what is the audit number for a defensive driving course

by Jess Schinner 6 min read

What is a audit DD number? A Texas driver’s license audit number is the 20-digit number at the bottom of your driver’s license says online defensive driving course provider Comedy Driving. Texas audit numbers or the DD number at the bottom of your Texas driver’s license is unique to each driver’s license you receive in the mail.

A Texas driver's license audit number is the 20-digit number at the bottom of your driver's license says online defensive driving course provider Comedy Driving. Texas audit numbers or the DD number at the bottom of your Texas driver's license is unique to each driver's license you receive in the mail.

Full Answer

What is a defensive driving course?

Jun 08, 2021 · A Texas driver’s license audit number is the 20-digit number at the bottom of your driver’s license says online defensive driving course provider Comedy Driving. Texas audit numbers or the DD number at the bottom of your Texas driver’s license is unique to each driver’s license you receive in the mail. How do I find my drivers license audit number? Your audit …

How do I sign up for defensive driver course?

The Texas Driver’s License audit number is that 20-digit number written at the bottom of the driver’s license. Also known as the DD, it is unique to each driver’s license that you receive in the mail. This rule means the DD will change if you want to apply for a new driver’s license. If you make changes or renew your license, you will get a new audit number sent to your mail, or you …

How can I view the discounted pricing for the defensive driving course?

A Texas driver’s license audit number is the 20-digit number at the bottom of your driver’s license says online defensive driving course provider Comedy Driving. Texas audit numbers or the DD number at the bottom of your Texas driver’s license is unique to each driver’s license you receive in the mail.

How do I register for GSA fleet's defensive driver course?

Online Defensive Driving Courses. National Online Defensive Driving and Traffic School Customer Service: (713) 488-4000 . ... You can find your Audit Number on your Driver License. It will be either 11 or 20 digits long, depending on how long you've had your license.

What is your most recent audit number?

Your audit number is a 4-digit code on the lower right corner of your license.

Is DD the same as document number?

the I-9 form asks for a document number as does the e-verify system for new employees. In Texas, we have a 20 digit DD number (the letters DD: followed by 20 digits) near the bottom of the card (in the middle, not lower right or on the back). The DD is called the audit number and also called the document discriminator.May 31, 2019

What is the DD number on my Texas drivers license?

DD is an abbreviation for Document Discriminator. A number of states started adding this piece of information to their driver's licenses several years ago. The DD is a security code that identifies where and when the license was issued. It, thus, uniquely identifies each card for a given individual.Nov 1, 2020

How do I get my driving record without an audit number in Texas?

If you do not have your audit number or cannot answer your security questions, it will be necessary for you to request your driver record by mail by completing and mailing the Application for Copy of Driver Record (DR-1) along with the appropriate fee.Nov 18, 2020

What does 5 DD mean on Florida drivers license?

Document Discriminator5 Document Discriminator A unique number indicating issuance office, issue date and form number. 8 Cardholder Address The place where the cardholder resides and/or may be contacted (street/house number, municipality).Aug 21, 2017

What is a document number?

[′däk·yə·mənt ‚nəm·bər] (computer science) The number given to a document by its originators to be used as a means for retrieval; it will follow any one of various systems, such as chronological, subject area, or accession.

How do I find my Texas audit number?

A Texas driver's license audit number is the 20-digit number at the bottom of your driver's license says online defensive driving course provider Comedy Driving. Texas audit numbers or the DD number at the bottom of your Texas driver's license is unique to each driver's license you receive in the mail.

What is my audit number Texas?

Your audit number is a 11 to 20 digit number most often found towards the bottom of your driver license. In some instances it can be found vertically next to your picture.

What does ISS mean on ID?

Date IssuedISS is the Issue Date of your Driver's License. If you are using the software and you find out that your ID does not have an ISS (Date Issued), you will not be able to use this feature, instead remove the data from the ID number field and the expiration date field.Jun 6, 2019

What is the audit number on a Louisiana driver's license?

There is an audit code on the card you must enter. The audit code is a four digit number labeled AUDIT on the front of the license. NOTICE: A Louisiana Mobility Impaired card is not an acceptable form of identification, since it does not contain a signature.

What kind of driving record do I need for defensive driving Texas?

Certified Type 3A driving recordThe court needs your driving record to ensure you haven't taken a defensive driving course more than the allowed one time per year. You'll need to order a Certified Type 3A driving record. This copy of your driving record lists all tickets and accidents in your driving history.

How do I get a copy of my driving record in Minnesota?

Reports can be obtained in person or by mail at Driver and Vehicle Services, 445 Minnesota Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5161. A search fee is charged for all report requests. For questions, call (651) 296-2940.

Ordering A Driver Record Via Your Audit Number Online Or By Mail

You can use your driver’s license audit number to order your driving records. You can order a driver’s record for your Texas driver’s license, commercial driver’s license, or identification card.

What Are The Steps To Take To Order Your Driver Records Online?

The most convenient way of obtaining your driver record is online, and to do this, you must know the type of driver record you are searching. You need to have the following information at your disposal just before you commence searching for your driver records online;

Ordering You Driver Record Online

Once you log onto the website, order your driver record and email yourself or print it out immediately. Companies that want to receive driver records directly must email the License and Record Service for information.

Texas Driver Record Types And Information Provided In Them When You Order

This record is the primary driver record you can order from the Texas Department for Safety. It provides information on the status record and only costs $4. The information provided on this record includes your date of birth, license status, home address, plus the original Texas driver’s license application date.


The audit number lookup online is simple and affordable. You may not be allowed to apply for two different driver records at the same time. A driver record requested will normally have a due date within which you have to use it for any specific purpose.

Is the DD number the audit number?

The field is named “DD”, which is an initialism for “Document Discriminator”, which is the technical name for the audit number under the Federal REAL ID Act: The purpose of the number is to uniquely identify each license the TxDPS issues.

What is the DD number?

A DD number or draft number is a serial number printed on the left bottom of the draft. The DD number is a serial number similar to a cheque number. … DD number plays an important role in the case of a stolen draft.

What does the first letter on your drivers license mean in California?

The letter represents the first initial and numbers represent the consonants of the surname. … The first letter in your drivers license number will represent the first letter of your last name. The three numbers following that letter are used as a hashing system to roughly sound like your last name.

Is your DL and ID number the same?

The driver’s license number IS the driver’s license identification number. … Some states use a person’s Social Security ID number as the license ID number, some do not. Unlike inmates of Nazi concentration camps with their tatooed ID numbers, American citizens do not have AN identification number. Most of us have many.

Can you find someone by their drivers license number?

In most cases, the office will able to verify the license over the phone, as long as you provide enough identifying information such as name, address, date of birth and possibly Social Security number. …

What does document discriminator mean?

DD stands for “document discriminator.” It is an internal number that state agencies use to identify a particular document, such as your driver’s license, from other documents that may have been issued in the past.

Can you find someone by their license number?

In most cases, the office will able to verify the license over the phone, as long as you provide enough identifying information such as name, address, date of birth and possibly Social Security number. …

What is defensive driving in Arizona?

What is the Arizona Defensive Driving Program? Statewide Traffic Schools Defensive Driving course is the best defensive driving program in the United States because completion of the 4-hour course results in the court's dismissal of a traffic violation.

Can you audit a defensive driving course?

Yes, you may audit a class for $39 school fee for driver improvement education or insurance discounts for insurance companies that provide discounts for attending a defensive driving course.

How long is defensive driving?

The Defensive Driving Course is a four-hour online course that presents real-life driving situations and hazards. The course helps you change your driving habits and behaviors to avoid collisions and traffic violations.

Can you get driver safety training for free?

Safety Training. If you are a leasing customer, you can receive driver safety training for free from GSA Fleet. If you are a federal employee that is not a leasing customer, you can view the discounted pricing on GSA Schedule 874.

Can you register for GSA Fleet?

Federal employees who drive GSA Fleet-leased vehicles are eligible to register for either GSA Fleet's Defensive Driver Course or Professional Truck Driver Course. If you have a GSA Fleet Drive-thru account, please log in, scroll over Training in the upper navigation bar, and click on Defensive Driver Course.

How to enroll in defensive driving?

Besides the obvious benefit of making you a better driver, there are several other reasons to enroll. These include: 1 Many auto insurance providers reward enrollment with lower premiums. Contact your car insurance agent and ask if this money-saving option exists with your plan. 2 Traffic tickets. Depending on your state or situation, completing a defensive driving course may prompt your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or presiding court to dismiss the charges. This could possibly prevent your drivers license from getting suspended or revoked. For example, say you have an excessive number of speeding tickets on your driving record, and you just got flagged again, putting you in jeopardy of being declared a habitual offender. Having the ticket removed could possibly save your driving privileges. 3 Some states reward traffic school enrollment with the removal of points. New York, for example, trims up to four points from a driving record. The exact number of points removed depends on state.

How many points are removed from a driving record in New York?

Some states reward traffic school enrollment with the removal of points. New York, for example, trims up to four points from a driving record. The exact number of points removed depends on state. If you enroll for the purpose of tickets or points, be sure the traffic school you enroll in meets state approval. Otherwise, you will not be credited.

Why do I need to enroll in car insurance?

These include: Many auto insurance providers reward enrollment with lower premiums. Contact your car insurance agent and ask if this money-saving option exists with your plan. Traffic tickets.

What is the danger of driving under the influence of alcohol?

The dynamics of a crash. This pertains to how speed, place of impact and size of vehicle affects the severity of the collision. An extensive look at safety equipment, addressing the importance of seat belts, head rests, air bags, and child safety seats.

Can you get your license suspended for defensive driving?

This could possibly prevent your drivers license from getting suspended or revoked.
