buddies to stop making posts via social media about Ukraine and units deploying

A few hours ago the Pentagon released an official statement regarding this. Don't spread the news from the PNN and keep yall's mouth shut. Theres something called OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) and what you say can and will be used against us.

SHARP is a fucking joke

Fuck all of this shit. Can’t teach the fuckers who are supposed to “lead the way” to not rape privates half their fucking age. And hey, he gets to be a recruiter now and have easy access to even more barely legal girls! Good job guys, really nailed this one 👏🏻

To the guy who got smoked in front of the company at BCT for leaving a giant shit in the bathroom for the Drill Sergeant to see..

It was me who left it that day. It was a magnificent shit. Large, girthy, a little bloody.

One of my Soldiers ate C-4 Plastic Explosives during a Battalion FTX, Had a seizure and was transported to the ER to get his stomach pumped

Would Jalapeño cheese spread or chunky peanut butter taste better with C-4?
