what is the course number in college class

by Olga Bogisich DVM 7 min read

The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course. Courses numbered 0-99 are primarily designed for freshman and sophomore students.

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6 rows · Jan 24, 2002 · Course numbers usually have 3 digits. Introductory courses in any department are likely numbered ...

What are the hardest courses in college?

Jan 19, 2022 · Course Number – the three-digit number that distinguishes a course within a Course Subject Area. These numbers carry no meaning by themselves, with the exception of four Course Numbers reserved for courses included in each Course Subject Area: 995—Course Subject Area—Aide.

What is the most enrolled college course?

Mar 31, 2021 · Updated 03/31/2021 08:24 AM. The five-digit section number denotes the day, time, location and instructor teaching the course. This five digit number and all pertinent information attached to a section number is set by the department of the course. A unique five-digit section number is assigned to a lecture, discussion, lab and quiz individually.

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What does a course number look like?

Course Numbers These are often three digits long, but many colleges use four digits (or even five). These numbers are the main way colleges organize their course catalog. No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number.Aug 31, 2020

Is class number the same as course number?

The word "class" is used to identify the days/times that a specific course meets (i.e. BIOL 1408 8001). These specific class meetings are called class sections. The word "course" is used to identify a common topic or subject area. These courses will share a common course number (i.e. BIOL 1408).Nov 21, 2000

What do course numbers mean?

Courses are designated by two numbers, separated by a colon. The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course.

What information does a course number identify?

Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

How many digits are in a course number?

Course numbers usually have 3 digits. Introductory courses in any department are likely numbered 101. Courses with less than three significant digits (005, 099, etc.) are likely to be remedial, tutoring, or non-credit classes.

Why do colleges have a course number?

Most college courses in America have, in addition to a title, a course number, which conveys some information about the course and helps in organizing course catalogs and the like.
