what is the definition of course

by Alexis Bashirian 9 min read

  • A normal or customary sequence.
  • A programme, a chosen manner of proceeding.
  • Any ordered process or sequence or steps.
  • A learning program, as in a school. I need to take a French course.
  • (especially in medicine) A treatment plan.
  • A stage of a meal. We offer seafood as the first course.
  • The succession of one to another in office or duty; order; turn.

Full Answer

What does course stand for?

Definition of course. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : the act or action of moving in a path from point to point the planets in their courses. 2 : the path over which something moves or extends: such as. a : …

What is included in the course?

the path, route, or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream. advance or progression in a particular direction; forward or onward movement. the continuous passage or …

What does the word course mean?

A course is a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject. It usually includes reading and written work that a student has to do. You say that someone takes a …

What does the course consist of?

course noun (CLASSES) A1 [ C ] a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification: They're going away on a training course next week. I'd like …

What is the best definition of course?

Definition of course (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : the act or action of moving in a path from point to point the planets in their courses. 2 : the path over which something moves or extends: such as. a : racecourse.

What is the meaning of in course?

phrase. If something happens in the course of a particular period of time, it happens during that period of time. In the course of the 1930s, steel production in Britain approximately doubled. We struck up a conversation, in the course of which it emerged that he was a sailing man. See full dictionary entry for course.

What does course mean in school?

A course is a series of classes. These classes are all in one area of study. Therefore, when choosing a major, you will take courses geared towards that major. Courses are assigned credits. Colleges dictate how many credits you need to take to graduate.

What are examples of course?

The definition of course is a class you take in school to study a particular subject. An example of a course is a business law class. Course is defined as a specific path that something follows or the way in which something develops. An example of course is the route taken by an airplane.

Why do we say of course?

You use of course as a polite way of giving permission. "Can I just say something about the game on Saturday?"—"Yes, of course you can." You use of course in order to emphasize a statement that you are making, especially when you are agreeing or disagreeing with someone.

What is meaning of course and coarse?

Course. Meaning. Coarse refers to a material which is rough, uneven, impure, cheap or poor in quality. Course implies the route or path, over which something passes or proceeds towards the goal.Oct 9, 2018

What does course year mean?

Course here means the passage of time, so "course of the year" means "throughout the year." See Dictionary.com: the continuous passage or progress through time or a succession of stages: in the course of a year; in the course of the battle.Oct 9, 2011

What is course of study in education?

The term Course of Study refers to an integrated course prepared for academic studies. It is a series of courses that every student should complete before they progress to the next level of education. A usual course of study in high school involves classes in the core subject area.

What is the difference between a course and a class?

Courses represent an area of study pertaining to a specific subject, grade level, and rigor. Classes differ from courses in that they represent sections of a course that are scheduled for a specific academic year, they are assigned to teachers, and they include a roster of students.

What is the definition of a course of action?

a particular manner of proceeding: a course of action. a customary manner of procedure; regular or natural order of events: as a matter of course; the course of a disease. a mode of conduct; behavior. a systematized or prescribed series: a course of lectures; a course of medical treatments.

What is a course in economics?

a program of instruction, as in a college or university: a course in economics. a prescribed number of instruction periods or classes in a particular field of study. a part of a meal served at one time: The main course was roast chicken with mashed potatoes and peas. Navigation.

What does "advanced" mean?

advance or progression in a particular direction; forward or onward movement. the continuous passage or progress through time or a succession of stages: in the course of a year; in the course of the battle. the track, ground, water, etc., on which a race is run, sailed, etc.: One runner fell halfway around the course.

What is a building trade?

Building Trades. a continuous and usually horizontal range of bricks, shingles, etc., as in a wall or roof. one of the pairs of strings on an instrument of the lute family, tuned in unison or in octaves to increase the volume.

What is nautical sail?

nautical any of the sails on the lowest yards of a square-rigged ship.

What does "course" mean?

course. (kɔrs, koʊrs) n., v. coursed, cours•ing. n. 1. a direction or route taken or to be taken. 2. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream. 3. advance or progression in a particular direction.

What is a fad?

5. A typical, natural, or customary manner of proceeding or developing: a fad that ran its course. 6. A systematic or orderly succession; a sequence: a course of medical treatments. 7. A continuous layer of building material, such as brick or tile, on a wall or roof of a building. 8. a.

course noun (MEAL)

A traditional British main course consists of a meat dish with potatoes and other vegetables.


We use of course to refer to things that are obvious or already known to the speaker and listener, or to everybody: …
