where can you find the course id for a class at auburn

by Lynn D'Amore 9 min read

The most current list of course descriptions can be found in AU Access under "Look Up Classes." The Auburn University Bulletin also has a complete list of courses and descriptions under the Courses of Instruction pages. More specific course details may be obtained through the department offering the course.

Full Answer

Do I have to repeat a class at Auburn?

The original grades still appear on your transcript. If the course is required for your graduation, you must repeat it at Auburn. If the course is not required, you do not have to repeat it. Although there are advantages to using the GAP in the right circumstances, for the average Auburn student, the GAP is of little use.

Where can I find Auburn’s academic policies?

COSAM » Departments » Student Services » Academic Policies All of Auburn’s academic policies can be found online in the Auburn Bulletin . We strongly encourage you to read and understand the official policies. Below are highlights and important considerations about commonly used academic policies.

Where can I find student counseling services at Auburn University?

Typical problems include: Student Counseling Services (SCS) is located on the 2nd floor of the Auburn University Medical Clinic at the corner of Lem Morrison Drive and Duncan Drive. Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Appointments can be arranged by calling (334) 844-5123.

Can I drop a class at Auburn University?

Please check with your insurance company and Auburn’s Financial Aid Office before dropping below 12 hours. Before the drop date, be realistic about your chances of obtaining the grade you want in a course. Dropping may be the best idea. Also, be certain to check your schedule and be sure that you are registered only for courses you plan to finish.

How many hours do you need to take an overload at Auburn?

To be eligible, you must have passed all work attempted and earned a GPA of 2.5 or higher during their last residence semester at Auburn University in which they carried 15 or more hours (10 or more in their last summer). Students who desire to take an overload must come by the Dean's Office to request the overload.

When do you get your tuition refunded?

If you have paid fees and resign before the first day of class, all fees will be refunded. During Fall and Spring semesters, if resignation occurs during the first 15 days of classes, all fees, except the sum of $100.00 plus any late fees, will be refunded.

How long does it take to get a refund for a resigned class?

No refunds will be made for resignations that occur after 15 days (or 5 days during Summer semester) of class unless the withdrawal is caused by illness (physician's statement required) or call into military service (copy of activation orders required). Any refund is prorated.

What is the phone number for Dean's Office?

Please contact our office, 334-844-4269 , as soon as possible to begin the process.

What to do before dropping a course?

Also, be certain to check your schedule and be sure that you are registered only for courses you plan to finish. You are responsible for knowing your enrollment status at all times .

How many hours are required for a full time course?

A full time course load is 12 hours in fall, spring, and summer semesters. The maximum load for students in undergraduate curricula is 18 hours during the fall and spring semesters.

Can you take courses at another school in Auburn?

You may take courses at another institution over the summer or any other single term, provided you are not suspended from Auburn. In order to receive credit for the courses, you must complete a Transient Student Form. Please see this website for specific instructions about the form.
