what is the function of the beef trust? the jungle ch.11 course hero

by Jadyn Schmidt 4 min read

The Beef Trust is simply a conglomerate of corporations that work together to create a monopoly of the beef industry. They function to keep worker wages low and beef prices the same by non-competition.

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How does the Beef Trust work?

Add Yours. The Beef Trust is simply a conglomerate of corporations that work together to create a monopoly of the beef industry. They function to keep worker wages low and beef prices the same by non-competition.

How many terms are there in the jungle study guide?

The Jungle Study Guide Questions 178 terms springerea The Jungle 115 terms SAMUEL_DANIELSON3 Lyddie Chapter Summaries 28 terms dwoskPLUS Lyddie Chapter Summaries 28 terms Carolina_Alonso2 Other sets by this creator Chapter 6 The President 40 terms hjbruna

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Why is the ending of the Jungle Book so awful?

The ending of the book is awful because it leaves you hanging and does not explain what is happening or going to happen to Jurgis. All it does is give you hope that a change will come in the near future. Sets found in the same folder The Jungle Study Guide

What happens in chapter 11 of the jungle?

Summary: Chapter 11 The Packingtown laborers are worked at an ever greater speed only to see their wages cut numerous times. Marija opens a bank account for her savings. One morning she discovers that there is a run on the bank. She waits for two days in the line before she can withdraw her money.

What does Sinclair mean by the Beef Trust quizlet?

The function of the beef trust is they would fix the pay of the beef on the hoof and the price of all the dressed meat in the country.

What is Jurgis motto in the jungle?

From the onset, Jurgis' motto has been "I will work harder." He has been working harder and harder, but realizing his goals less and less. The corrupt nature of the meatpacking industry stacks the deck against him and all hard workers, for the only ones reaping the benefits of increased work levels are the owners.

What is the main point of the jungle?

Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle to expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry. His description of diseased, rotten, and contaminated meat shocked the public and led to new federal food safety laws. Before the turn of the 20th century, a major reform movement had emerged in the United States.

What is the function of the beef trust?

What is the function of the Beef Trust? It was one of the 1st medical regulations that was applied to beef because of all the diseases it had. People liked this because now the could trust that the meat was 100% all natural and healthy.

How does Sinclair develop and support his argument that the work in these factories is dehumanizing?

Sinclair uses vivid descriptions and metaphor to create a space in which people are driven by laissez-faire capitalism to compete for survival. Sinclair uses various types of metaphor to dehumanize the working class people and develop a ruthless Darwinism world in order to promote his belief-Socialism.

What were the goals and aspirations of Jurgis and his family when they came to America?

Like many immigrants, Jurgis Rudkis and his family come to America in search of a better life. They want a piece of the American Dream: a belief that anyone in America can become rich and successful by working hard.

Who is Jurgis in The Jungle?

Marija BerczynskasElzbietaOna RudkusJurgis RudkusPhil ConnorThe Jungle/Characters

Who was Jurgis Rudkus?

Jurgis Rudkus A Lithuanian immigrant who comes to America with his wife, Ona. Jurgis is a strong, determined individual with a faith in the American Dream of self-betterment, but his health, family, and hopes are slowly destroyed by the miserable working and living conditions in Packingtown.

What is the main idea of the excerpt The Jungle?

The main theme of The Jungle is the evil of capitalism. Every event, especially in the first twenty-seven chapters of the book, is chosen deliberately to portray a particular failure of capitalism, which is, in Sinclair's view, inhuman, destructive, unjust, brutal, and violent.

What is the thesis of The Jungle?

The main thesis of Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel The Jungle is that unchecked capitalism was exploitative towards working-class people.

What is the plot of The Jungle?

The main plot of The Jungle follows Lithuanian immigrant Jurgis Rudkus, who came to the United States in the hope of living the American dream, and his extended family, which includes Ona, Jurgis's wife; Elzbieta, Ona's stepmother; Elzbieta's six children; Marija, Ona's cousin; and Dede Rudkus, Jurgis's father.

What does Jurgis learn about the Beef Trust?

The bosses increase speed of work at the factory while paying less. Jurgis learns that a firm, the Beef Trust, controls the industry. Workers are powerless to resist inhumane treatment, while a distant, faceless power controls their industry. Marija invests her money in a bank and joins a run on the bank.

What happened to Jurgis in the killing beds?

Jurgis sprains his ankle on the killing beds and is unable to work, causing the family great financial stress. Ona begins to secretly withdraw money from the bank so that the family does not starve. Jurgis lies in bed in anguish and fear. His only relief is his son Antanas .

Perspective and Narrator

The Jungle is told in third-person point-of-view from the perspective of an omniscient narrator. Occasionally, the narration switches to second person for literary effect.


The Jungle is primarily narrated in past tense, although it occasionally slips into present tense, which most scholars believe is simply the effect of hasty writing and poor editing.

About the Title

The Jungle refers to a central metaphor in the novel: capitalist society as a jungle in which people are either predator or prey.


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