hcc how to determine course level

by Alexandre Kautzer 9 min read

How do I submit Accuplacer classic scores to HCC?

Accuplacer Classic scores from placement tests taken through another approved institution You can turn in unofficial transcripts or score reports by emailing them to [email protected]. (Please note that an official transcript is required for transfer of credits through AP or prior college coursework.)

What is the grading percentile for HCC?

Grading percentile: the official HCC grading rubric is as follows: Exceptionally fine work; superior in presentation, visual observation, comprehension and participation The grade of "I" (Incomplete) is conditional.

Do I have to do a Test at HCC?

Testing is mandatory and must be completed prior to one’s first enrollment at HCC, unless it is determined that the student has been waived or exempted from TSI requirement. See your college counselor for more information. Can I take classes without completing English as a Second Language?

What are the requirements for an additional degree at HCC?

The student must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours at HCC for each additional degree. These hours may not repeat credit applied from a previous HCC degree. These hours may not be satisfied through credit by exam. All additional hours must be applicable toward the additional degree.

How does HCC calculate GPA?

To calculate SGPA enter the credits and the grades for the current semester into the This Semester section....Cumulative GPA Calculator (HCC)LetterPercentage4.0 ScaleA90-1004B80-893C70-792D60-6911 more row

What is a passing grade at Hillsborough Community College?

Students must meet ALL of the following minimum standards: Maintain a cumulative 2.00 Grade Point Average (GPA) each semester, and. Complete 67% of your credit hours attempted, and.

How do I take the TSI at HCC?

How to Take TSI Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2)Use Virtual Lobby to contact Enrollment or Advising to discuss testing requirements and other course placement options.Receive your Electronic Assessment Authorization Form from Enrollment or Advising.Complete the TSI mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity.More items...

Do HCC classes transfer to UH?

Transferrable College Credit UH may award transfer credit for all college-level, academic coursework with grade C- or better from a regionally accredited college or university.

What is SAP HCC?

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the minimum standards required to maintain financial aid eligibility for federal and state programs. Federal and state financial aid is intended to assist students as they make successful progress toward completing a degree or certificate.

Does Hillsborough Community College have a dress code?

Clinical practicum sites will require the purchase of a white lab coat with the HCC student patch attached. All uniform and supplies are the responsibility of the student. Students should wear closed-toe, comfortable footwear, professional dress, with the moderate use of makeup, jewelry, and perfume.

What are good TSI scores?

You are considered college ready if your score falls within the range of 350 to 390. If your score is 349 or lower, you will be placed in a developmental course or Adult Basic Education course.

Is the TSI hard?

There are many students who don't think the TSI is hard. Some say they only studied for a couple of hours for a few days and had great scores. But then again, if you don't get properly prepared, the TSI (Texas Success Initiative) can be challenging and pretty hard to deal with.

Are all TSI questions multiple choice?

The TSI Assessment in Reading is a multiple-choice assessment that covers the four content areas listed below. There are approximately 24 items on the TSI placement test and 10 to 12 items in each section of the DE diagnostic test.

Is Houston community college accredited?

The Houston Community College District is accredited as one body by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) to award the associate degree. SACSCOC is one of six nationally regional accreditation agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education.

How do I transfer my HCC credits to UT?

You must submit all transcripts to the Office of Admissions. In order for dual or transfer credit to be added to your UT Austin transcript, the course must be transferable and you must have earned a C- or higher.

What happens if you fail a class before transferring?

Although a failed class will still appear on your transcripts, if you pass the course a second time with a higher grade the previous F will no longer be factored into your GPA – making transferring schools much easier!

What do the final two digits of a course number mean?

The final two digits serve to establish the sequence in which courses are generally taken. Most Texas public community colleges utitlize the Texas Common Course Numbering System. That is, a common course will have the same course number at any institution using the TCCNS.

What is a community college equivalency?

An equivalency is a determination by both the community college and the university that a specific course (s) at one institution is equivalent in content and credit to a specific course (s) at the other institution. By comparing equivalencies, official transcripts can be easily evaluated to grant transfer credit which apply toward degree requirements at HCCS or at the university. HCCS students can expect a “seamless” transfer if following a transfer plan based on equivalencies.

What is an equivalency in college?

An equivalency is a determination by both the community college and the university that a specific course (s) at one institution is equivalent in content and credit to a specific course (s) at the other institution. By comparing equivalencies, official transcripts can be easily evaluated to grant transfer credit which apply toward degree ...

What is the first digit of a credit card?

The first digit identifies the course as either freshman level (1) or sophomore level (2). The second digit identifies the number of credit hours a student will earn upon completion of the course. Most often this digit will be a 1, 2, 3 or 4.

What is the Texas Common Course Numbering System?

Texas Common Course Numbering System: The Texas Common Course Numbering System was developed in part to assist students in identifying which courses at one college will meet specific course requirements at another college.

Does HCC transfer D grades?

For example, many institutions will not transfer a D grade, even if the course is designated as a common course. Credit by Exam. HCC will award up to 24 semester credit hours of credit by exam with passing scores from the following nationally acceptable exams: ALEKS Corporation for ACE Credit.

Do universities use common numbers?

Some universities do not directly use the common numbers for their courses directly but do recognize and subscribe to the Texas Common Course Numbering System. In the course description sections of many catalogs, the common course number is shown in brackets-example, [ENGL1301].

How many credit hours does HCC give?

$300 will be awarded per semester to students with a 4.0 cumulative GPA who have 30 or more semester credit hours recorded at HCC. If the student receives other aid, he/she must also maintain satisfactory academic progress.

How many credits are counted toward a full course of study?

As a reminder, no more than the equivalent of one class or 3 credits per semester may be counted toward the full course of study requirement if the class is taken online or through distance education.

How many credit hours are required for a hybrid class?

Of the 12 credit hours, 9 must be face-to-face, and only 1 class or 3 credit hours may be online. Another acceptable option is 8 credit hours face-to-face and only 1 online class of 4 credit hours. (Hybrid classes count as face-to-face classes).

Can you use a CLEP score to enroll in 12SCH?

No, CLEP scores cannot be used to satisfy full time enrollment. However, you can receive credits for a CLEP score so that you will not have to take that class. But the CLEP class you get credit for cannot count towards the 12SCH full-time enrollment for any of the semesters. CLEP Score reports should be mailed to:

Does Houston Community College have F1 insurance?

Yes. All students holding an F‐1 Visa will be automatically enrolled and charged for the Houston Community College endorsed International Student and Accident & Sickness Insurance Program. Information about the insurance benefits, cost, enrollment and claims can be found on https://hccs.myahpcare.com/.

Does HCC pay student bills?

HCC has contracted with Flywire to provide international students an alternative method for paying student bills. This payment option allows you to pay your student account balance in the currency of your choice and provides a simple and reliable way of initiating payments electronically.

How to get a personalized test voucher?

1. Your information will be automatically sent from the admissions office to the Assessment Center to create your personalized test voucher (it's your ticket to test). This voucher will be emailed to you along with instructions on how to schedule your test. 2.

Can you take the MTH 142 test once?

Depending on your results in the Introductory Algebra section, you may be prompted to take an additional arithmetic test. You may only take this self-placement option once.

How many credits do you need to enroll in financial aid?

Be enrolled in and attending classes. Most financial aid programs require at least half-time enrollment (6+ credits per term, including summer ). For the purpose of awarding and disbursing federal and state aid, the following credit hours determine a student’s enrollment status. Full-time = 12 or more credit hours.

How many credits can you use for federal aid?

Certify that you will use federal student aid only for educational purposes. Federal aid is available for up to 30 remedial or developmental credits. Once a student attempts 30 remedial or developmental credits, federal aid will be awarded for college-level credits only.

What happens if you take the same course twice?

If you take the same course twice, you will be charged the higher out-of-state cost for the 3rd attempt at the course. Financial Aid will not cover this course, and you will have to pay the higher cost out of pocket. The 3rd attempt is the last time allowed at HCC.

Is HCC still active duty?

Active Duty Military students who were active duty when they started at HCC and are still active duty. The state considers these students as college ready and exempt from being required to take the college placement testing to get started. They are also exempt from completing any college preparatory classes if they do decide to take ...

What is the HCC attendance policy?

Official HCC Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes regularly. Students are responsible for material covered during their absences, and it is the student’s responsibility to consult with instructors for makeup assignments. Class attendance is checked daily by instructors.

How to cheat on a test?

Cheating on a test includes: 1 Copying from another student’s test paper; 2 Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test; 3 Collaborating with another student during a test without authority; 4 Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of a test that has not bee administered; 5 Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

Can you drop a course at HCC?

Be sure you understand HCC policies about dropping a course. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from a course and prevent an “F” from appearing on the transcript. If you feel that you cannot complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the course prior to the final date of withdrawal.

What is the grade point average for HCC?

All courses required by the specific HCC program of the additional degree must be completed. A grade point average of at least 2.0 must be earned on all hours since the previous degree.

How many hours do you need to complete an additional degree at HCC?

The student must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours at HCC for each additional degree. These hours may not repeat credit applied from a previous HCC degree.

How many hours of AAS are required for HCC?

Multiple Associate of Applied Science degrees may be earned from HCC if all AAS program requirements are met including earning at least 18 additional semester hours at HCC, 12 of which must be earned in the major program of the additional degree.

What is the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board?

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) allows students to earn only one AAS in Computer Programming-Applications Development. Students may choose from one of the following specializations: Microsoft C#, Java, or Database Administration.

What is computer programming at Houston Community College?

Houston Community College’s Computer Programming offers Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees and certificates that help students develop the knowledge, communication and creative skills, critical thinking, and technical competencies required in the modern workplace.

Can you take online classes face to face?

Potential Course Restrictions. Some online courses may have face-to-face requirements for exams, laboratory sessions, and other activities. Please review your course syllabus to determine if your online course has an on-campus laboratory or examination requirement.
