how to publish a course in learnupon

by Prof. Alayna Tremblay Jr. 3 min read

To publish a course, follow the steps below:

  • Within your course click Action Menu > Publish Course.
  • In the confirmation dialog box, select Yes.

The following screenshot shows the publishing options available when you re-version a course.
  1. From main navigation go to Courses > your course name (draft).
  2. From the action menu, select Publish Course. ...
  3. In Publishing a new version of a course:
Mar 9, 2022

Full Answer

How do I upload my course to learnupon?

Click the “Publish” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to finish up. You’ll need to store your course as a zip file so that it can be uploaded to LearnUpon. To do this, just click on the “Zip” symbol, choose a location on your computer where you wish to save your file and click “Save”.

What can you do with learnupon?

Guide learners, with multiple linked courses wrapped into a learning path. Build a catalog, where learners can browse and enroll at their leisure. “Our user manuals, videos, slide decks, handouts, and reference sheets are all in LearnUpon. We also use LearnUpon to host a repository of the webinars we run.

How do I track learner progress with learnupon?

Track learner progress within SCORM or xAPI content, and use LearnUpon to report on learner data like interactions, time spent, learner status, and score. LearnUpon is built with the features you need to deliver fast, efficient training through one intuitive platform.

How do I use learnupon to host a webinar?

Build a catalog, where learners can browse and enroll at their leisure. “Our user manuals, videos, slide decks, handouts, and reference sheets are all in LearnUpon. We also use LearnUpon to host a repository of the webinars we run. It holds everything.” Drag SCORM and xAPI files from your desktop to upload into LearnUpon.

How do I create an online training course?

How to Create Online Training Courses in 5 Incredibly Easy StepsStep 1: Define Your Online Training Goals and Learner Persona. ... Step 2: Create an Outline for Your Online Training. ... Step 3: Build the Content for the Online Training Courses. ... Step 4: Engage Your Learners. ... Step 5: Measure Meaningful Engagement Metrics.

How do I create a learning course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•

Is selling online courses profitable?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.

How do you make an online course and get paid?

To get you started, here are 7 proven ways to make money selling courses online.Charge up front. ... Offer the course for free, then charge for certification. ... Charge a subscription. ... Use a tiered payment system. ... Pre-sell your course. ... Sell your online course for free—then funnel it into a product or service.More items...•

How to publish a learning path?

From main navigation go to Courses. Learning Paths > your learning path. From the action menu, select Publish Path.

How to add courses to learning path?

Add courses to your learning path. With the learning path completion logic set, you can assign courses to this learning path. Select Add Courses to Path. In the Add Course dialog, search and select published courses to add to this learning path. Select Add to confirm.

How many images can you add to a learning path?

From your learning path's Info page, select Details to add up to 3 images to represent the learning path. See Add images for a course or learning path for instructions.

Can you enable learning paths in a sub-portal?

Learning path settings in sub-portals are independent of settings in the top-level portal. A sub-portal admin can enable learning paths in the sub-portal, even if the top-level portal doesn't use them.

Step 1: Name File and Decide Location

Click the “Publish” button from the Storyline ribbon. You’ll see various distribution options. We’re interested in producing SCORM to be uploaded to an LMS so choose the ‘LMS’ option. Input your course title, and download location for the zip folder – e.g. desktop. It’s important to note that this only affects the name of the file, not the course.

Step 2: Output options

Next up, choose your output options. Output choices basically decide the technologies that will be used to display your content in a browser. The main choice here is between HTML5 and flash. We’ve written in the past about the demise of flash and how that will affect your SCORM courses – in short: You should choose HTML5! Options to choose from:

Step 4: Settings

The properties section allows you to adjust the player and the quality of the output. The ‘player’ is a frame that storyline places around your content. It contains navigation elements and menus. Changing the settings here simply adjusts how the course player will look. The other setting you might need to change is the ‘quality’.

Step 5: Reporting and Tracking

When your SCORM course has been uploaded to your LMS, you’ll want to make sure that the two technologies know what’s expected from them. These two following options decide what information is being tracked and sent to the LMS. If these are not set up correctly your course won’t track properly.

Step 6: Publish

Click the “Publish” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to finish up. You’ll need to store your course as a zip file so that it can be uploaded to LearnUpon. To do this, just click on the “Zip” symbol, choose a location on your computer where you wish to save your file and click “Save”.

Step 7: Upload to your LMS

The publishing process is done and you’re ready to upload your SCORM 1.2 course to your LMS. For LearnUpon users, all you have to do is add a SCORM module to a course and upload this SCORM zip folder. LearnUpon takes care of everything else!

Create training the way you want

Produce content in the format that works for your team and audience, delivered as microlearning or a more comprehensive learning path.

Use a variety of formats

Easily create versatile learning programs – extensive and multi-part or small and bitesize – with a range of interactive content options, including webinar and instructor-led training, SCORM and xAPI files, documents, and video.

Mix and match content types

Include SCORM and xAPI courses from your authoring tool – content embeds seamlessly into a course.

Interactive SCORM and xAPI

Drag SCORM and xAPI files from your desktop to upload into LearnUpon. The LMS validates SCORM content during upload, so you can correct errors.

Everything you need, all in one LMS

LearnUpon is built with the features you need to deliver fast, efficient training through one intuitive platform.

Course content design: specifications for working in LearnUpon

A summary of the requirements to use LearnUpon and design effective content.

Understand course structure

Modules and segments are the building blocks of courses. Learn the different kinds of modules you can build and upload to LearnUpon.

Course settings: overview

This article gets its own heading because it provides so much detail about the settings that affect courses.

Course settings: one by one

These settings give you precise control over how learners experience your courses.

Use the library for resources and shared content

One of LearnUpon's strengths is the way you can reuse modules, groups of exam questions (question pools) and uploaded resources in multiple courses.

Instructor-led training (ILTs)

ILTs refer to in-person training in classes and workplaces, and also online training using 3rd party webinar software.

Webinar integrations

To create webinar sessions in ILTs, you need to add the webinar integrations to the portal.

Enable course catalog for the portal

The portal-level Settings enables the course catalog for the whole portal, and controls what your users see and can access in the catalog. For details about the options see Some general options: detailed view.

Enrollment Options

Enrollment Options control the user's journey from the catalog to their course.

Add a course or a learning path to the catalog

From Courses settings, add a course or a learning path to the catalog, where learners can find it by browsing, or by searching.

Add categories to help users find courses and learning paths

You need to create categories for your portal first. Categories apply across the portal. See Categories: create and assign searchable categories for your portal. When the categories are available you can add them to a course or learning path.

Restrict access to groups in the catalog

This step allows only specific groups to view and enroll on a course or a learning path in the catalog.

One Unified Training Solution

Give your internal and external audiences the knowledge they need to succeed, with a single learning solution for all. Use LearnUpon to deliver training insights to other business tools, and make better decisions – faster than the competition.

A user-first approach

From set-up to implementation, and beyond, our expert Customer Success team is your hands-on partner, helping you maximize your training’s impact.

Train at scale

Big learning strategies need scalable solutions. With a global team and a solution that processes hundreds of thousands of enrollments every day, businesses all around the world trust LearnUpon to deliver their enterprise-level training initiatives.

Discover more

Learn how to confidently invest in a solution to help your company reach its goals.

Permissions to enroll: admins and managers

Admins can enroll learners and groups onto published courses without restrictions.

Enroll groups on a course

Once you publish a course and have groups in your portal, you can create enrollments.

Enrollments for users with disabled accounts

Sometimes you need to disable a user's account temporarily: for example, for parental leave.


Versions Overview

Adding and Removing Modules from A Course

  • When you start a new version of a course, you can add or remove modules freely while the newest course version is in Draftstatus. For many modules, removing a module from a course doesn't delete the module's contents from the portal. Many of LearnUpon's module types are reusable. For example: 1. modules added or copied from the library remain available for other courses 2. SCORM and Tin Can modules stay in the library 3. exam Question Po…
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Version Changes: Effects on Learners

  • The change of versions is most significant for learners with In Progressstatus, who are partway through their course. When you create a new course version, you decide how to handle learners who are at different stages of their courses: 1. for learners in Not Startedstatus: choose if they are enrolled automatically in the new version, instead of completing the old one 2. for learners in In Progress status: choose if they complete the course they s…
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Create A New Version of A Course

  1. From main navigation go to Courses > your course name.
  2. From the action menu selectCreate a new version.
  3. In the dialog that opens, select Confirm.
  4. In the new version, from Info, check the course settings.
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Publish A New Version

  • When you complete your changes, publish the latest version of your course. Note: If you move the In Progresslearners from one course version to another, they must restart the course. You can't move learners who have Completedthe course to the newest version of the course automatically. Those learners completed the course as it was defined when they started. The following screenshot shows the publishing options available wh…
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Re-Versioning Courses on Learning Paths

  • Courses that are part of learning paths are re-versioned through the same process. When publishing a new version of a course on a learning path, you get a new option which applies to learning paths only: 1. Keepto retain the previous version of the course on the learning path 2. Replace to update the learning path with the new version of this course, for all Not Started and In Progress users This choice affects your learning paths, and your learners. …
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