what is the size of a paintball course

by Roscoe Kuhn 6 min read

If you want to attract 2% of the paintball market and cater to hard core tournament players then you will need official sized fields. The sizes are for the NPPL- 100′ x 180′ for the PSP

PlayStation Portable

The PlayStation Portable is a handheld game console that was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment as part of the seventh generation of video-game consoles. Development of the handheld console was announced during E3 2003 and it was unveiled on May 11, 2004, at a Sony pr…

120′ x 170′ These are the sizes of the playing field sideline to side line, not net to net. You need to leave some room in there to move around.

The actual field size is 36m wide by 45m long - each grid square is 3.6m x 3m (so 3.6m x 10 width ways and 3m x 15 length ways in terms of grids).Jun 3, 2012

Full Answer

What size paintball field do I need for my tournament?

Nov 16, 2008 · On a 5 man paintball field you can find 23 paintball bunkers, a little more or a little less, 23 however is the norm. Features such as the snake are more predominate on 5 man fields than a 3 man field. The retail price of a brand new 5 man field is around $2500. The standard size for a 5 man paintball field? 150′ X 75′ 7 Man Paintball Field

What does it take to be a paintball coach?

Aug 19, 2019 · Those who are more interested in the paintball aspect of the park have the option of choosing from 20 fields spread over 81 acres. One of the most popular scenarios at Gotchaspielfeld Nord is the Big Game. More than 1,000 players from German and the rest of Europe gather to compete in the legendary event.

What is a paintball field?

Jan 27, 2021 · Start a paintball field by following these 10 steps: Plan your Paintball Field. Form your Paintball Field into a Legal Entity. Register your Paintball Field for Taxes. Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card. Set up Accounting for your Paintball Field. Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Paintball Field.

What is the diameter of a paintball gun?

May 21, 2011 · Games take place on a small (150’ x 125’) field cleared of obstacles, apart from inflatable bunkers. Teams usually consist of three to 10 players each. There are two flags, one each at stations at opposite ends of the field. Players start near their own flag.

How much space do you need for paintball field?

Outdoor fields require acres of land and indoor fields will need an absolute minimum 20,000 square feet (i.e. an old warehouse).Sep 2, 2018

How big is a paintball speedball field?

It is 220 feet long by 120 feet wide. Speedball games can be watched from the parking lot and staging area.

How big is a NXL paintball field?

Competitors play on a 150-by-120 foot field, sideline to sideline, which is the NXL regulation size and encourages fast-paced, intense action.

Are paintball fields profitable?

How much profit can a paintball field make? With a good business plan, paintball business owners earn an average of between $20,000 and $30,000 per year. That amount increases in direct proportion to the amount of community participation in your business and the number of arenas you operate.Jan 27, 2021

How fast does a paintball travel mph?

190 mph
Keep Paintball in the FPS Safety Range

But how fast are they really moving? The average paintball has a velocity of about 280 fps, or 190 mph, which is far slower than any regular gun.
Nov 4, 2019

What's the difference between speedball and paintball?

Players in speedball, unlike paintball, must jump in a predefined direction to shoot at the opposing team. Players don't usually have to line up perfectly to shoot, and there are usually holes in the sides of the field where defenders can sneak up on them.

What is a major penalty in paintball?

What is a major penalty in paintball? A major is what we call a 2-for-1 where the player who commits the penalty is pulled as well as 2 other players where a minor is usually a 1-for-1 where the player who committed the penalty is pulled as well as 1 other player.

What is NXL ramping?

Ramping: the below described PSP3, NXL, and Millenium settings are all different versions of "ramping"; ramping is your gun's board doing the work for you and maintaining a high BPS while you maintain a low BPS on your trigger, effectively making you shoot 2,3 or 4 times as much paint with little effort.

What are the rules of paintball?

Briefly, the basics are:
  • Wear masks at all times.
  • Do not drink alcohol before or during play.
  • No blind firing.
  • Allow surrenders.
  • Shoot less than 280 FPS.
  • Use barrel plugs.
  • Use common sense.
Apr 24, 2018

Do paintballs hurt?

Most people state that paintball doesn't hurt too much; it usually feels like a firm flick. But this will depend on how fast the ball is going, the distance it travels and where on the body it hits you. Paintball injuries won't be too extensive, but you should expect a few minor bruises and bumps after playing.

Is paintball legal in India?

A licence will be needed for air rifles, air guns and paintball markers, irrespective of the muzzle energy or calibre or bore, according to the new arms rules. Air guns having muzzle energy exceeding 20 joules or bore exceeding 0.177 or 4.5 mm will have to maintain record with ID proof of the buyer.Aug 5, 2016

What equipment is needed for paintball?

Paintball is an equipment-intensive sport and in order to safely conduct a game, every player requires a marker with propellant to fire the paint, a mask to protect the eyes and face, paintballs, and a loader to hold them. To ensure safety off the playing field, a barrel sock or plug for the marker is also compulsory.

What are the costs involved in opening a paintball field?

Experts estimate that the cost of opening a paintball arena business is approximately $50,000. Depending on the type of arena you want to open, the...

What are the ongoing expenses for a paintball field?

Space rental fees Paint, CO2 tanks, and refills Safety equipment replacement costs for required masks, vests, and helmets Equipment cleaning and ma...

Who is the target market?

Paintball appeals to individuals with disposable income and leisure time, and who are not limited by a medical conditions which could be exacerbate...

How much can you charge customers?

The prices charged for entry fees and participation range from $10 to $60 dollars per participant, depending on the quality of the equipment and th...

How much profit can a paintball field make?

With a good business plan, paintball business owners earn an average of between $20,000 and $30,000 per year. That amount increases in direct propo...

How can you make your business more profitable?

One of the ways you can make your business more profitable is by saving money by offering your experienced customers play in exchange for employee...

Is this Business Right For You?

This is a great business for people who enjoy physical activity and promoting exercise and teamwork. If having fun and teaching others to have fun...

What happens during a typical day at a paintball field?

Some of the day to day activities may include: Purchasing/Setting up equipment and supplies Collecting rental fees Designing games and competitions...

What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful paintball field?

Physical dexterity for demonstrating the use of equipment and leading teams participating in tournaments Knowledge of the rules of paintball and th...

What is the growth potential for a paintball field?

The growth potential of this business often depends on creating and maintaining more than one field or indoor arena to provide varying degrees of d...

How many players are allowed in a paintball tournament?

The nature and timing of paintball events are specified by the league running the tournament, with the league also defining match rules – such as number of players per team (anywhere from 3-7 players per team), or acceptable equipment for use. The number of matches in a tournament is largely defined by the number of available teams playing. However, the NSL offers non-tournament game play where a more traditional game day format has been adopted. Two teams face off at a set time and play only one game per game day in the season as beginners play a 24-minute game and amateur and professionals play a 32-minute game, both requiring 90 minutes to resolve.

What are the rules of paintball?

The most basic game rule is that players must attempt to accomplish a goal without being shot and marked with a paintball. A variety of different rules govern the legality of a hit, ranging from "anything counts" (hits cause elimination whether the paintball broke and left a mark or not) to the most common variation: the paintball must break and leave a mark the size of a US quarter or larger. Eliminated players are expected to leave the field of play; eliminations may also earn the opposing team points. Depending on the agreed upon game rules, the player may return to the field and continue playing, or is eliminated from the game completely.

What is paintball shooting?

Paintball is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye -filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact. Paintballs are usually shot using low-energy air weapons called paintball markers ...

What is a tournament in paintball?

Tournaments are skill based competitions. These are often bracket tournaments with 5 person teams, taking place on Speedball (paintball) fields. Tournaments such as the NXL hold different events throughout the summer months all over the United States with a range of skill divisions. Other series such as the Ultimate Woodsball League (UWL) play tournaments with large teams on large wooded fields. The types of tournaments and applicable skill divisions vary wildly to serve the diverse interest of paintball competitors.

What is a scenario paintball?

"Big Games" refer to territory control based gameplay, while a "Paintball Scenario" refers to a game where tasks are given to each side at timed intervals. Pioneered by Wayne Dollack, "Scenario Paintball" focus much more heavily on Live Action Roleplaying events, elevating their immersion, storyline, and game play mechanics above the paintball aspect of play. Many variations and combinations of these games are currently played and are unique to each event and event producer. The game uses the entire venue it is at, combining all normal gaming fields into 1 large playing area. Popular examples of the scenario format are Paintball's Grand Finale at Wayne's World (Ocala, Florida), Cousin's Big Game in Coram, New York (on Long Island), Hell Survivor's Monster Game (just outside Pinckney, Michigan), Invasion of Normandy at Skirmish U.S.A in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma D-Day (in Wyandotte, Oklahoma), Fight For Asylum at PRZ Paintball (Picton, Ontario), Battle Royale at Flag Raiders Paintball (Kitchener, Ontario), the Sherwood Classic at Sherwood Forest (La Porte, Indiana), and Free Finale at Low Country Paintball (Ludowici, GA) events which draws in 100 to 5000 players and run at least 6 hours of uninterrupted play, most often averaging 12 hours of play in 2 days. "True24" scenario events run at least 24 hours continuously, the most recent one taking place in May 2019 at Sherwood Forest. These formats vary widely and are frequently historical MilSim, movie, or pop culture themed.

What is a single player paintball attraction?

A single player paintball attraction in which participants move through a closed course and shoot at a succession of targets. Runs are timed and competition among players is through a leader board, competing to be the quickest.

What is a professional paintball team?

A professional paintball team is one that plays paintball with the financial, equipment or other kind of support of one or more sponsors, often in return for advertising rights. Professional teams can have different names in different leagues due to franchising and sponsorship issues.

What is a paintball field?

A paintball field or arena provides the local community with a fun way to get physical exercise, relieve stress, and learn teamwork while engaging in a little friendly competition. This type of business provides the environment, equipment, training and guidance for customers to safely participate in paintball competitions and tournaments.

How much does a paintball gun cost?

Each entry-level semi-automatic or electro-mechanical paintball gun and the necessary equipment to use it costs between $70-$100. Professional-level guns can cost as much as $2000. They also require compressed air tanks, rather than CO2, which range from $50 to $200 dollars and are more expensive to test and maintain.

Why do paintball arenas require liability waivers?

Paintball arenas should strongly consider requiring customers to sign liability waivers to prevent risk of legal action in the event that a customer is injured. Though waivers should be custom-made, this sports center example waiver provides a helpful example.

What is a CO for a paintball business?

An paintball business is always run out of a physical location. Businesses operating out of a physical location typically require a Certificate of Occupancy (CO). A CO confirms that all building codes, zoning laws and government regulations have been met.

Why is it important to have a clear plan?

A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. It will help you map out the specifics of your business and discover some unknowns. A few important topics to consider are:

What is net 30?

The term "net-30," which is popular among vendors, refers to a business credit arrangement where the company pays the vendor within 30 days of receiving goods or services. Net-30 credit terms are often used for businesses that need to obtain inventory quickly but do not have the cash on hand.

Why is it important to record expenses?

Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.

What caliber is a paintball gun?

Paintball guns are pneumatic; they operate more like BB guns than cartridge-based firearms. The paintballs themselves are ostensibly .68 caliber, consisting of a thin shell filled with a gelatinous, water-based, brightly colored and non-staining liquid.

What is the gas tank in Paintball?

Generally, it screws into the bottom back of the marker’s grip and acts as a stock when firing the gun. The gas is either Carbon Dioxide (CO2) or normal air. CO2 tanks are made of steel. High Pressure Air (HPA) tanks are made of carbon-fiber (you can buy steel HPA tanks, but I don’t recommend them). Players fill them with normal air compressed to 3000-5000psi. You can not use CO2 in an HPA tank nor HPA in a CO2 tank.

How long is a scenario game?

The time limit is usually in the 15 – 30 minute range, depending on the situation. “Scenario” is woodsball, only bigger and longer. The player count starts in the hundreds and can ascend into the thousands. Scenario games usually last all day and frequently span multiple days.

How long does a barrel sock stay on?

The barrel sock will stay on the barrel until just before the game starts. Only remove it when instructed by the ref. Replace it as soon as you’re shot or the current round is over.

What is a hopper on a Tippmann gun?

A hopper goes on top of the gun and holds the paint. (Note: the Tippmann A5 and X7 have integrated hoppers). The simplest hopper is just a molded plastic container with a lid. Gravity pulls the paintballs down into the breech. These are cheap and light, but they frequently jam and dramatically limit your rate of fire. I don’t recommend gravity feed plastic hoppers for anything but a pump gun.

What is a trigger pull?

Trigger pull is measured in grams, not pounds. If you’ve got your finger on the trigger, a simple change of position or a slight stumble will transmit enough force to fire. It only takes a few negligent discharges to learn to keep your booger hook off the bang switch.

What is the standard size of a paintball?

Paintballs come in a variety of sizes, though .68 caliber is the most common and is considered the standard size of paintballs. The 'caliber' of a paintball refers to its diameter. For instance, a .68 caliber paintball is .68 inches in diameter.

What caliber is a paintball gun?

Some people continue to use .43 caliber. The size of paintballs you use is going to depend on your paintball gun (also called a marker). If you have not purchased a paintball gun yet, buy a gun that best suits your needs (more on this below). If you already own a paintball gun, you need to use the caliber for that gun.

What is low impact paintball?

Often called low-impact paintball, it is perfect for beginners, indoor fields, and casual field play by kids. It is also popular in fields that market to corporate and other adult outings or anyone who wants the fun of paintball without the pain. Some experienced players also enjoy the smaller size for particular games.

Who is David Muhlestein?

David Muhlestein is a paintball and woodsball enthusiast who has been playing since the mid-1990s and has extensive knowledge of paintball equipment. our editorial process. David Muhlestein. Updated September 10, 2018.

The Dream of Owning a Paintball Field

Most regular paintball players have seen a healthy dose of different fields - from outlaw fields in the neighbor's backyard to professional woodsball fields and nice indoor arenas.

What Goes Into Building a Field

Field ownership is possible, but you need to be smart and plan ahead. The big thing to keep in mind is that a paintball field is a business that happens to focus on paintball, not a paintball field that has a business on the side. If you don't like business don't even start.

Get Advice From Other Field Owners

It really is best to consult people who have opened a field before. Travel around and visit successful fields of all types. Set up some time to talk to the owners (after playing, of course) and ask them about the logistics of running a field. There is a reality to operating a field as a business that you may not have considered before.

Is a Running a Field Right For You?

Owning a paintball field can be a lot of fun and many people find it an enjoyable career. However, it is not as easy as you may have thought while you were critiquing the bunkers on that field today. There is a lot of thought that needs to go into it and it may be right for you or it may not.




Paintball is played with a potentially limitless variety of rules and variations, which are specified before the game begins. The most basic game rule is that players must attempt to accomplish a goal without being shot and marked with a paintball. A variety of different rules govern the legality of a hit, ranging from "anything counts" (hits cause elimination whether the paintball broke and left a mark or not) to the most common variation: the paintball must break and leave a mark the siz…


The paintball equipment used may depend on the game type, for example: woodsball, speedball, or scenario; on how much money one is willing to spend on equipment; and personal preference. However, almost every player will utilize three basic pieces of equipment:
• Paintball marker: also known as a "paintball gun", this is the primary piece of e…

Playing venues

Paintball is played at both commercial venues, which require paid admission, and private land; both of which may include multiple fields of varying size and layout. Fields can be scattered with either natural or artificial terrain, and may also be themed to simulate a particular environment, such as a wooded or urban area, and may involve a historical context. Smaller fields (such as those used f…

Organized play

The first organized paintball game in record was held by Charles Gaines and his friends in New Hampshire in 1981, with the first paintball field opening approximately a year later in Sutton, New Hampshire. In 1983, the first National Survival Game (NSG) championship was held, with a $14,000 cash award for the winning team. As of 2010 , tournaments are largely organized by paintball leag…

Accused terrorists' usage

In the past, unlawful groups and terrorists have been accused of using paintball for tactical training purposes in connection with the following incidents:
Mohamed Mahmood Alessa and Carlos "Omar" Eduardo Almonte, two men arrested in June 2010 as they were bound for Somalia, and charged with terrorism and conspiring to kill, maim, and kidnap people outside the U.S., had simulated combat at an outdoor paintball facility in West Milf…

Safety statistics

The rate of injury to paintball participants has been estimated as 45 injuries per 100,000 participants per year. Research published by the Minnesota Paintball Association has argued that paintball is one of the statistically safest sports to participate in, with 20 injuries per 100,000 players annually, and these injuries tend to be incidental to outdoor physical activity (e.g. trip-and-fall). A 2003 stu…


Paintball has been considered an inappropriate game, that promotes violence, by the Parliament of the Province of Buenos Aires. The approved law 14,492 (December 2012) regulates its use: it is totally forbidden for children under 16 years old, but can be played with written authorization by the parents, or responsible person in charge, of youths between 16 and 18 years old. Originally, the initiative had proposed the total prohibition for players under 21 years old. The penalties are …