what is the easiest ncvps course

by Roberto Beahan 9 min read

Where can I find information about NCVPS programs?

Click to read the course description, prerequisites, textbook requirements, and course codes. Search the entire catalog using the search bar. For information on our programs, visit our NCVPS Program and Courses Highlights page.

Where can I find a pacing guide for my NCVPS course?

View our NCVPS Course Syllabus to see a pacing guide for each course. NC Virtual is among the top 10 K-12 organizations in the world with QM-certified courses.

Why is there a waitlist for NCNC virtual?

NC Virtual is not a software program. Our online courses are teacher-led, and we are mindful of their class sizes. If your student is waitlisted for a course, that waitlist is usually temporary. Our instructional directors use the waitlist to determine if they should open a new section or increase the size of a current section.

What is NCNC virtual doing for You?

NC Virtual will be bringing you additional webinars and Office Hours sessions over the next few weeks to assist with transitioning from face to face to online learning.

Are NCVPS classes easy?

It's important to be prepared for your online course, especially if it's your first online course. NCVPS courses are not easy courses that should be taken lightly. We have real teachers who have high expectations. They also give real grades that go on your report cards and transcripts.

How long are NCVPS courses?

18-weekNCVPS has 18-week block courses, yearlong courses, and 9-week summer courses. Students are expected to work each day. Our classes are real classes, with real work, and real grades.

How much is NCVPS?

NCVPS also has a $100 registration fee per student....What is the cost of NC Virtual courses?In-State Cost Per CourseOut-of-State Cost Per CourseSummer Semester$310$500Fall/Spring Semester (Block Courses)$420$700Year-Long Courses$510$880World Language Courses$640$915

Can you drop an NCVPS class?

A school may drop students before classes begin and through the tenth day of the class. Drops through Day 10 will not count in a district's or charter school's allotment totals and dropped students will not receive a grade. A school may withdraw students after Day 10 and throughout the rest of the semester.

What happens if you fail a NCVPS class?

❖ If you fail an NCVPS course or drop a course after the 10​th day, you will not be eligible to enroll in another online course in the future.

How do I get into NCVPS?

After you download the app, click on “Find my school.” From there, search for “NCVPS” or “NCVirtual.” Click on “Go,” and then use your NCVirtual username and password to access your course. Note: NCVirtual does not recommend using your phone to complete all your work.

Is NC Virtual Academy free?

North Carolina Virtual Academy (NCVA) is a virtual, tuition-free public school chartered by the State Board of Education.

Does online school count in North Carolina?

Yes, if the distance-learning program or virtual school is based in another state. If any of the children currently living with you are at least age 7 but not yet age 16, they must be enrolled in a legal North Carolina school (either a local public, conventional non-public or a home school registered with DNPE).

Is NC Virtual public school free?

Because NCVA is a public school program, it's tuition-free. NCVA provides North Carolina-licensed teachers and all instructional materials for the program.

What does Ncvps stand for?

NCVPSAcronymDefinitionNCVPSNorth Carolina Virtual Public School

How to enroll in NCEEs?

To enroll, log into the NCEES system using your IAM/NCEdCloud username and password, then click the Professional Development tab. You can then search for a course by title or list all courses. Select the course you wish to register for, and on the course screen, click on the available section.

Can self-paced modules be done alone?

“Self-paced” modules don’t have to be done alone! They can be implemented in a variety of ways. We recommend professional learning communities (PLCs), whether online, offline, or in a hybrid format, but teachers can use the modules for self-directed learning.

What is an AP environmental science course?

The AP Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of an introductory college course in environmental science. The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate risks associated with those problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.

What is AP computer science?

The AP Computer Science Principles course is designed to be equivalent to an introductory college computing course. Students will develop computational thinking skills such as using computational tools to analyze and visualize data to make conclusions based on trends. Students will also develop artifacts in using computer software and other technology to explore questions fostering student creativity and critical thinking. They will also develop communication and collaboration skills by working with their peers to discuss and solve problems impacting them, their community, society and the world. The course focuses on major areas of study – or the “Big Ideas” noted below.

How long is AP Physics?

This class will meet for 50 minutes a day for 180 days on a yearlong schedule. Students should expect to spend about an hour or more per night on the course. The academic year begins in August and ends in May, so the time remaining after the AP exam will be dedicated to a final project. On average, students will complete one or two labs every week.

Is math 1 required?

Successful completion of Math 1. An introductory programming class is not required but some type of computer programming is generally recommended. Students should also enjoy problem solving and working with computers.
