what is the easiest defensive driving course online texas

by Dr. Glenna Hartmann MD 6 min read

The 8 Best Texas Defensive Driving Online Courses For 2021

  1. iDriveSafely
  2. Approved Course
  3. Aceable
  4. Improv Traffic School
  5. Get Defensive
  6. DriversEd.com
  7. Traffic School 101
  8. Ticket School

Full Answer

What is the best defensive driving course?

The 7 Best Online Defensive Driving Courses In Texas For 2021

  1. Aceable. Aceable is without a doubt the best online defensive driving course in Texas for 2021. ...
  2. iDriveSafely. iDriveSafely has been around for years and has consistently received positive reviews from its users.
  3. Approved Course. ...
  4. Go To Traffic School. ...
  5. Improv Traffic School. ...
  6. Get Defensive. ...
  7. A Sense Of Humor Defensive Driving Course. ...

What is the shortest defensive driving course in Texas?

  • Approved by the State of Texas
  • Certificate in 30 minutes
  • Automatic electronic reporting to TDLR
  • Lowest price allowed by law in Texas

What are some tips for defensive driving?

Top 10 Defensive Driving Tips

  1. Stay Focused & Alert. The first defensive driving tip seems obvious, yet many drivers don’t follow it. ...
  2. Assume Other Drivers Are Bad Drivers. This rule is reinforced repeatedly in driving school. ...
  3. Follow 3 or 4 Seconds Behind. ...
  4. Reduce Speed (Within Reason) This tip is obvious. ...
  5. Avoid Other Drivers’ Blind Spots. ...
  6. Know How to Escape. ...
  7. Invest in Maintenance. ...

More items...

How much is defensive driving online?

With all of this in mind, the costs of a defensive driving course can cost $20 to $50 if you take an online course. This is for the school only and will not include any additional fees as mentioned below.

What is the easiest defensive driving course in Texas?

Quick List Of The 8 Best Texas Defensive Driving Online Courses For 2022iDriveSafely – Most popular.Approved Course – Easiest course.Aceable – Best on mobile-devices.Improv Traffic School – Most entertaining.

Which online defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Which defensive driving course is fastest?

Fastest online defensive driving course allowed by law – iDriveSafely is certified in most states that allow online defensive driving courses, but each state is a bit unique.

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... IDriveSafely.com has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a DriversEd.com Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•

Is TrafficSchool com legit?

Verified Student Reviews Since 1994, TrafficSchool.com has been striving to exceed the expectations of our students. No matter where you look, you'll see that TrafficSchool.com has earned a 5-star reputation.

What is the difference between home study and Internet traffic school?

Traffic School is typically offered in three different ways: An online course you can take from home (the best option) A classroom-based course you need to physically attend (typically takes 8 hours) A home-study course with a physical booklet (requires the purchase of extra materials)

What is the easiest and fastest online traffic school?

The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

Can you take defensive driving online in Texas?

Our TDLR-approved Texas Online Defensive Driving course satisfies all court requirements for ticket dismissal. You could even save up to 10% on your auto insurance if your provider offers a defensive driving discount. The defensive driving course takes just six hours to complete, and many students finish it in one day.

Is Drivesafetoday com legit?

DriveSafe Online is Legitimate If you need to clean up your driving record and your court allows online completion certificates, DriveSafe Online can help you reduce points and dismiss traffic tickets.

How long is the Texas defensive driving course online?

While there is no standard cost in California, DefensiveDriving.com offers one of the lowest prices among our competitors. By law, our course length is 340 minutes.

What is DDT training?

State agencies can enroll in Defensive Driver Training (DDT) that was developed to help reduce the number, severity, and cost of vehicle-related collisions. The training is also available to non-state employees.

Can traffic school be done online?

There are many online traffic schools, so be sure to choose one that is accredited by your state motor vehicle agency and the local court, or your completion of the course may not be considered valid.

The Right School at The Right Price

With nearly 40 state approved online defensive driving courses in Texas, how in the world are you supposed to know which school is the best one? An...

Stick With TSC Certified Online Defensive Driving Courses

While there are many great traffic school options for the state of Texas, there are quite a few terrible options as well. First, we’ll give you our...

Recommendation #4

While DriversEd.com is primarily an online drivers ed course (the most popular online drivers ed course in the country), they have a Texas online d...

Recommendation #5

While we think the Traffic101.com online defensive driving course is a bit dry and boring, many people don’t care about the fancy graphics, videos,...

Full List of Approved Texas Online Defensive Driving Courses

Below is the full list of defensive driving courses officially approved by Texas. While we recommend you stick with one of our recommended courses...

How long is a defensive driving course in Texas?

Unfortunately, Texas requires the use of “course timers” for the online driving courses. That means, if a course is supposed to take 6 hours, it’ll take you exactly that. Most of the online defensive driving courses in Texas are just walls of text that you need to stare at before you can move onto the next page.

Can you fail defensive driving in Texas?

Taking your Texas defensive driving online is faster, easier, you can’t fail them and the best part may be that clothing is optional. The biggest problem is there are 38 certified online defensive driving courses in Texas.

Is Traffic School 101 a defensive driving course?

Traffic School 101 has been an approved Texas defensive driving course for quite some time now. This usually isn’t a course I recommend first to people as it’s a bit outdated, but this is absolutely the best defensive driving program online if you just want a minimalist type of course.

I Drive Safely

I Drive Safely was one of the first driving schools to recognize the potential of the Internet and launch an online service. Since its inception over 15 years ago, I Drive Safely has served well over 5.5 million drivers with expertly designed defensive driving courses taught by professional instructors.

Improv Traffic School

For people who find driver’s education to be on par in terms of excitement with watching grass grow, Improv Traffic School may offer a solution. The Improv Course has served more than three million students with its comedy antics and has been voted the “Best Traffic School” for making driver’s education entertaining.


DriversEd.com has served more than six million students in more than sixteen different states both online and in person. The company offers everything from online defensive driving training to in-person professional lessons. It has been featured in TechCrunch, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Wired, and Fortune.


Founded in 2012, Aceable is a newcomer in the online defensive driving industry that originated in Austin, Texas. It now offers online courses in other states, but its largest market remains to be where its roots are at.


TrafficSchool101.com is designed to make online driver’s education affordable and even offers a money-back guarantee. Courses consist entirely of text in an effort to make them simple, affordable, and manageable.


GoToTrafficSchool.com is one of the younger online traffic schools in this review, but that doesn’t mean it is lacking. Established in 1999, the school has been able to serve more than four million customers while retaining a five-star rating online and an A+ rating from the BBB.

Making the Most of Your Money

The Internet has simplified the way we do many things, including taking an online course for ticket dismissal or insurance savings. With online defensive driving schools, you won’t need to step out of your home to attend several hours of class. With these online schools, you can completely take control of your schedule and study only when you want.

What is an approved defensive driving course?

Approved Course is a family run online defensive driving course that has focused exclusively on the state of Texas for over a decade. It’s pretty hard to find family-run online businesses, so when given the opportunity to support one, many like to do so. All the benefits that typically come with a family-owned business applies to Approved Course. You’ll get better customer service and more attention to the little details that large corporations cut out in order to save pennies. This is a course that also doesn’t add on hidden fees at the end of the course, which is all too common. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this is perhaps the easiest online defensive driving course in Texas.

Can you study hilarious online?

You can access all hilarious study material online, on any mobile device. That means you can log in and out as you please, as the course is available 24/7. Students don’t need to read boring and lengthy texts.

Is defensive driving online in Texas?

Taking your Texas online defensive driving course is much easier to do now than ever before. Luckily, the state of Texas is one of the few states who have approved online versions of their required defensive driving course for ticket dismissal and insurance reduction. Check Out The TOP Rated Online Defensive Driving Course For Texas Here.

The Perks Of An Online Course

Taking a defensive driving Texas course has many benefits, such as getting a ticket expunged from your record. But the biggest benefits are seen from the ability to take the course online.

What Are The Fastest Defensive Driving Texas Online Courses?

The good news is when selecting an online defensive driving course, you have the option to choose from a few reputable sources. All the courses can be completed as quickly as you would like, and are the fastest online defensive driving courses available.

Complete Your Course Today

With so many options, there is no excuse not to complete your online defensive driving Texas course as soon as possible. Get your life, and driving ability, back as soon as possible. Complete a fast course in a few hours, and reap the rewards the next time you get behind the wheel.


Complete the course at your own pace. Log on and off whenever you want.


Are you looking for a quick, easy online driving safety course? If you need your Texas traffic ticket dismissed or an insurance premium discount, our Texas online driving safety school provides the driver safety training you need.


Our Defensive Drivering Course is TDLR Licensed. (C3266) Overall, you will find our course much easier to complete then others. We also give you unlimited retakes and a free video upgrade.

Instant Certificate Download

Starting November 2018, all Texas Courts accept email copy of your completion certificate. The moment you complete our course, we will email your proof of completion to you. Free of Charge!


80% of our students are refereed to us from a previous student because we offer a full refund guarantee. If you do not love our course, we will give you a 100% refund. That's Peace of Mind!

Study At Your Pace

Our Online Traffic School is completely self paced. Log in and out of the course as many times as you'd like! Your progress is automatically saved.

Works Everywhere

Whether you use a tablet, PC or a smart-phone, our online course works on all devices. You can study at home or work, at your convenience.

Informative Course

Visual aids help our users understand our materials better. We have incorporated videos and graphics to assist you in the learning process.

Reliable Support

Customer support is the backbone of our business. We provide phenomenal support via Live Chat, Email and Phone.

Why do people take defensive driving courses in Texas?

Some people take a Texas defensive driving course to save on insurance rates, but the majority sign up for a course after receiving a traffic ticket. Although there are numerous ways to take defensive driving ...

Why do drivers take defensive driving classes?

While many drivers take a defensive driving course TX because they are required to, others choose to take the course on their own accord. Many drivers choose to take the course as a refresher to their driver’s education courses that they took when first learning how to drive.

How often can you dismiss a traffic ticket in Texas?

Dismiss A Traffic Ticket – Texas law permits the completion of a defensive driving course TX once every year in order to dismiss a traffic ticket. If you get a minor ticket, you may be able to dismiss it by attending a defensive driving course TX.

How many people have taken iDriveSafely?

iDriveSafely is one of the most used online defensive driving programs and they have had over 5,000,000 people dismiss their traffic tickets by taking the course.

When did Texas online driving school start?

This online driving school started back in the late 1990’s, and about 10 years later, they also got into the defensive driving side of things.

Is defensive driving online in Texas?

No matter what your reasoning is for taking a defensive driving course in Texas, the best courses available are those that are available online. Taking a course online provides you with flexibility and convenience, allowing you to complete the course anytime, anywhere. Before enrolling in a course, you should ensure that the course is approved by the state of Texas. Consider our picks for the best defensive driving courses below, which are all approved by the state.

Is distracted driving an epidemic?

Temptations are greater than ever, especially with cell phones. Distracted driving is becoming an increasingly greater epidemic. Consider completing a defensive drivers course as a family. This will hopefully protect the younger drivers in your family, but will also serve as a refresher for you as well.

What Does It Take to be the Best?

Before we dive into our list of the best defensive driving course in Texas, we need to consider the fact that the state of Texas has minimum requirements and guidelines for these courses, so although some courses will advertise that their course is only 6 hours long, that is a state minimum, and not necessarily a feature of that particular course.

Why YOU Should Choose Approved Course!

To better answer this question, first ask yourself “Do I want to actually learn something or just get by?” If your answer to that question is the latter, then you might want to reassess how you are spending your time! It’s certainly understandable, however, to want to get something done quickly and efficiently.

Getting Started with Approved Course

Signing up for this course is very simple. You will need to enter some very basic information including your email address, and then you are on your way.

Choosing the Best Defensive Driving Course in Texas

Remember, when you are shopping around for the best defensive driving course in Texas, check for the basic requirements first; are they approved? Are they a legitimate company? Then look at is their content engaging and memorable? And finally, are they a desired course? Do people just love this course?
