what is the central concern of an engineering ethics course? perscription or description?

by Abel Cole II 4 min read

Prescription (as opposed to description) is the central concern of an engineering ethics course.

What is virtue Ethics primarily concerned with?

Virtue ethics is primarily concerned with traits of character that are essential to human flourishing, not with the enumeration of duties.

Why are virtue ethics important for engineers?

Virtue ethics is a more appropriate vehicle for expressing these aspects of engineering professionalism. Some of the unique features of virtue ethics are the greater place it gives for discretion and judgment and also for inner motivation and commitment.

Why might an engineer be obligated to follow engineering codes and regulation according to a utilitarian?

Why might an engineer be obligated to follow engineering codes and regulations according to a utilitarian? The codes and regulations maximize the greatest possible outcomes.

When we examine the reliability of intuitions we are looking at our reasoning process?

Intuition --- When we examine the reliability of intuitions, we do so by looking at our reasoning process. Intuition --- Intuition is defined as insight that just seems to be true or correct. Intuition is not the result of perception, introspection or explicit inference.

What are virtue ethics in engineering?

Virtue Ethics in Engineering. Virtues are desirable habits or tendencies in action, commitment, motive, attitude, and emotion, and virtue ethics emphasizes these characteristics more than rules and regulations. It is important for engineers to have certain virtues in order to truly protect the welfare of the public.

What is the most important virtue of an engineer?

He asserts that a good engineer has virtues including: (1) sensitivity to risk, (2) awareness of the social context of technology, (3) respect for nature, and (4) commitment to the public good. ...

What ethical issues are involved in engineering ethics?

Case Studies on Engineering EthicsTo Ship or Not to Ship. A quality assurance engineer must decide whether or not to ship products that might be defective.Time-Sharing Space. ... Inhibited Reaction. ... Apathy over Anonymity. ... Questioning a Mentor. ... Copyright Concerns. ... Off the Clock. ... Misinterpretation Mishap.More items...

Why is the study of professional ethics important for engineers?

The study of ethics as related to the practice of engineering helps us develop moral competence when applied to our profession. That is why it is important to develop moral competence in engineering issues. You can develop and improve your moral competence.

What are ethical issues in engineering?

Engineering design ethics concerns issues that arise during the design of technological products, processes, systems, and services. This includes issues such as safety, sustainability, user autonomy, and privacy. Ethical concern with respect to technology has often focused on the user phase.