how to host a mass ref soccer ref course

by Kristofer Brekke 10 min read

What is the US soccer referee course?

To become a referee or umpire in Massachusetts, begin by contacting the board of officials in your area. Local boards prepare prospective high school sports referees to officiate the following MIAA sanctioned sports: football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, ice hockey, wrestling, volleyball, field hockey, baseball, softball, gymnastics, rugby, swimming and track & field.

How do I become a referee?

Click above and use coupon code USA18 for additional discount! General Information You become a referee by attending and successfully completing a referee training course. U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF) authorized two entry-level referee certifications: Recreational Referee Grade 9 and Referee Grade 8. However, Referee Grade 8 entry level is the most popular.

What is the futsal entry course for referees?

Mandated by US Soccer for any referee age 17 and above. This training prepares referees to deal with player injuries and emergency situations. Mandated by US Soccer for all referees. This exam will be taken after completing the Grassroots Online Course. The exam is completed in the OMS system, where you register and pay your fees.

How to choose a soccer assistant referee flag?

From your Home Page > Registration > select “Register for a clinic or fitness test” Go through the prompts Reserve the Grassroots – Referee Online Lessons clinic: Complete the request and pay for the clinic (covers online lessons and in-person field session) Return to your OMS home page and click on the Online Lessons link

How do I become a mass referee?

These are the steps to follow to become a Referee:Step 1: Create an account on the Massachusetts State Referee Committee (MSRC) Website. ... Step 2: Choose the Right Referee Course. ... Step 3: Locate a Course Nearby. ... Step 4: Enroll in your Course. ... Step 5: Attend the Course. ... Step 6: Pass the Exam and Buy your Uniform.More items...

How much do grassroots referees get paid Massachusetts?

While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $83,659 and as low as $17,927, the majority of Youth Soccer Referee salaries currently range between $27,162 (25th percentile) to $48,348 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $68,992 annually in Massachusetts.

How do you become a certified FIFA referee?

You become a referee by attending and successfully completing a referee training course. U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF) authorized two entry-level referee certifications: Recreational Referee Grade 9 and Referee Grade 8. However, Referee Grade 8 entry level is the most popular.

What do you need to ref a soccer game?

A: To referee your first game you will need a full jersey set, which includes at least the yellow referee jersey (ideally get both yellow and green to start), referee shorts, referee socks, cards, flags and a whistle.Apr 23, 2021

How do I become a basketball referee in Massachusetts?

In most cases the training involves attending classes where the rules of your sport are presented by an experienced member of the board. Once you complete the program, you will be given a written exam created by the NFHS or other certifying organization to test your understanding of the rules of your sport.

How much does a FIFA referee make per game?

The salary for a referee ranges from $27 to $50 per youth game. The MLS pays $900 per game and the highest-paid referees are in Spain, they get $6,354 per game!

How do you become a Premier League referee?

Anyone can become a referee with The FA granted that you are at least 14-years-old and a resident of England. To train as an FA-qualified referee, you need to undertake a basic referees course with your local County FA. To find a course near you, click here. Alternatively, you can contact your County FA directly.

How long does it take to become an MLS ref?

Prospective referees sign up through their respective provinces and then begin the certification course, which consists of 16 hours that can be broken up over a weekend or multiple weekends. It includes both classroom and field work.Apr 1, 2020

How many miles do soccer refs run?

Referees, who can be twice the age of the players, sprint across the field keeping up with the players and closely tracking the action. They tend to run 12 miles during the game -- five more than the players, according to data from the U.S. Soccer Federation.Jun 4, 2010

Do referees wear cleats?

Most professional referees will turn to proper soccer cleats, similar to what soccer players wear. This is because essentially, they are very much like a soccer player on the pitch.

Can the referee allow a team to play without a goalkeeper?

Can the referee allow a team in a competitive youth game to play without a goalkeeper? A player who leaves the field of play to correct or change equipment must have the equipment checked by one of the match officials and only re-enter the field of play with the referee's permission.

What are the different types of soccer referee flags?

Soccer Referee Flags: You can choose from three different soccer assistant referee flags, including checkered soccer referee flags, diamond pattern soccer referee flags and solid soccer referee flags. They all are acceptable and which ones you use are a matter of your personal taste and preference.

What is the best whistle for referees?

With respect to soccer referee whistles, FOX 40 whistles are probably the best known and most widely used referee whistles in the U.S but Acme whistles are a good choice as well. You can choose from multiple different designs such as classic or finger grip, with cushion mouth grip (CMG) or without.

Do you need a soccer referee watch?

You will also have to get a soccer referee watch, preferably with a timer that has a stop/start function, to keep time of the game as well as wasted and added time. You should always wear and keep the time of the game on two referee watches so that in case when one of them malfunctions the other shows the correct time.

How long is the SafeSport training?

EVERY referee 18 and older is required to complete the SafeSport Training. There are 3 individual modules, each taking about 30 minutes. Field Sessions are hosted by local clubs, and posted to the website once approved.

Is being a soccer referee rewarding?

Being a soccer referee can be both rewarding and fulfilling. Whether for a young person learning responsibility or an adult contributing to the sport, referee training and development is the primary mission of Eastern Pennsylvania Soccer Association Referee Committee (EPSARC).

What is a Futsal Entry Level Course?

The Futsal entry level course offers basic instruction and prepares an individual to become a USSF Futsal Referee. The Futsal entry course is also online with 18 online video Futsal lessons plus an online test. Before you start we strongly recommend that you read the Frequently Asked Questions just in case you get stuck or lost, or have viewing problems once you start the process that is below.

Is being a soccer referee rewarding?

Being a soccer referee can be both rewarding and fulfilling. Whether for a young person learning responsibility or an adult contributing to the sport, referee training and development is the primary mission of FL Soccer SRC Inc. (FLSRC).
