what is the live course qualifications for wear and carry permit in maryland

by Ms. Mayra Stamm PhD 4 min read

Maryland Wear and Carry Permit Course satisfies 8 hours of the required 16 hours of training to apply for the Maryland Wear and Carry Permit. To complete the 16 hours, you must also attend the 8-hour Conceal Carry and Home Defense Course (CCHDF). Fingerprinting and passport photos are included in this course.

Full Answer

Do you qualify for a carry permit in Maryland?

Many people qualify for a carry permit and don’t even know it! Although the process can be difficult, we have helped many of our members obtain a carry permit. This informational guide can start you down the path to carrying legally in Maryland. In Maryland, there is no procedure to immediately obtain a carry permit if you are ever threatened.

What are the requirements to get a wear and carry permit?

Wear and Carry Permits may be issued to any adult (18 years of age or over) who meets the following criteria: An applicant between 18 and 21 years of age may only be issued a wear and carry permit to possess a regulated firearm required for employment. - P.S. 5-133 (d) (2) (v)

When does the Maryland wear and carry permit expire?

The amendment to this order extends the Maryland Wear and Carry Handgun permit expiration date to June 30, 2021.   This extension allows for the renewal of a Maryland Wear and Carry Handgun permit that has expired while the Executive Order is in effect (March 12, 2020-June 30, 2021).

Do I need a Maryland self defense permit right away?

If you need a permit right away, you are already 6-9 months too late. That is how long it usually takes to navigate Maryland's extensive application process, even if you are in immediate danger. If you can, obtain a carry permit now, so you have it should you ever encounter the need for armed self defense.

How long is the Maryland Hql course?

four-hourHandgun Qualification License training is a four-hour block of instruction which includes classroom instruction on state firearm law, home firearm safety, handgun mechanisms and operation, and a component that requires the applicant demonstrate the ability to safely fire a handgun.

Can you get a concealed carry permit online in Maryland?

You must apply for this license online through the Maryland State Police web portal. Physical applications are not accepted. Within 3 years prior to obtaining a HQL, an applicant must complete a Firearms Safety Training Course taught by a state-approved Qualified Handgun Instructor.

How hard is it to get a concealed carry permit in Maryland?

The process typically takes at least 90-days for most applicants and unlike the vast majority of other places within the United States, Maryland is one of only eight states where applicants must demonstrate "good and substantial reason," or a special need to be granted a license or permit to carry a handgun in public.

How long does it take to get a Maryland handgun Qualification license?

about 2-4 weeksThe application for a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) must be submitted online through the Maryland State Police Online Services Webpage. Completed applications take about 2-4 weeks to process and become active. Once active, you will be mailed your Handgun Qualification License (HQL) in 7-10 business days.

Who can conceal carry in Maryland?

Wear and Carry Permits may be issued to any adult (18 years of age or over) who meets the following criteria: An applicant between 18 and 21 years of age may only be issued a wear and carry permit to possess a regulated firearm required for employment. - P.S. 5-133 (d)(2)(v)

Do I need a Hql in MD?

Who needs a Hql in Maryland? Unless otherwise exempt, as of October 1, 2013, a Maryland resident must possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) before he/she may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun. You do not need a Handgun Qualification License to own a gun you already have.

What qualifies as a good and substantial reason in Maryland?

Examples of good and substantial reasons include: a property owner who collects rents, a business owner who makes bank deposits, a medical doctor who carries a prescription pad, a person whose life has been threatened and documented with a police report, and a special operations military personnel whose personal ...

Is PA gun permit valid in Maryland?

To conceal a firearm in New York, New Jersey or Maryland, a Pennsylvania resident must apply for a concealed carry permit in those states, according to the Concealed Carry Reciprocity tool published by the AG's office.

What disqualifies you from buying a gun in Maryland?

Disqualifying crime includes any crime of violence, it includes anything that has been classified as a felony in the State of Maryland and it also includes any misdemeanor that carries a statutory penalty of more than two years.

Who is exempt from MD Hql?

Those exempt from needing an HQL are active law enforcement officers or a person retired in good standing from a law enforcement agency of the United States (DC Metro Police Are Not Exempt), the State of Maryland, or a local enforcement agency in the State of Maryland.

What is the HQL class like?

In the HQL class, you will learn the following: 1. Learning the basics of firearm safety, handling, storage, function and a practical application to demonstrate that you can safely operate a firearm in compliance with the Maryland State requirement. 2. Learning the Maryland laws pertaining to such use.

What disqualifies you from Hql in Maryland?

Under Federal Law, Medical Marijuana Users, MMC Card Holders & Users of other Unlawful Substances are not legally permitted to purchase or possess firearms. If you are addicted to or a user of Marijuana or Any Other Substances, DO NOT register for this class! YOU WILL BE DENIED BY MARYLAND STATE POLICE FOR AN HQL.